Hand cricket game using hand gesture recognition ( OpenCv - Python ( image processing ) )
These are the prerequisites for using the Hand Crcket Game application.
• Python 3.7 : https://www.python.org/downloads/
• Numpy package : use command pip install numpy
• OpenCV library : use command pip install opencv-python
• Tkinter library ( a python GUI library )
After meeting the above requirements , clone the project from git using " git clone " command ( i.e downloading main.py file )
Open command prompt ( for windows ) / terminal ( for Mac) .Change the directory to where you have downloaded the application and run using command python3 main.py / python main.py
( You can also use VS code by opening the main.py file and executing using “run” .But make sure to install python extension and the above mentioned packages , library using command python -m pip install somePackage if not done.)