RNA-Seq differential gene expression pipeline (Example Report http://rpubs.com/riverlee2008/RNASeqDEPipeline_Example)
- Usage
- Required Packages
- Example
RNASeqDEPipeline.pl RNASeqDEPipeline.cfg
Detailed information about configure file please refer to RNASeqDEPipeline.cfg or example/liver_kind_local.cfg. A file describing input fastq files has 5 columns, there are sample, group,is_paired,whichend and filename, please refer to example/files_local.list for more information.
The pipeline is writtein in a combinatin of perl and R. In order to run tophat simutanesouly, package Parallel::ForkManager is required. To install it, typing
cpan INSTALL Parallel::ForkManager
wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/D/DL/DLUX/Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9.tar.gz
tar zxvf Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9.tar.gz
cd Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9/
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
Installing R packages
#Install packages from CRAN
#Install packages from bioconductor
We use the RNA-Seq data comes from paper RNA-seq: An assessment of technical reproducibility and comparison with gene expression arrays. Genome Research 2008 Sep;18(9):1509-17.. Liver and kidney cell lines with two different concentrations (1.5pm and 3pm) individually were sequenced across the two runs. Here we only used liver and kidney cells with concentration 1.5pm in the second run in our pipleline as an example. The liver samples were placed in lane 1 and lane 7 while the kidney samples were placed in lane 4 and lane 8. The perl codes in the example/codes were used to parse the data downloaded from SRA. Here is the steps to use the code *download.pl -- download the data from SRA *seperate2lane.pl -- Separate reads in a run into each lane. (use fastq-dump first to convert .sra to fastq) *change_name.pl -- According to the paper, change the SRRXXXXXX ids into meaningful names
The configure file and files list description used in this example are liver_kind_local.cfg and files_local.list in the example folder. The output report is named DEReport.html containing the running codes and running time in each step (The tophat, cuffdiff, and DE by R are not gitted here).