Data and scripts associated with a manuscript on a meta-analysis synthesizing stream biogeochemical response to wildfires across space and time.
Jake Cavaiani, Peter Regier, Alan Roebuck, Morgan Barnes, Vanessa A Garayburu-Caruso, Xia Gillespie, Sophia A McKever, Lupita Renteria, and Allison Myers-Pigg
This data package is associated with the publication “Catchment characteristics modulate the influence of wildfires on nitrate and dissolved organic carbon across space and time: A meta-analysis.” submitted to Global Change Biology (Cavaiani et al. 2024., in preparation). This study uses meta-analytical techniques to evaluate the effect of wildfire on in-stream responses in burned and unburned watersheds. The study aims to provide additional insight into the range of responses and net influences that wildfires have on hydro-biogeochemistry across broad spatial scales, burn extents, and the persistence of water-quality change. This study compiles data and metadata from 18 total publications that includes 1) surface water geochemistry data (dissolved organic carbon; nitrate), 2) climate classifications, 3) year of the wildfire, 4) the time lag between when the fire occurred and when the sampling occurred, and 5) study design of the publication. In total, this meta-analysis draws data that spans 8 climate guilds, 3 biomes, 62 watersheds, and 20 unique wildfires. See “Sites_meta_data.csv” for citations of the papers used in this meta-analysis.
This data package contains five primary folders that include the following: (1) inputs; (2) output for analysis; (3) initial plots; (4) R scripts; and (5) GIS data. The data package also contains a data dictionary (dd) that provides column header definitions and a file-level metadata (flmd) file that describes every file. The “inputs” folder contains a list of all publications identified during the formal web search and an indication of whether each publication was included in the final analysis. Additionally, it includes site-level metadata, catchment characteristics, and GIS data for all publications included in the final analysis. The “Output_for_analysis” folder contains all data frames and figures generated from each R script used for additional data analysis. The “initial_plots” folder includes all exploratory figures that will be included in a supplemental and figures that will be submitted with the manuscript for publication. The “R_scripts” folder contains the scripts that perform all the data manipulations, statistical analyses, and plots. The “gis_data” folder includes shape files for each fire included in this meta-analysis. This data package contains the following file types: csv, pdf, jpeg, cpg, dbf, prj, shp, shp.ea.iso.xml, shp.iso.xml, shx.
In addition to this repo, the Data Package is published and publicly available on ESS-DIVE. If using these data, please cite the Data Package with the following citation and DOI:
Cavaiani J ; Regier P ; Roebuck A ; Barnes M ; Garayburu-Caruso V A ; Gillespie X ; McKever S A ;
Renteria L ; Forbes B ; Powers-McCormack B ; Myers-Pigg A (2024): Data and scripts associated
with a manuscript on a meta-analysis synthesizing stream biogeochemical response to wildfires
across space and time. River Corridor and Watershed Biogeochemistry SFA, ESS-DIVE repository.
Dataset. doi:10.15485/2319038
Jake Cavaiani,
Allison Myers-Pigg,