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Multiple Rare-variants and Phenotypes Mixture Model

This directory contains code and documentation for the Multiple Rare-variants and Phenotypes Mixture Model by Venkataraman et. al.. The repository is maintained by Guhan Ram Venkataraman (GitHub: guhanrv).

Script details and options

A full list of options can be obtained by running python3 -h, and the output is replicated here for reference:

(base) user$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] --variants VARIANTS --phenotypes PHENOTYPES
                --metadata_path METADATA_PATH --build {hg19,hg38}
                [--variant_filters {pcv,pav,ptv} [{pcv,pav,ptv} ...]]
                [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER] [--C CLUSTERS [CLUSTERS ...]]
                [--se_thresh SE_THRESH] [--maf_thresh MAF_THRESH]
                [--fout FOUT]

MRPMM takes in several variables that affect how it runs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --variants VARIANTS   path to file containing list of variants to include,
                                 one line per variant. Has a header of "V".
                                 format of file:
  --phenotypes PHENOTYPES
                        path to tab-separated file containing list of: 
                                 summary statistic file paths,
                                 phenotypes, and
                                 whether or not to use the file in R_phen generation.
                                 path        study    pheno        R_phen
                                 /path/to/file1   study1    pheno1     TRUE
                                 /path/to/file2   study2    pheno2     FALSE
  --metadata_path METADATA_PATH
                        path to tab-separated file containing:
                                 gene symbols,
                                 and HGVSp annotations.
                                 V       gene_symbol     most_severe_consequence HGVSp  
                                 1:69081:G:C     OR4F5   5_prime_UTR_variant     ""
  --build {hg19,hg38}   genome build (hg19 or hg38). Required.
  --variant_filters {pcv,pav,ptv} [{pcv,pav,ptv} ...]
                        variant set(s) to consider. 
                                 options: proximal coding [pcv], 
                                          protein-altering [pav], 
                                          protein truncating [ptv],
                                          (default: ptv). can run multiple.
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        folder to which output(s) will be written (default: current folder).
                                 if folder does not exist, it will be created.
                        what number of clusters to use. must be valid ints. can input multiple
                                 (default: 1).
  --se_thresh SE_THRESH
                        SE threshold for variant inclusion
  --maf_thresh MAF_THRESH
                        MAF threshold for variant inclusion
  --fout FOUT           file prefix with which output(s) will be written (default: underscore-delimited

Variant groupings

The following groups are how we assign priors (sigma_m) to variants: Protein-truncating variants (PTVs), Protein-altering variants (PAVs), proximal coding variants (PCVs), and intronic variants ("all" setting above).

ptv = ['frameshift_variant', 'splice_acceptor_variant', 'splice_donor_variant', 'stop_gained', 'start_lost', 'stop_lost']. By default, PTVs are assigned a spread (sigma) of 0.2.

pav = ['protein_altering_variant', 'inframe_deletion', 'inframe_insertion', 'splice_region_variant', 'start_retained_variant', 'stop_retained_variant', 'missense_variant']. By default, PAVs are assigned a spread (sigma) of 0.05.

proximal_coding = ['synonymous_variant', '5_prime_UTR_variant', '3_prime_UTR_variant', 'coding_sequence_variant', 'incomplete_terminal_codon_variant', 'TF_binding_site_variant']. By default, PCVs are assigned a spread (sigma) of 0.03.

intron = ['regulatory_region_variant', 'intron_variant', 'intergenic_variant', 'downstream_gene_variant', 'mature_miRNA_variant', 'non_coding_transcript_exon_variant', 'upstream_gene_variant', 'NA', 'NMD_transcript_variant']. By default, intronic variants are assigned a spread (sigma) of 0.02.

These groupings and their sigma values can be changed in the filter_category method within

IMPORTANT NOTE: If pav is selected as the analysis type, then PAVs and PTVs are included in the analysis (cascading down). If pcv is selected, then PCVs, PAVs and PTVs are all included.

Downloading variant metadata files

We provide variant metadata files for both UK Biobank array and exome for direct download. We generated these files as described in Venkataraman et. al..

Example use cases

We provide for download exome meta-analysis summary statistics for HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol.

Trait Summary Statistic
HDL Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol

Protein-truncating variant clustering analysis

Say we want to obtain variant clusterings for PTVs in genes signfiicantly associated to these phenotypes (HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL Cholesterol) and want an analysis of how well these variants fit into up to 5 clusters of effects. We can find which genes are candidate genes by looking at our exome-wide gene-based results here or the same for array here. Let's say we're interested in investigating the PTVs within the PCSK9 and APOB genes. Using the appropriate metadata file (array, HG19, or exome, HG38), we can extract those variants that we want to a file. The file (which will be input into the --variants parameter) should look like this:


Then, we can create a "map file" (to be input into --phenotypes) that looks like the following:

path	study	pheno	R_phen
/path/to/hdl_mrpmm.glm.linear.gz	metal	hdl	TRUE
/path/to/tg_mrpmm.glm.linear.gz        metal   tg     TRUE
/path/to/ldl_mrpmm.glm.linear.gz        metal   ldl     TRUE

Then, from the command line, we run:

python3 --variants /path/to/variant_file --phenotypes /path/to/map_file --build hg38 --metadata_path /path/to/ukb_exm_oqfe-consequence_wb_maf_gene_ld_indep_mpc_pli.tsv.gz --C 1 2 3 4 5 --se_thresh 100 --variant_filters ptv

Note the use of a non-default higher SE threshold for quantitative trait. The defaults should take care of the rest.

Other optionalities

As mentioned in the -h command, MRPMM is flexible enough to perform clusterings for any valid integer value of clusters, use different standard error and minor allele frequency thresholds, and analyze PCVs, PAVs, or PTVs. We caution against using MRPMM for a large number of genes (containing a large number of variants) as this may result in none of the hypothesized number of clusters fitting well.

Output file breakdown

MRPMM generates many output files, of which one will want to focus on one in particular first: the [prefix].mcmc.bic.aic file. This file lists all of the hypothesized cluster numbers that were input using --C and their respective BICs, AICs, and log10 BFs. Say we have the following [prefix].mcmc.bic.aic file in front of us:

num_clusters    BIC     AIC     log10BF
1       6063.691114441356       6063.691114441356       0.0
2       4495.053803446649       4430.75631201471        340.6252641362782
3       4320.899818566134       4192.304835702254       378.44232145381324
4       3783.064880281787       3590.1724059859675      495.2316943896472
5       4013.246244148247       3756.056278420488       445.24844630756303
6       3827.3862310565582      3505.8987738968594      485.60743535365634
7       4776.585262607093       4390.800314015454       279.4914845385025
8       3707.0659512171856      3256.9835111936072      511.7346521513037

This would imply that the clear choice for the number of clusters would be 4, since the log10 BF decreases and the BIC/AIC increase after this number of clusters (for BIC and AIC, which are measures of fit, lower is better). One might be tempted to pick 8 clusters, since the log10 BF is highest there, but generally it is best to pick the "first best" number of clusters.

Next, there should be a file called [prefix]_4.mcmc.bc. We look at this file because we have picked 4 clusters as our best number of clusters. This file provides the effect size profiles for each phenotype (that is part of the potentially multivariate phenotype) per cluster. These can be visualized in any plotting software of your choice.

Finally, we want the variant-level breakdown of how each variant is classified to each cluster. This can be found in [prefix]_4.mcmc.posteriors and visualized accordingly. Gene-level posteriors can be derived from this set of files by grouping by gene and averaging the posterior probabilities of the variants within the genes being assigned to each cluster.


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