Zoomtod is a client project that constists of -
a) RTC Application built using FLUTTER - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.livekit.zoomtod&pcampaignid=web_share
b) Admin Panel build using ReactJS - https://admin.zoomtod.com
c) Backend built using ExpressJS (this repository)
d) Web Socket server built using SocketIO and NodeJS ( Another repository )
e) Prometheus Server Monitoring (Docker compose and prometheus-config.yml) - https://prom.zoomtod.com
f) Grafana Visualization - https://metrics.zoomtod.com (Viewer Id - public Viewer Password - public)
g) Loki for Logs collection ( Displayed on the Grafana Dashboard )
h) Livekit WebRTC Server for Real Time Communication - https://livekit.zoomtod.com
i) Docker and Nginx Obviously!