I’m an ardent developer who likes to turn aesthetics into code. Dart makes my heart Flutter and I’ve been fluttering ever since. I have hands-on experience working with APIs, managing the app state using state management techniques like Provider, Getx, and bloc, and integrating database management systems like Hive and Sqflite. I’m also proficient with Git. This world is an ever-changing place and I believe we should keep ourselves up to it. My other skills include Javascript, MongoDB, HTML and CSS. I have a keen interest in sports and music, so I try to devote my time there whenever my mind wanders off.
- 🌍 I'm based in Bengaluru, karnataka, India.
- ✉️ You can contact me at arijeetc6@gmail.com
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Projects in and around the Flutter framework.
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