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123 lines (96 loc) · 4.23 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (96 loc) · 4.23 KB

This project aims to port the Liquid Templating Language over to CFML. For the port I'm using the PHP port of the language.

How To Use

<!--- make sure the liquid library is loaded in the application scope --->
<cfif !StructKeyExists(application, "liquid")>
	<cfset application.liquid = createObject("component", "lib.Liquid").init()>

<!--- create our template object --->
<cfset template = application.liquid.template()>

<!--- create the source we want to parse --->
<cfsavecontent variable="source">
<h1>{{ pageTitle }}</h1>
{% if query.size %}
	{% for item in query %}
		<li>{{ item.project }} - <a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a></li>
	{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No records found</p>
{% endif %}

<!--- lets assign some variables to the source --->
<!--- create a mock query for showing what this thing can do --->
<cfset q = QueryNew("project,link")>
<cfset QueryAddRow(q)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "project", "CFWheels")>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "link", "")>
<cfset QueryAddRow(q)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "project", "ColdMVC")>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "link", "")>
<cfset QueryAddRow(q)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "project", "FW/1")>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "link", "")>
<cfset QueryAddRow(q)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "project", "Fusebox")>
<cfset QuerySetCell(q, "link", "")>

<!--- create a structure to pass in --->
<cfset assigns = {query = q, pageTitle = "ColdFusion Frameworks on Github"}>

NOTE: if there are any errors in the source, a LiquidError exception will be thrown
Always wrap the calls to Liquid in a try/catch block so you can display
the parsing errors to the user.
	<!--- parse the source --->
	<cfset template.parse(source)>
	<!--- render the output --->
	<cfcatch type="LiquidError">

would produce

<h1>ColdFusion Frameworks on Github</h1>
		<li>CFWheels - <a href=""></a></li>
		<li>ColdMVC - <a href=""></a></li>
		<li>FW/1 - <a href=""></a></li>
		<li>Fusebox - <a href=""></a></li>

More examples and information can be found in the original Liquid documentation

Currect State

Currently this project is in a state that I'm happy with. As a result, I will be focusing my attention on CFWheels. If you would like to take over the project as the maintainer, please contact me through github.

What's left to do

I was going to add caching but I'm deciding against it as (from what I can tell) the original Liquid library doesn't have it. Feel free to implement it if you desire.

Running Tests

Tests are written using the RocketUnit framework. To run the tests first clone the project into a directory off your webroot called cfml-liquid. Next point your browser to http://localhost/cfml-liquid/tests.

Issues and Enhancements

I will be taking issues requests until the project is passed to a maintainer. Please file your issues in the issue tracker for this repo.

I will not be taking enhancement requests. If there is something that you want added to the project, please fork the project, code the enhancement and send me a pull requst.

Latest Release

Releases can be downloaded directly from Github



  • added RAW tag
  • added the following filters
    • append
    • prepend
    • escape
    • remove
    • remove_first
    • replace
    • replace_first
    • sort