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Kotlin SDK for using the APIs


This Kotlin SDK is built to interact with the Magic: The Gathering API, providing a clean, Kotlin-centric interface to access the API’s data. The SDK is designed to offer a more modern and structured approach with features such as UseCases, tailored for better flexibility and ease of use compared to other SDKs available.

The SDK was developed to offer a more modern alternative to the officially listed Kotlin SDK for the Magic: The Gathering API, which also don't appear to be maintained anymore. It aims to provide developers with a better, more organized way to interact with the API while being easy to integrate into your Kotlin-based applications.

The Magic: The Gathering API documentation can be found here for a deeper understanding of how the API works.

Feel free to use or fork it as per your needs!

WIP - Ongoing updates to complete development and polish features.


Current SDK version: v1.0.0.81


There are three methods you can choose from to install the MTG API Kotlin SDK into your project: via GitHub Packages or Maven Central (recommended) or by manually downloading the .jar file.

Option 1: GitHub Packages (Recommended)

You can use GitHub Packages to easily install the SDK into your project using Gradle. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Add the GitHub Packages repository to your build.gradle file:

    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("")
            credentials {
                username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") ?: System.getenv("USERNAME_GITHUB")
                password = project.findProperty("gpr.token") ?: System.getenv("TOKEN_GITHUB")
  2. Add the dependency for the SDK:

    dependencies {
        implementation 'com.rikezero:mtgapi-kotlin-sdk:v1.0.0.71'

    Make sure to replace v1.0.0.71 with the appropriate version number as needed.

  3. To authenticate to GitHub Packages, create a personal access token on GitHub with the appropriate permissions

  4. and set the gpr.user and gpr.token properties in your project (or environment variables).

For more information about working with GitHub Packages, check out the official GitHub Packages documentation.

Option 2: Maven Central (Recommended)

You can use GitHub Packages to easily install the SDK into your project using Gradle. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Add the Maven Central repository to your settings.gradle.kts file:

    pluginManagement {
       repositories {        
  2. Add the dependency for the SDK to your build.gradle.kts:

    dependencies {

Make sure to replace v1.0.0.71 with the appropriate version number as needed.

Option 3: Manual Installation

If you prefer not to use GitHub Packages, you can manually download the .jar file from the releases page of this repository.

  1. Visit the Releases page on GitHub.

  2. Download the .jar file corresponding to the release you want to use.

  3. Add the .jar file to your project's libs directory (or any folder where you store external dependencies).

  4. In your build.gradle file, add the following to include the .jar file in your project:

    dependencies {
        implementation files('libs/mtgapi-kotlin-sdk-v1.0.0.71.jar')

Make sure to replace mtgapi-kotlin-sdk-v1.0.0.71.jar with the actual filename of the .jar file you downloaded.

Initializing the Library in Koin

Once you have successfully installed the library, you can initialize it in your Koin setup.

  1. In your Application class (for Android):

    class MyApplication : Application() {
        override fun onCreate() {
            // Initialize Koin when the app starts
            startKoin {
                modules(initialModules)  // This could be your global/default modules
            // Load the MTG API library modules after Koin is initialized
            startMtgApiLibrary()  // Ensure to call this after Koin initialization
  2. In a Pure Kotlin Project (non-Android):

    import org.koin.core.context.startKoin
    fun main() {
        // Initialize Koin with global/default modules
        startKoin {
            modules(initialModules)  // Define the modules you want to use globally and don't rely on this lib
        // Dynamically load the MTG API library modules
        startMtgApiLibrary()  // Ensure to call this after Koin initialization
        loadModulesThatRelyOnThisLib() //to prevent problems with dependency injection you should load your modules 
        // after you've started MTG API Library

In both cases, ensure that startMtgApiLibrary() is called after initializing Koin (startKoin()), but before using any services or features provided by the MTG API library.