My Poetry Web Site
> npm start
> npm install
/list/"author" brings a list of all author's titles
/id/ brings a id's text and title
> install PostgreSQL
update /lib/routes.js with credentials
CREATE TABLE public.poetry ( id integer NOT NULL, author character(64), title character(64), year character(12), text text, CONSTRAINT poetry_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE public.poetry OWNER TO postgres;
CREATE TABLE public.users ( id UUID NOT NULL, firstName CHAR(64), middleName CHAR(64), lastName CHAR(64), email CHAR(128), password CHAR(60), CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY(id) ) WITH (oids = false);
CREATE TABLE public.favorite ( id integer NOT NULL, userid integer, poetryid integer, description text, CONSTRAINT favorite_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE public.favorite OWNER TO postgres;