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102 lines (91 loc) · 5.3 KB

Very short and compact README.

Code made in PyCharm, using python 3.9.5. Creating a new environment and installing packages with requirements.txt should work. Otherwise one of the two provided environment configs can be used. environment-base.yaml is the environment I made everything in, so it quite bloated with unused packages etc. environment-clean.yaml provides an environment with only the necessary packages and should work as well.

Main components of code:

  1. Run for training. Uses a couple of methods to get all the parameters
  • Argparser in main: (train-specific arguments)

    • num_workers: (int) number of cpu cores available
    • root_dir: (str) root directory of
    • name: (str) name of your training run
    • wandb_project: (str) name of wandb project for logging
    • warmup_batches: (int) amount of batches the training will start with only pixel-loss
    • gan: if flag present, training will run with adversarial loss, else not
    • no-checkpointing: if flag present, only the best checkpoint (based on SSIM) will be saved, else every epoch
  • Argparser in trainer (data-specific arguments)

    • std: (float) std of data, for normalisation
    • middle_slices: (int) number of slices to select from the middle of the volume of a subject
    • every_other: (int) select every x other slices from subject
    • sampler: (str) grid of label-sampler, for labelsampler, mask is required
  • Argparser builtin Pytorch Lighting

    • gpus: (int) number of gpus available
    • max_epochs: (int) set max amount of epochs
  • config in main (dict containing all possible vars that can be varied)

    • optimizer: (str) adam or sgd,
    • b1, b2: (floats) betas for adam (if needed)
    • batch_size: (int) batch size for training
    • num_filters: (int) number of filters in architecture of generator
    • learning_rate_G: (float) learning rate of generator,
    • learning_rate_D: (float) learning rate of discriminator (if needed),
    • patch_size: (int) patch size ,
    • alpha_edge: (float) weighting of edge-loss,
    • alpha_pixel: (float) weighting of pixel-loss,
    • alpha_perceptual: (float) weighting of perceptual (VGG) loss,
    • alpha_adversarial: (float) weighting of adversarial loss (if needed),
    • gan_mode: (str) kind of adversarial loss (vanilla (RaSGAN), wgan) (if needed)
    • edge_loss: (int) kind of edge losse (1, 2, 3, see
    • netD_freq: (int) frequency the discriminator is trained vs the generator (if needed),
    • patch_overlap: (float 0-1) percentage of overlap for patches, if gridsampler,
    • generator: generator architecture (ESRGAN, RRDB, FSRCNN, DeepUResnet, DeepUResnet_v2)
    • nr_sim_train: (int) number of simulated subjects for training
    • nr_hcp_train: (int) number of hcp subjects for training
    • nr_sim_val: (int) number of simulated subjects for validation
    • nr_hcp_val: (int) number of simulated subjects for validation

    It is meant to run on command line, for example run: python --gan --name mixed-data --wandb_project example --gpus 1 --log_every_n_steps 500 --max_epochs 25 --no_checkpointing

  1. Baseclass for data, dataset is build using TorchIO, exploiting their patch-based pipeline

  2. Accompanying trainer for non-GAN training. Written using Pytorch Lightning and logging to Wandb

  3. Accompanying trainer for GAN training. Written using Pytorch Lightning and logging to Wandb

  4. Run for SR generation using a model checkpoint. To combine with USM:
    USM before SR, turn on augmentation in dataloading.
    USM after SR, uncomment couple of lines before saving SR.
    It is meant to run on command line, for example run: python --gan --generator ESRGAN --source sim

  5. Run to calculate metrics on generated SR images
    It is meant to run on command line, for example run: python --source sim

  6. sweep.yaml For a hparam sweep (everything in the config can be searched) using wandb

Data is not present in this repo, but should be located in the data folder in root

├── data                          # data-folder
│   ├── brain_real_t1w_mri        # real data
│   │   ├── MRBrainS18            # Data from MRBrainS18 challenge
│   │   │   ├── GT                # 1mm images
│   │   │   └── MSK               # segmentations of GT data
│   │   ├── OASIS                 # Data from OASIS-1
│   │   │   ├── LR                # 1mm images
│   │   │   └── MSK               # segmentations of LR data
│   │   ├── HCP                   # data from HCP database
│   │   │   ├── LR                # 1mm images
│   │   │   ├── HR                # 0.7mm images
│   │   │   └── MSK               # segmentations of HR data
│   ├── brain_simulated_t1w_mri   # simulated data
│   │   ├── HR_img                # 0.7mm images
│   │   ├── HR_msk                # segmentations of HR data
│   │   └── LR_img                # 1mm images
│   │   └── ... 
│   └── ... 
└── ...