Solve the elliptic Poisson partial differential equation using finite difference methods.
. └── # Main program which contains all the code run for the project. These might take a while └── # Generates all the plots used in the report from stored data └── modules # Contains main classes │ ├── # Class which sets up the ceramic-microprocessor structure │ ├── # Class which sets up the microprocessor with heat sink structure │ ├── # Simulated annealing method to perform discrete optimisation │ ├── automated_runs # Folder containing all the automated runs such as sweeps │ │ ├── # Sweep performed for forced convection to try to find parameters to cool below 80 degrees │ │ ├── # Sweep performed for natural convection to find best params to cool microprocessor │ │ └── # Sweep performed to see how microprocessor convergence temperature varied with step size and scale │ ├── plots # Folder containing the modules which generate all the plots for the report │ │ ├── # Generates plots from the forced convection sweeps │ │ ├── # Generates plots from the natural convection sweeps │ │ ├── # Generates plots for microprocessor-ceramic natural convection cooling │ │ └── # Generates plots from the natural convection simulated annealing run │ └── utils │ └── # Contains the functions for different iterative solvers - Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, Red-Black SOR ├── tests │ └── # Unit tests which validates the solver works as expected └── data # Contains data files used to generate plots to cut down wait time
- Ensure that Python version: 3.7.0 is installed
- Install project requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run unit tests
$ cd into project folder $ pytest
- Generate plots
$ python
- Run code (will take about 10 hours to run everything, including sweeps and simulated annealing optimiser)
$ python
- HeatStructure - class which sets up a heat sink structure atop the microprocessor
Accepts 9 parameters:
- scale (scale of 1 means each mesh point is 1mm)
- b (fin separation)
- c (fin thickness)
- f_h (fin height)
- n_fins (number of fins)
- conv_ratio = 1E-6
- convection_type = "forced"
- solver = jacobi_solver
- wind_speed = 20
Example usage:
hs = HeatStructure(2, 5, 1, 30, 5, conv_ratio=1E-6, convection_type="natural", solver=solv.red_black_SOR) T, n = hs.solve_mesh()
- Microprocessor - class which sets up a lone microprocessor with a ceramic case
Accepts 3 parameters:
- scale
- conv_ratio
- solver
Example usage:
mp = Microprocessor(5, conv_ratio=1E-8, solver=solv.jacobi_solver) T, n = mp.solve_mesh()
- Specify start parameters, e.g. x0 = [2, 2, 30, 30]
- Specify start annealing temperature, e.g. T = 1.0
- Specify minimum annealing temperature, e.g. T_min = 0.00001
- Specify the factor alpha which determines how fast T falls
simulate_annealing(x0, T, T_min, alpha)