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02. WebUI iGate Configuration
When the iGate reboots and could not connect to any wifi ssid , it will start his own WiFi AP called NOCALL-10 AP.
Connect to it (with Phone or PC ) and use the password "1234567890" to complete the connection.
Now go into the web-browser and write and you will get into the WebUI iGate Configuration Page. This IP is also showed in the iGate Board Oled Screen.
NOTE: Use Google Chrome for editing and saving the info (some/other Web-browsers are not reliable for this)
- Configuration "Button": returns con configuration if other windows are being used.
- Update OTA "Button" : Jumps into the "/IP_OF_THE_BOARD/update" to perform OTA update.
- Backup "Button" : Download a .json file with the configuration of the board or Restore loading a .json file to iGate with pre-saved info for faster configuration reloading.
- Device "Button" : lets you reset the board.
- Received Packets : shows the latest 20 Rx packets.
- Save "Button" : Save all the configuration from this webpage into the board and reboot.
- Callsing and SSID : callsign only 6 (char/num) or less and ssid from 0-15, example AB1CDE-10).
- Beacon Comment: any Comment with less than 50 characters long.
- Beacon Path: recommended WIDE1-1
- Symbol: Select one of the four provided which reflect the use case:
Black Diamond + L : Rx iGate
Red Diamond + L : Rx+Tx iGate
Green Star + L : Digirepeater Mode
Blue Circle + L : iGate/Digirepeater with Wx Tx
Latitude and Longitude: insert GPS values in degrees (the ones from Google Map, 7 decimals work better).
Personal Note: to add some words to identify the stations besides just its Callsign.
Add your Wifi info : SSID + password. You can add more than one Wifi.
- Enable APRS-IS Connection : to upload all Rx LoRa packets.
- Gate APRS-IS Messages to RF: Tx message packets from APRS-IS to LoRa Stations nearby.
- Gate APRS-IS Objects to RF: Tx objects packets from APRS-IS to LoRa Stations nearby.
- Server : write your preferred APRS-IS server (Default rotate.aprs2.net)
- Port : 14580 (don't change it unless necessary).
- Passcode : APRS-IS passcode generated with your Callsign (Google it ;) )
- Filter : use your preferred filter (Recommended : "t/mo/AB1CDE-10/10" , being AB1CDE-10 your callsign)
- Send beacon to APRS-IS: activate to send station beacon with gps data via TPCIP/Internet.
- Send beacon via RF : activate to send station beacon with gps data over RF/LoRa.
- Send Beacon Button: to send station beacon without waiting for interval time.
- Interval : time between beacons (Default is 15 min, there is lower the 15min interval).
- Send Real-GPS Beacon: only boards with built-in GPS can now send real gps positions for a mobile iGate deployment.
- Send Real-GPS Beacon with Ambiguity: to have 1Km forced error on mobile iGates.
- Add Callsigns of stations to avoid processing its beacons. (Example: adding "AB1CDE-7" (without '"') will make iGate/Digi hear the station but don't repeat(if Digipeater) or upload to APRS-IS (if iGate).
- Wild Card is allowed (Example: "AB1CDE*" (without '"') will block all SSID of the station AB1CDE).
- Digirepeater Modes :
0 - OFF (No digirepeating)
2 - WIDE1, for WIDE1-1 digirepeating.
3 - WIDE2, for WIDE2-n + WIDE1-1 digirepeating. (Not recommended unless it's really needed as WIDE1-1 is more than enough for almost all cases).
- EcoMode: This will disable all WiFi, WiFiAP, display(Oled or TFT) and Leds of the board. Also lower CPU speed to have remote digirepeeater that uses the least amount of current posible. Only use this for remote digirepeaters.
- Enable LoRa Tx : activate transmission.
- Enable LoRa Rx : activate reception.
- Tx Frequency : transmission frequency.
- Rx Frequency : reception frequency (If different Rx Freq not the same as Tx Freq, it must have 125KHz difference).
- Predefined Speeds : select one for fast configuration.
- Bandwith : for advanced config of LoRa.
- Spreading Factor : for advanced config of LoRa.
- Coding Rate : for advanced config of LoRa.
- Power : for advanced config of LoRa.
- Always On: if false it will turn On only when Rx a LoRa or APRS-IS packet.
- Display Timeout : time before turning it off after receiving a packet.
- Turn 180 : turn 180 degrees the screen.
- Remember Station Time : time which the iGate/Digirepeater remembers a station before Tx packets from APRS-IS to it.
- Send Internal Voltage from boards with internal battery connector.
- Send External Voltage from external batteries (Max 15V with predefined 100K+27K Voltage divider).
- Send Internal and/or External Voltage as Encoded Telemetry in one single GPS Beacon Packet.
- External Voltage Pin definition.
- Activate Internal Voltage Health: monitors the voltage of internal battery and if lower than Internal Sleep Voltage it will enter deep sleep mode for 30 min waiting for battery to recover voltage to avoid draining it if no Sun is available to recharge the battery.
- Activate External Voltage Health: monitors the voltage of external battery and if lower than External Sleep Voltage it will enter deep sleep mode for 30 min waiting for battery to recover voltage to avoid draining it if no Sun is available to recharge the battery.
NOTE: Don't activate Monitoring Internal/External Voltage Monitoring without Battery (or Voltage) connected or it will boot right into sleepMode.
- Activate Wx Telemetry On or Off for BME280/BMP280/BME680/Si7021 Wx modules. It will autodecect the board and I2C Address. NOTE: when active the Symbol will be Blue Circle + L as this is the only way for aprs.fi to recognize Wx data.
- Height Correction to have accurate Pressure readings.
- Temperature Correction as some boards can shift a few degrees.
- Enable Syslog : activate syslog.
- Server : IP of the server. (default is lora.link9.net as a great project from @madspy)
- Port : port of the server. (default is 1514)
- Enable TNC Server.
- Enable Serial KISS packets.
- Accept own frames via KISS (when your TNC app uses same Callsing-SSID as the LoRa iGate).
- Reboot Mode enables the automatic reboot process after Time before forced reboot time.
- Time before forced reboot in hours (min = 6 hrs).
- Password : for WiFiAP if the iGate/Digirepeater loses the Wifi connection. (Default is "1234567890").
- WiFiAP Timeout : minutes before searching again for available WiFi connections. (Default 10 min).
- Change User and Password to enter the OTA if needed.
- Activate the user authentication process to enter WebUI.
- Change User and Password if needed.
- Edit the GMT Offset for your timezone.
- BackUp Mode: if iGate loses Wifi and APRS-IS connection if will change into Digirepeater Station. If Wifi and APRS-IS connection returns it returns to iGate Mode.
- Lower Mode is only for HT-CT62 board for now!!!