Trading platform API for submitting and matching orders. 🐙
Built with Golang and the Echo framework. Consumed by a React and Typescript app.
To run the server, follow these steps:
- Ensure that Go is installed (version 1.16+ is recommended).
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd octgopus
Copy the example .env.dist file in the project directory to .env and fill in the values:
cp .env.dist .env
PORT=<Port the server should run at> eg. 8080
ALLOWED_ORIGINS=<Request source of the react app for CORS protection> eg. http://localhost:3000
To build the application, run the following command in the project directory:
make build
This will create an executable file in the cmd/api directory.
Either run the generated executable via:
Or simply combine the previous steps with:
make run
To run the tests, use the following command:
make test
This will run all tests in the project.