diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 813e3e9..e922814 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -667,6 +667,9 @@ The following example calls a script named ```pycallparm1.py``` that returns par **Overview** - This CL command can be used to run a Python script via QSHEXEC and return up to 10 parameter values from the STDOUt log info. Note: The CL command must be embeddedin a CL program since it returns parameter values to the calling CL, RPG or COBOL program. +Samples python script: +https://github.com/richardschoen/QshOni/tree/master/qshpython + ```Stdout Logging Note:``` During execution, the CL command always creates a temporary outfile in library QTEMP that gets automatically populated with standard output (stdout) from the QSH/PASE command process that gets run. The temporary stdout output file name is: ```QTEMP/STDOUTQSH```. If the file already exists for a subsequent run of the command, the ```QTEMP/STDOUTQSH``` temporary file is automatically cleared before running so each run gets a fresh copy of ```QTEMP/STDOUTQSH```. The ```QTEMP/STDOUTQSH``` temp file gets created automatically always, even if none of the switches such as: ```DSPSTDOUT, LOGSTDOUT, PRTSTDOUT or IFSSTDOUT``` are specified. **SCRIPTDIR** - The IFS directory location for the Python script. **Ex: /python**