A successful final project is built slowly over many weeks not thrown together at the last minute. To incentivize good project pacing and to let your project mentor stay informed about the status of your work, each week you should add an entry to your log.md file in the development directory.
Each entry should describe:
- What goals you had set for the week and whether they were accomplished or not
- What problems you encountered (if any) that prevented you from meeting your goals
- What you plan to accomplish or attempt next week
The development log will be graded for completion, detail, and honesty – not progress. It is much better to truthfully evaluate the work you completed in a week then lie to make the project sound further along then it really is. It is totally acceptable to have an entry that says you tried nothing and accomplished nothing. However if every week starts to say that, both yourself and your project mentor will be able to identify the issue before it becomes impossible to fix.