- 📗 Table of Contents
- 🛠 Built With
- 🗝 Key Features
- 💻 Getting Started
- 🔭 Future Features
- 📝 License
Project for International Equal Pay Day-themed hackathon organized by TechTogether
PAY EQUITY is a web application that empowers individuals to track and compare their salaries and benefits with others in their industry, location, and experience level anonymously.
This tool will help marginalized genders assess whether they are being paid fairly, and if not, provide resources and support to address pay disparities.
Domain | Tech Stack |
Server | Ruby on Rails |
Database | PostgreSQL |
Testing Framework | RSpec Rails |
Authentification | Devise, JWT |
- Create a new salary record associated with the current user
- Allow a user to retrieve their own salary data
- Allow a user to update their salary and benefits data for a specific salary
- Allow a user to delete a specific salary entry
- Allow users to search for salary data based on different criteria
- Allow users to compare their salary data with aggregated data for specific criteria
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
Ruby 3.2.2 installed
Rails installed
Run this command to install Rails
gem install rails
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
cd my-folder
git clone git@github.com:rica213/pay_equity.git
To install dependencies, run:
bundle install
A secret_key_base is required to run the Devise
Run this command in the bash terminal to generate it:
EDITOR="mate --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit
Set up the database
A database.yml file is required to use database
Here are the steps to be followed to create one
1- Copy the file database_sample.yml located in the directory pay-equity/config
2- Rename your copy of database_sample.yml into database.yml
3- Make necessary configuration following the instructions provided in the file according to your database configuration
To create the database, run:
rails db:create
To create the schema, run:
rails db:migrate
To run the project, execute the following command:
Example command:
rails server
To run tests, run the following command:
bundle exec rspec
- Create a forum or discussion board where users can share their experiences and strategies for achieving pay equity.
- Emphasize strong data encryption and privacy measures to ensure that users feel safe sharing their salary information.
- Allow users to provide feedback on their experiences with pay equity efforts and suggest improvements for the platform.
- Provide resources and articles on negotiating salaries, recognizing pay discrimination, and taking action to address pay disparities.
This project is MIT licensed.