Modeling and forecasting atmospheric CO₂ from 1958 into the future
Data file: "weekly_in_situ_co2_mlo.csv" via Mauna Loa Observatory Dataset from Scripps CO2 program
- N; // number of observations
- level[N]; // CO2 PPM measured values
- total; // total days
- t[total]; // days since first measurement
- c0; // intercept
- c1; // linear trend
- c2; // quadratic trend
- phi_x; // seasonal variation
- phi_y; // seasonal variation
- c4; // amplitude
- noise; // noise
- c3 = atan2(phi_x, phi_y); //phi
- level[i] ~ normal(c0+ c1* t[i]+ (c2* (t[i]^2)) + (c4)* cos(((2* pi* t[i])/ 365.25)+ c3), noise)
- n; //number of observations
- x_t[n]; //CO2 ppm measured values
- t[n]; //number of days since measurements started in 1958
- c0; //intercept
- c1; //linear trend
- c2; //seasonal variation
- c3; //seasonal variation
- c4; //gaussian noise
- x_t[i] ~ normal(c0 + c1* t[i] + c2* cos((2* pi* t[i])/ 365.25 + c3), c4);
- f1 = c0 + c1*t
- f2 = c0 + c1* t + c2* cos((2* pi* t)/ 365.25 + c3