This is a Rust multiplexing P25 decoder built atop liquid-dsp compatible with the RTLSDR.
$ cargo build --target-dir liquid_dsp_rs/
$ cargo build --release
$ cargo install --path .
This software has been designed to be incorperated into other softwares following mkfifo
patterns described by better sdr drivers. Run this program as a child process in your language of choice then hold onto stdin, stdout, and sterr. All program arguments follow RTLSDR conventions except -x
added for 'mux'. It all comes together like this:
$ mkfifo /tmp/mux0 && mkfifo /tmp/mux1
$ ./target/release/rtl_p25 -d 0 -s 1200000 -x 2 [-g 62 -p 0]
stdin> tune,851137500,$nonceA
stderr> ok,851137500,$nonceA
stdin> demod,0,$offsetHz,/tmp/mux0,$nonceB
stderr> ok,$nonceB
stdin> demod,1,-12500,/tmp/mux1,$nonceB
stderr> ok,$nonceB
Programs reading from /tmp/mux0
or /tmp/mux1
will find a P25 'di-bit' byte stream which may be read into P25 spec frames following maybe these examples.
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