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Merge pull request #22 from rffscghg/page-discontinuity
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WIP discontinuity discrepancy in PAGE
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lrennels authored Jun 8, 2021
2 parents a1c2070 + de480b9 commit 9eaf0d4
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Showing 5 changed files with 96 additions and 28 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,10 +67,14 @@ MimiIWG.run_scc_mcs(MODEL,
output_dir = nothing, # Output directory. If unspecified, a directory with the following name will be created: "output/MODEL yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS SC-$gas MC$trials"
save_trials = false, # Whether to save all of the input data sampled for each trial of the Monte Carlo Simulation. If true, values get saved to "output_dir/trials.csv"
tables = true # Whether to save a series of summary tables in the output folder; these include statistics such as percentiles and std errors of the SCC values.
drop_discontinuities = false # PAGE specific see below
save_md = false # Whether to save the global undiscounted marginal damages from each run of the simulation in a subdirectory "output/marginal_damages"
Note that the Monte Carlo Simulations are run across all five of the USG socioeconomics scenarios.

If the `drop_discontinuities` optional keyword argument equals `true`, then outliers from the PAGE model (runs where discontinuity damages are triggered in different timesteps in the base and perturbed models) will not contribute to summary statistics. An additional folder "discontinuity_mismatch" contains files identifying in which runs the discrepencies occured. This is a PAGE-specific function that has no bearing on the results of other models, and will mostly be used for internal more advanced cases.

## Summary of modifications made by the IWG

### Socioeconomics scenarios
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36 changes: 26 additions & 10 deletions src/core/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ function write_scc_values(values, output_dir, perturbation_years, discount_rates

# helper function for computing percentile tables at the end of a monte carlo simulation
function make_percentile_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years)
function make_percentile_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years, drop_discontinuities=false)
scc_dir = "$output_dir/SC-$gas" # folder with output from the MCS runs
drop_discontinuities ? disc_dir = joinpath(output_dir, "discontinuity_mismatch/") : nothing
tables = "$output_dir/Tables/Percentiles" # folder to save TSD tables to

Expand All @@ -55,7 +56,11 @@ function make_percentile_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_ye
write(f, "Scenario,1st,5th,10th,25th,50th,Avg,75th,90th,95th,99th\n")
for fn in filter(x -> endswith(x, "$dr.csv"), results) # Get the results files for this discount rate
scenario = split(fn)[1] # get the scenario name
d = readdlm(joinpath(scc_dir, fn), ',')[2:end, idx] # just keep 2020 values
d = readdlm(joinpath(scc_dir, fn), ',')[2:end, idx]
if drop_discontinuities
disc_idx = convert(Array{Bool}, readdlm(joinpath(disc_dir, fn), ',')[2:end, idx])
d = d[map(!, disc_idx)]
filter!(x->!isnan(x), d)
values = [pct == :avg ? Int(round(mean(d))) : Int(round(quantile(d, pct))) for pct in pcts]
write(f, "$scenario,", join(values, ","), "\n")
Expand All @@ -66,8 +71,9 @@ function make_percentile_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_ye

# helper funcion for computing std error tables at the end of a monte carlo simulation
function make_stderror_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years)
function make_stderror_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years, drop_discontinuities=false)
scc_dir = "$output_dir/SC-$gas" # folder with output from the MCS runs
drop_discontinuities ? disc_dir = joinpath(output_dir, "discontinuity_mismatch/") : nothing
tables = "$output_dir/Tables/Std Errors" # folder to save the tables to

Expand All @@ -79,7 +85,11 @@ function make_stderror_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_year
write(f, "Scenario,Mean,SE\n")
for fn in filter(x -> endswith(x, "$dr.csv"), results) # Get the results files for this discount rate
scenario = split(fn)[1] # get the scenario name
d = readdlm(joinpath(scc_dir, fn), ',')[2:end, idx] # just keep 2020 values
d = readdlm(joinpath(scc_dir, fn), ',')[2:end, idx]
if drop_discontinuities
disc_idx = convert(Array{Bool}, readdlm(joinpath(disc_dir, fn), ',')[2:end, idx])
d = d[map(!, disc_idx)]
filter!(x->!isnan(x), d)
write(f, "$scenario, $(round(mean(d), digits=2)), $(round(sem(d), digits=2)) \n")
Expand All @@ -88,10 +98,11 @@ function make_stderror_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_year

# helper function for computing a summary table. Reports average values for all discount rates and years, and high impact value (95th pct) for 3%.
function make_summary_table(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years)
# helper function for computing a summary table. Reports average values for all discount rates and years, and high impact values (95th pct)
function make_summary_table(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years, drop_discontinuities=false)

scc_dir = "$output_dir/SC-$gas" # folder with output from the MCS runs
drop_discontinuities ? disc_dir = joinpath(output_dir, "discontinuity_mismatch/") : nothing
tables = "$output_dir/Tables" # folder to save the table to

Expand All @@ -102,12 +113,17 @@ function make_summary_table(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years)
data[2:end, 1] = perturbation_years

for (j, dr) in enumerate(discount_rates)
vals = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0, length(perturbation_years))
vals = Matrix{Union{Missing, Float64}}(undef, 0, length(perturbation_years))
for scenario in scenarios
vals = vcat(vals, readdlm(joinpath(scc_dir, "$(string(scenario)) $dr.csv"), ',')[2:end, :])
curr_vals = convert(Array{Union{Missing, Float64}}, readdlm(joinpath(scc_dir, "$(string(scenario)) $dr.csv"), ',')[2:end, :])
if drop_discontinuities
disc_idx = convert(Array{Bool}, readdlm(joinpath(disc_dir, "$(string(scenario)) $dr.csv"), ',')[2:end, :])
curr_vals[disc_idx] .= missing
vals = vcat(vals, curr_vals)
data[2:end, j+1] = mean(vals, dims=1)[:]
data[2:end, j+1+length(discount_rates)] = [quantile(vals[2:end, y], .95) for y in 1:length(perturbation_years)]
data[2:end, j+1] = mapslices(x -> mean(skipmissing(x)), vals, dims=1)[:]
data[2:end, j+1+length(discount_rates)] = [quantile(skipmissing(vals[2:end, y]), .95) for y in 1:length(perturbation_years)]

table = joinpath(tables, "Summary Table.csv")
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/montecarlo/PAGE_mcs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function page_post_trial_func(mcs::SimulationInstance, trialnum::Int, ntimesteps
base, marginal = mcs.models

# Unpack the payload object
discount_rates, discount_factors, gas, perturbation_years, SCC_values, SCC_values_domestic, md_values = Mimi.payload(mcs)
discount_rates, discount_factors, discontinuity_mismatch, gas, perturbation_years, SCC_values, SCC_values_domestic, md_values = Mimi.payload(mcs)

DF = discount_factors[rate_num]
td_base = base[:EquityWeighting, :td_totaldiscountedimpacts]
Expand All @@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ function page_post_trial_func(mcs::SimulationInstance, trialnum::Int, ntimesteps
perturb_marginal_page_emissions!(base, marginal, gas, pyear)

# Stores `true` if the base and marginal models trigger the discontinuity damages in different timesteps (0 otherwise)
discontinuity_mismatch[trialnum, j, scenario_num, rate_num] = base[:Discontinuity, :occurdis_occurrencedummy] != marginal[:Discontinuity, :occurdis_occurrencedummy]

td_marginal = marginal[:EquityWeighting, :td_totaldiscountedimpacts]
pulse_size = gas == :CO2 ? 100_000 : 1
scc = ((td_marginal / UDFT_base[idx]) - (td_base / UDFT_base[idx])) / pulse_size * page_inflator
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74 changes: 57 additions & 17 deletions src/montecarlo/run_scc_mcs.jl
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@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
gas::Union{Symbol, Nothing} = nothing,
trials::Int = 10000,
perturbation_years::Vector{Int} = _default_perturbation_years,
discount_rates::Vector{Float64} = _default_discount_rates,
domestic::Bool = false,
output_dir::String = nothing,
save_trials::Bool = false,
save_md::Bool = false,
tables::Bool = true)
gas::Union{Symbol, Nothing} = nothing,
trials::Int = 10000,
perturbation_years::Vector{Int} = _default_perturbation_years,
discount_rates::Vector{Float64} = _default_discount_rates,
domestic::Bool = false,
output_dir::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
save_trials::Bool = false,
tables::Bool = true,
drop_discontinuities::Bool = false,
save_md::Bool = false)
Run the Monte Carlo simulation used by the IWG for calculating a distribution of SCC values for the
Mimi model `model_choice` and the specified number of trials `trials`. The SCC is calculated for all
Expand All @@ -22,9 +23,16 @@ equals `true`, then SCC values will also be calculated using only domestic damag
Output files will be saved in the `output_dir`. If none is provided, it will default to "./output/".
A new sub directory will be created each time this function is called, with the following name: "yyyy-mm-dd HH-MM-SS MODEL SC-\$gas MC\$trials".
Several keyword arguments allow for the following:
If `tables` equals `true`, then a set of summary statistics tables will also be saved in the output folder.
If `save_trials` equals `true`, then a file with all of the sampled input trial data will also be saved in
the output folder. If `save_md` equals `true`, then global undiscounted marginal damages from each run of
If `save_trials` equals `true`, then a file with all of the sampled input trial data will also be saved in the output folder.
If `drop_discontinuities` equals `true`, then outliers from the PAGE model (runs where discontinuity damages are triggered
in different timesteps in the base and perturbed models) will not contribute to summary statistics. An additional folder
"discontinuity_mismatch" contains files identifying in which runs the discrepencies occured.
If `save_md` equals `true`, then global undiscounted marginal damages from each run of
the simulation will be saved in a subdirectory "output/marginal_damages".
function run_scc_mcs(model::model_choice;
Expand All @@ -35,8 +43,9 @@ function run_scc_mcs(model::model_choice;
domestic::Bool = false,
output_dir::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing,
save_trials::Bool = false,
save_md::Bool = false,
tables::Bool = true)
tables::Bool = true,
drop_discontinuities::Bool = false,
save_md::Bool = false)

# Check the gas
if gas === nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,6 +134,12 @@ function run_scc_mcs(model::model_choice;
perturbation_years = model_years[_first_idx : _last_idx] # figure out which years of the model's time index we need to use to cover all desired perturbation years

# For each run, this array will store whether there is a discrepency between the base and marginal models triggering the discontinuity damages in different timesteps
if model == PAGE
discontinuity_mismatch = Array{Bool, 4}(undef, trials, length(perturbation_years), length(scenarios), length(discount_rates))
push!(payload, discontinuity_mismatch)

# Make an array to hold all calculated scc values
SCC_values = Array{Float64, 4}(undef, trials, length(perturbation_years), length(scenarios), length(discount_rates))
if domestic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,9 +203,34 @@ function run_scc_mcs(model::model_choice;
SCC_values_domestic = new_domestic_values

perturbation_years = all_years
# reset perturbation years to all user requested years, unless model is PAGE, for which this is done below
if model != PAGE
perturbation_years = all_years

# Save the information about which runs have a discrepency between base/marginal models of the discontinuity damages
if model == PAGE
# access the computed saved values from the simulation instance; it's the third item in the payload object for PAGE
discontinuity_mismatch = Mimi.payload(sim_results)[3]

if _need_to_interpolate
new_discontinuity_mismatch = Array{Bool}(undef, trials, length(all_years), length(scenarios), length(discount_rates))
for i in 1:trials, j in 1:length(scenarios), k in 1:length(discount_rates)
new_discontinuity_mismatch[i, :, j, k] = convert(Array{Bool}, _interpolate(discontinuity_mismatch[i, :, j, k], perturbation_years, all_years) .> 0)
discontinuity_mismatch = new_discontinuity_mismatch
perturbation_years = all_years

disc_dir = joinpath(output_dir, "discontinuity_mismatch/")
# has the same 4-D array structure as the SCC values, so can use the same function to save them to files
write_scc_values(discontinuity_mismatch, disc_dir, perturbation_years, discount_rates)

disc_sum = dropdims(sum(discontinuity_mismatch, dims=(1,3)), dims=(1,3)) # summary table of how many occured (rows are perturbation years, columns are discount rates)
writedlm(joinpath(disc_dir, "discontinuity_summary.csv"), disc_sum, ',')

# Save the SCC values
scc_dir = joinpath(output_dir, "SC-$gas/")
write_scc_values(SCC_values, scc_dir, perturbation_years, discount_rates)
Expand All @@ -201,9 +241,9 @@ function run_scc_mcs(model::model_choice;

# Build the stats tables
if tables
make_percentile_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years)
make_stderror_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years)
make_summary_table(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years)
make_percentile_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years, drop_discontinuities)
make_stderror_tables(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years, drop_discontinuities)
make_summary_table(output_dir, gas, discount_rates, perturbation_years, drop_discontinuities)

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/test_PAGE.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ using DelimitedFiles
MimiIWG.run_scc_mcs(PAGE, trials=2, output_dir = tmp_dir, domestic=true)
rm(tmp_dir, recursive=true)

# test the drop discontinuities flag set to `true`
tmp_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "tmp")
MimiIWG.run_scc_mcs(PAGE, trials=2, output_dir = tmp_dir, domestic=true, drop_discontinuities = true)
rm(tmp_dir, recursive=true)


@testset "Deterministic SCC validation" begin
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