This project strives for the translation of Python Enhancement Proposals (PEP), and to publish them.
For official info, see PEP website and its GitHub repository.
Update peps git submodule:
.. codeblock:: sh git -C peps checkout . git submodule update --init --remote
Prepare and enter the virtual environment:
.. codeblock:: sh make -C peps venv source peps/.venv/bin/activate pip install sphinx-intl
Update translation files:
.. codeblock:: sh sphinx-build -E -bgettext -Dgettext_compact=0 -d peps/build/.doctrees-gettext peps/peps locales/pot sphinx-intl update --locale-dir locales
Commit updated po files
.. codeblock:: sh git add locales/**/*.po git commit -m 'Update translation files'
PO files are now ready for translation. Use a offline translation editor software, like Poedit, Gtranslator, or any other of your preference.
Build documentation (replace 'pt_BR' with the desired language):
.. codeblock:: sh make -C peps html SPHINXOPTS='-Dgettext_auto_build=True -Dgettext_compact=0 -Dlocale_dirs=../../locales -Dlanguage=pt_BR'