From a6e06f59f0a2cae0f4ddc631caad3c5685a59439 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Filippo Cremonese <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:46:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Checkout and promote orchestra next-* branches

Checkout the appropriate orchestra configuration branch
before invoking the CI script.
If the build succeeds and the branch was named next-*,
it gets promoted as *.
 .orchestra/ci/ | 265 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 .orchestra/ci/     | 253 +++++++-------------------------------
 2 files changed, 306 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 .orchestra/ci/

diff --git a/.orchestra/ci/ b/.orchestra/ci/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..619001d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.orchestra/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# CI script
+# This script runs orchestra to build the required components.
+# If the build is successful the script can push the newly produced binary
+# archives and promote next-<name> branches to <name>.
+# Parameters are supplied as environment variables.
+# Target component is mandatory and done with these parameters:
+# TARGET_COMPONENTS: list of components to build
+#   list of glob patterns used to select additional target components
+#   by matching their remote URL
+# Optional parameters:
+#   user_options.yml is initialized to this value.
+#   %GITLAB_ROOT% is replaced with the base URL of the Gitlab instance.
+#   branch name to try first when checking out component sources
+#   if != 1 do not push binary archives and do not promote next-* branches
+# PUSH_BINARY_ARCHIVE_EMAIL: used as author's email in binary archive commit
+# PUSH_BINARY_ARCHIVE_NAME: used as author's name in binary archive commit
+# SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: private key used to push binary archives
+#   alternative URL from where orchestra is installed (passed to pip install)
+set -e
+set -x
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
+ORCHESTRA_ROOT="$(realpath "$DIR/../..")"
+function log() {
+    echo "$1" > /dev/stderr
+cd "$DIR"
+# Install dependencies
+# Register deploy key, if any
+set +x
+if test -n "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY"; then
+    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
+    echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
+    unset SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
+    mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
+    # Disable checking the host key
+    if ! test -e ~/.ssh/config; then
+        cat > ~/.ssh/config <<EOF
+Host *
+    StrictHostKeyChecking no
+    UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
+    fi
+set -x
+# Install orchestra
+if test -n "$REVNG_ORCHESTRA_URL"; then
+    pip3 install --user "$REVNG_ORCHESTRA_URL"
+    pip3 install --user revng-orchestra
+# Make sure we can run orchestra
+export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
+which orc
+# Prepare the user_options.yml file
+if test -e "$USER_OPTIONS"; then
+    log "$USER_OPTIONS already exists!"
+    exit 1
+REMOTE="$(git remote get-url origin | sed 's|^\([^:]*:\)\([^/]\)|\1/\2|')"
+GITLAB_ROOT="$(dirname "$(dirname "$REMOTE")")"
+# Register target components
+if test -n "$TARGET_COMPONENTS_URL"; then
+    # Add components by repository URL
+        NEW_COMPONENT="$(orc components --repository-url "$TARGET_COMPONENT_URL" \
+                         | grep '^Component' \
+                         | cut -d' ' -f2)"
+        if test -z "$NEW_COMPONENT"; then
+            log "Warning: ignoring URL $TARGET_COMPONENT_URL since it doesn't "\
+                "match any component"
+        else
+        fi
+    done
+if test -z "$TARGET_COMPONENTS"; then
+    log "Nothing to do!"
+    exit 1
+# Register components to build from source
+cat >> "$USER_OPTIONS" <<EOF
+    echo "  - $TARGET_COMPONENT" >> "$USER_OPTIONS"
+# Build branches list
+cat >> "$USER_OPTIONS" <<EOF
+    && ! [[ "$COMPONENT_TARGET_BRANCH" =~ ^(next-develop|develop|next-master|master)$ ]]; then
+    if test "${COMPONENT_TARGET_BRANCH:0:5}" == "next-"; then
+        echo "  - ${COMPONENT_TARGET_BRANCH:5}" >> "$USER_OPTIONS"
+    fi
+cat >> "$USER_OPTIONS" <<EOF
+  - next-develop
+  - develop
+  - next-master
+  - master
+# Print debug information
+find ..
+orc update --no-config
+# Print debugging information
+# Full dependency graph
+orc graph -b
+# Solved dependency graph for the target component
+orc graph --solved -b "$TARGET_COMPONENT"
+# Information about the components
+orc components --hashes --deps
+# Binary archives commit
+for BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH in $(orc ls --binary-archives); do
+    echo "Commit for $BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH: "\
+           "$(git -C "$BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH" rev-parse HEAD)"
+# Actually run the build
+    if ! orc install -b --test --create-binary-archives "$TARGET_COMPONENT"; then
+        RESULT=1
+        break
+    fi
+if test "$PUSH_CHANGES" = 1; then
+    #
+    # Promote `next-*` branches to `*`
+    #
+    if test "$RESULT" -eq 0; then
+        # Clone all the components having branch next-*
+        for COMPONENT in $(orc components --branch 'next-*' \
+                | grep '^Component' \
+                | awk '{ print $2 }'); do
+            # TODO: find a more robust way to clone if not already cloned
+            if ! test -d "$ORCHESTRA_ROOT/sources/$COMPONENT"; then
+                orc clone "$COMPONENT"
+            fi
+        done
+        # Promote next-* to *.
+        # We also promote orchestra config because fix-binary-archive-symlinks
+        # uses the current branch name
+        for SOURCE_PATH in $(orc ls --git-sources) "$ORCHESTRA_ROOT"; do
+            if test -e "$SOURCE_PATH/.git"; then
+                cd "$SOURCE_PATH"
+                BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+                if test "${BRANCH:0:5}" == "next-"; then
+                    PUSH_TO="${BRANCH:5}"
+                    git branch -d "$PUSH_TO" || true
+                    git checkout -b "$PUSH_TO" "$BRANCH"
+                    git push origin "$PUSH_TO"
+                fi
+                cd -
+            fi
+        done
+        orc fix-binary-archives-symlinks
+    fi
+    #
+    # Push to binary archives
+    #
+    for BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH in $(orc ls --binary-archives); do
+        cd "$BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH"
+        # Ensure we have git lfs
+        git lfs >& /dev/null
+        git config "$PUSH_BINARY_ARCHIVE_EMAIL"
+        git config "$PUSH_BINARY_ARCHIVE_NAME"
+        if ! test -e .gitattributes; then
+            git lfs track "*.tar.gz"
+            git add .gitattributes
+            git commit -m'Initialize .gitattributes'
+        fi
+        ls -lh
+        git add .
+        # TODO:
+        if ! git diff --cached --quiet; then
+            git commit -m'Automatic binary archives'
+            git status
+            git stash
+            GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git fetch
+            GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git rebase -Xtheirs origin/master
+            git config --add lfs.dialtimeout 300
+            git config --add lfs.tlstimeout 300
+            git config --add lfs.activitytimeout 300
+            git config --add lfs.keepalive 300
+            git push
+            git lfs push origin master
+        else
+            log "Nothing new to push"
+        fi
+    done
+    exit "$RESULT"
+    echo "PUSH_CHANGES != 1, exiting without pushing changes"
+    exit $RESULT
diff --git a/.orchestra/ci/ b/.orchestra/ci/
index 66a2c9df..3d604cae 100755
--- a/.orchestra/ci/
+++ b/.orchestra/ci/
@@ -1,240 +1,69 @@
-set -e
-set -x
+# CI entrypoint script
+# This script checks out the correct configuration branch and initializes
+# variables for the actual CI script (
+# Parameters are supplied as environment variables.
+# Optional parameters:
+#   orchestra config commit/branch to use.
+#   Normally set by Gitlab or whoever triggers the CI.
 DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
+# Runs git in the orchestra directory
+function ogit () {
+    git -C "$ORCHESTRA_DIR" "$@"
 function log() {
     echo "$1" > /dev/stderr
-cd "$DIR"
+set -e
+set -x
+# Determine target branch
-# Register deploy key, if any
+# PUSHED_REF contains the git ref that was pushed and triggered the CI.
-set +x
-if test -n "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY"; then
-    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
-    echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
-    unset SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
-    mkdir -p ~/.ssh
-    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
+# If this ref is a branch, it will be used as the first default branch to try
+# for all components and for orchestra configuration
-    # Disable checking the host key
-    if ! test -e ~/.ssh/config; then
-        cat > ~/.ssh/config <<EOF
-Host *
-    StrictHostKeyChecking no
-    UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
-    fi
-set -x
-# Detect target branch
-if test -n "$PUSHED_REF"; then
+if [[ -n "$PUSHED_REF" ]]; then
     if [[ "$PUSHED_REF" = refs/heads/* ]]; then
-        BRANCH="${PUSHED_REF#refs/heads/}"
-        # Switch orchestra to that branch too, if it exists
-        git fetch
-        git checkout "$BRANCH" || true
+        COMPONENT_TARGET_BRANCH="${PUSHED_REF#refs/heads/}"
         log "PUSHED_REF ($PUSHED_REF) is not a branch, bailing out"
         exit 0
-# Install orchestra
-if test -n "$REVNG_ORCHESTRA_URL"; then
-    pip3 install --user "$REVNG_ORCHESTRA_URL"
-    pip3 install --user revng-orchestra
-# Make sure we can run orchestra
-export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
-which orc
-# Prepare the user_options.yml file
-if test -e ../config/user_options.yml; then
-    log "user_options.yml already exists!"
-    exit 1
-REMOTE="$(git remote get-url origin | sed 's|^\([^:]*:\)\([^/]\)|\1/\2|')"
-GITLAB_ROOT="$(dirname "$(dirname "$REMOTE")")"
-echo "$BASE_USER_OPTIONS_YML" | sed "s|%GITLAB_ROOT%|$GITLAB_ROOT|g" > ../config/user_options.yml
-# Register target components
-if test -n "$TARGET_COMPONENTS_URL"; then
-    # Add components by repository URL
-        NEW_COMPONENT="$(orc components --repository-url "$TARGET_COMPONENT_URL" \
-                         | grep '^Component' \
-                         | cut -d' ' -f2)"
-        if test -z "$NEW_COMPONENT"; then
-            log "Warning: ignoring URL $TARGET_COMPONENT_URL since it doesn't match any component"
-        else
-        fi
-    done
-if test -z "$TARGET_COMPONENTS"; then
-    log "Nothing to do!"
-    exit 1
-# Register components to build from source
-cat >> ../config/user_options.yml <<EOF
-    echo "  - $TARGET_COMPONENT" >> ../config/user_options.yml
-# Build branches list
-cat >> ../config/user_options.yml <<EOF
-if test -n "$BRANCH" && ! [[ "$BRANCH" =~ ^(next-develop|develop|next-master|master)$ ]]; then
-    echo "  - $BRANCH" >> ../config/user_options.yml
-    if test "${BRANCH:0:5}" == "next-"; then
-        echo "  - ${BRANCH:5}" >> ../config/user_options.yml
-    fi
-cat >> ../config/user_options.yml <<EOF
-  - next-develop
-  - develop
-  - next-master
-  - master
-# Print debug information
-cat ../config/user_options.yml
-find ..
-orc update --no-config
-# Print debugging information
-# Full dependency graph
-orc graph -b
-# Solved dependency graph for the target component
-orc graph --solved -b "$TARGET_COMPONENT"
-# Information about the components
-orc components --hashes --deps
-# Binary archives commit
-for BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH in $(orc ls --binary-archives); do
-    echo "Commit for $BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH:" "$(git -C "$BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH" rev-parse HEAD)"
-# Actually run the build
-    if ! orc install -b --test --create-binary-archives "$TARGET_COMPONENT"; then
-        RESULT=1
+# Switch orchestra to the target branch or try the default list
+ogit fetch
+for B in "$COMPONENT_TARGET_BRANCH" next-develop develop next-master master; do
+    if ogit checkout "$B"; then
-if test "$PUSH_CHANGES" = 1; then
-    #
-    # Promote `next-*` branches to `*`
-    #
-    if test "$RESULT" -eq 0; then
-        # Clone all the components having branch next-*
-        for COMPONENT in $(orc components --branch 'next-*' | grep '^Component' | awk '{ print $2 }'); do
-            # TODO: find a more robust way to clone if not already cloned
-            if ! test -d "$ORCHESTRA_ROOT/sources/$COMPONENT"; then
-                orc clone "$COMPONENT"
-            fi
-        done
-        # Promote next-* to *
-        for SOURCE_PATH in $(orc ls --git-sources); do
-            if test -e "$SOURCE_PATH/.git"; then
-                cd "$SOURCE_PATH"
-                BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
-                if test "${BRANCH:0:5}" == "next-"; then
-                    PUSH_TO="${BRANCH:5}"
-                    git branch -d "$PUSH_TO" || true
-                    git checkout -b "$PUSH_TO" "$BRANCH"
-                    git push origin "$PUSH_TO"
-                fi
-                cd -
-            fi
-        done
-        orc fix-binary-archives-symlinks
-    fi
-    #
-    # Push to binary archives
-    #
-    for BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH in $(orc ls --binary-archives); do
-        cd "$BINARY_ARCHIVE_PATH"
-        # Ensure we have git lfs
-        git lfs >& /dev/null
-        git config "$PUSH_BINARY_ARCHIVE_EMAIL"
-        git config "$PUSH_BINARY_ARCHIVE_NAME"
-        if ! test -e .gitattributes; then
-            git lfs track "*.tar.gz"
-            git add .gitattributes
-            git commit -m'Initialize .gitattributes'
-        fi
-        ls -lh
-        git add .
-        # TODO:
-        if ! git diff --cached --quiet; then
-            git commit -m'Automatic binary archives'
-            git status
-            git stash
-            GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git fetch
-            GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git rebase -Xtheirs origin/master
-            git config --add lfs.dialtimeout 300
-            git config --add lfs.tlstimeout 300
-            git config --add lfs.activitytimeout 300
-            git config --add lfs.keepalive 300
-            git push
-            git lfs push origin master
-        else
-            log "Nothing new to push"
-        fi
+if [[ -z "$ORCHESTRA_TARGET_BRANCH" ]]; then
+    echo "[!] All checkout attempts failed, aborting"
+    exit 1
-    done
+echo "[+] Using configuration branch $ORCHESTRA_TARGET_BRANCH "\
-    exit "$RESULT"
-    echo "PUSH_CHANGES != 1, exiting without pushing changes"
-    exit $RESULT
+# Run "true" CI script