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+sidebar_position: 3
+# Configuration
+Gilt uses [Viper][] to load configuation through multpile methods.
+## Config File
+Create the giltfile (`Giltfile.yaml`).
+Clone the specified `url`@`version` to the configurable path `--gilt-dir`.
+Extract the repo the `dstDir` when `dstDir` is provided. Otherwise, copy files
+and/or directories to the desired destinations.
+giltDir: ~/.gilt/clone
+debug: false
+ - git: https://github.com/retr0h/ansible-etcd.git
+ version: 77a95b7
+ dstDir: roles/retr0h.ansible-etcd
+ - git: https://github.com/retr0h/ansible-etcd.git
+ version: 1.1
+ dstDir: roles/retr0h.ansible-etcd-tag
+ - git: https://github.com/lorin/openstack-ansible-modules.git
+ version: 2677cc3
+ sources:
+ - src: '*_manage'
+ dstDir: library
+ - src: nova_quota
+ dstDir: library
+ - src: neutron_router
+ dstFile: library/neutron_router.py
+ - src: tests
+ dstDir: tests
+ commands:
+ - cmd: ansible-playbook
+ args:
+ - -i,
+ - playbook.yml
+ - cmd: bash
+ args:
+ - -c
+ - who | grep tty
+## Env Vars
+The config file can be overriden/defined through env vars.
+GILT_GILTFILE=Giltfile.yaml \
+GILT_GILTDIR=~/.gilt/clone \
+GILT_DEBUG=false \
+gilt overlay
+## Command Flags
+The config file and/or env vars can be overriden/defined through cli flags.
+gilt \
+ --gilt-file=Giltfile.yaml \
+ --gilt-dir=~/.gilt/clone \
+ --debug \
+ overlay
+[Viper]: https://github.com/spf13/viper
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+sidebar_position: 6
+# Contributing
+Contributions to Gilt are very welcome, but we ask that you read this document
+before submitting a PR.
+This document applies to the [Gilt][] repository.
+## Before you start
+- **Check existing work** - Is there an existing PR? Are there issues discussing
+ the feature/change you want to make? Please make sure you consider/address
+ these discussions in your work.
+- **Backwards compatibility** - Will your change break existing Giltfiles? It is
+ much more likely that your change will merged if it backwards compatible. Is
+ there an approach you can take that maintains this compatibility? If not,
+ consider opening an issue first so that API changes can be discussed before
+ you invest your time into a PR.
+## 1. Setup
+- **Go** - Gilt is written in [Go][]. We always support the latest two major Go
+ versions, so make sure your version is recent enough.
+- **Node.js** - [Node.js][] is used to host Gilt's documentation server and is
+ required if you want to run this server locally.
+## 2. Making changes
+- **Code style** - Try to maintain the existing code style where possible. Go
+ code should be formatted by [`gofumpt`][gofumpt] and linted using
+ [`golangci-lint`][golangci-lint]. Any Markdown or TypeScript files should be
+ formatted and linted by [Prettier][]. This style is enforced by our CI to
+ ensure that we have a consistent style across the project. You can use the
+ `task fmt:check` command to lint the code locally and the `task fmt` command
+ to automatically fix any issues that are found.
+- **Documentation** - Ensure that you add/update any relevant documentation. See
+ the [updating documentation](#updating-documentation) section below.
+- **Tests** - Ensure that you add/update any relevant tests and that all tests
+ are passing before submitting the PR. See the [writing tests](#writing-tests)
+ section below.
+### Running your changes
+To run Gilt with working changes, you can use `go run main.go overlay`.
+### Updating documentation
+Gilt uses [Docusaurus][] to host a documentation server. The code for this is
+located in the Gilt repository. This can be setup and run locally by using
+`task docs:start` (requires `nodejs` & `yarn`). All content is written in
+Markdown and is located in the `docs/docs` directory. All Markdown documents
+should have an 80 character line wrap limit (enforced by Prettier).
+### Writing tests
+When making a changes, consider whether new tests are required. These tests
+should ensure that the functionality you are adding will continue to work in the
+future. Existing tests may also need updating if you have changed Gilt's
+You may also consider adding unit tests for any new functions you have added.
+The unit tests should follow the Go convention of being location in a file named
+`*_test.go` in the same package as the code being tested.
+Integration tests are located in the `tests` directory and executed by [Bats][].
+## 3. Committing your code
+Try to write meaningful commit messages and avoid having too many commits on the
+PR. Most PRs should likely have a single commit (although for bigger PRs it may
+be reasonable to split it in a few). Git squash and rebase is your friend!
+If you're not sure how to format your commit message, check out [Conventional
+Commits][]. This style is enforced, and is a good way to make your commit
+messages more readable and consistent.
+## 4. Submitting a PR
+- **Describe your changes** - Ensure that you provide a comprehensive
+ description of your changes.
+- **Issue/PR links** - Link any previous work such as related issues or PRs.
+ Please describe how your changes differ to/extend this work.
+- **Examples** - Add any examples or screenshots that you think are useful to
+ demonstrate the effect of your changes.
+- **Draft PRs** - If your changes are incomplete, but you would like to discuss
+ them, open the PR as a draft and add a comment to start a discussion. Using
+ comments rather than the PR description allows the description to be updated
+ later while preserving any discussions.
+## FAQ
+> I want to contribute, where do I start?
+All kinds of contributions are welcome, whether its a typo fix or a shiny new
+feature. You can also contribute by upvoting/commenting on issues or helping to
+answer questions.
+> I'm stuck, where can I get help?
+If you have questions, feel free open a [Discussion][] on GitHub.
+[Gilt]: https://github.com/retr0h/gilt
+[Go]: https://go.dev
+[Node.js]: https://nodejs.org/en/
+[gofumpt]: https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt
+[golangci-lint]: https://golangci-lint.run
+[Prettier]: https://prettier.io/
+[Docusaurus]: https://docusaurus.io
+[Discussion]: https://github.com/retr0h/gilt/discussions
+[Conventional Commits]: https://www.conventionalcommits.org
+[Bats]: https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core
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+sidebar_position: 2
+# Installation
+## Homebrew Tap
+brew install retr0h/tap/gilt
+## Go Install
+go install github.com/retr0h/gilt/v2@latest
+## Python
+pip3 install python-gilt
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+slug: /
+sidebar_position: 1
+title: Home
+# Gilt
+Gilt is a tool which aims to make repo management, manageable. Gilt clones
+repositories at a particular version, then overlays the repository to the
+provided destination. An alternate approach to "vendoring".
+What makes Gilt interesting, is the ability to overlay particular files and/or
+directories from the specified repository to given destinations. Originally,
+this was quite helpful for those using Ansible, since libraries, plugins, and
+playbooks are often shared, but Ansible's [Galaxy][] has no mechanism to handle
+this. Currently, this is proving useful for overlaying [Helm charts][].
+## Alternatives
+- [Repo][]
+- [Git submodules][]
+- [Git subtree][]
+## History
+This project is a golang port of [Gilt][py-gilt], and aims to correct poor
+decisions made in the python version, primarially around config syntax,
+portability, and reproducibility.
+[Galaxy]: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/galaxy.html
+[Helm charts]: https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts/
+[Repo]: https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/+/refs/heads/master/README.md
+[Git submodules]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
+[Git subtree]: https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/subtree/git-subtree.txt
+[py-gilt]: http://gilt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
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+sidebar_position: 5
+# Testing
+Check installed dependencies:
+task deps:check
+To execute tests:
+task test
+Auto format code:
+task fmt
+List helpful targets:
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+sidebar_position: 4
+# Usage
+## CLI
+### Init Configuration
+Initializes config file in the shell's current working directory:
+gilt init
+### Overlay Repository
+Overlay a remote repository into the destination provided.
+gilt overlay
+### Debug
+Display the git commands being executed.
+gilt --debug overlay
+## Package
+### Overlay Repository
+See example client in `examples/go-client/`.
+func main() {
+ debug := true
+ logger := getLogger(debug)
+ c := config.Repositories{
+ Debug: debug,
+ GiltDir: "~/.gilt",
+ Repositories: []config.Repository{
+ {
+ Git: "https://github.com/retr0h/ansible-etcd.git",
+ Version: "77a95b7",
+ DstDir: "../tmp/retr0h.ansible-etcd",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ var r repositoriesManager = repositories.New(c, logger)
+ r.Overlay()
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+ "docsSidebar": [
+ {
+ "type": "autogenerated",
+ "dirName": "."
+ }
+ ]
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+ "2.1.2",