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Change Log


Add new changes here as they land

  • Fix potential unhandled promise rejection in useRecoilCallback() (#2075)
  • Add OSS support for GateKeeper feature toggling via RecoilEnv.RECOIL_GKS_ENABLED (#2078)
  • Fix resolving suspense of async selectors used with SSR (#2073, #1960)
  • Fix SSR with some versions of React DOM used with Next.JS 13 (#2082, #2086)

0.7.6 (2022-10-06)

  • Workaround for React 18 environments with nested renderers that don't support useSyncExternalStore() (#2001, #2010)
  • Expose flag to disable "duplicate atom key" checking / logging, as it was too noisy in environments such as NextJS. (#733, #2020, #2046)
    • Import RecoilEnv from the recoil package, and set RecoilEnv.RECOIL_DUPLICATE_ATOM_KEY_CHECKING_ENABLED = false in code to disable the checking and logging.
    • We also support process.env.RECOIL_DUPLICATE_ATOM_KEY_CHECKING_ENABLED=false in NodeJS environments such as NextJs
    • Caution: This does infact disable all checks for duplicate atom keys, so use with caution!

0.7.5 (2022-08-11)

  • Fix useRecoilSnapshot() with React's Fast Refresh during development (#1891)
  • Fix useRecoilSnapshot() and recoil-sync with changed browser behavior starting with Chrome v104 (#1943, #1936)

0.7.4 (2022-06-21)

  • Fix missing flow types (#1857)
  • Cleanup memory leak when using atoms with selector defaults. (#1821, #1840, #1844)

0.7.3 (2022-06-01)

  • Atom effects can initialize or set atoms to wrapped values (#1681)
  • Add parentStoreID_UNSTABLE to atom effects which is the ID of the parent store it cloned from, such as the host <RecoilRoot> store for useRecoilCallback() snapshots. (#1744)
  • Enable atoms and selectors to be used in family parameters (#1740)

0.7.2 (2022-04-13)

  • Selector cache lookup optimizations (#1720, #1736)
  • Allow async selectors to re-evaluate when async dependencies are discovered with stale state (#1736)

0.7.1 (2022-04-12)


  • Add explicit children prop to <RecoilRoot> and useRecoilBridgeAcrossReactRoots_UNSTABLE() for TypeScript for @types/react with React 18 (#1718, #1717, #1726, #1731)
  • Update typing for family parameters to better support Map, Set, and classes with toJSON(). (#1709, #1703)


  • Avoid dev-mode console error with React 18 when using shared async selectors across multiple <RecoilRoot>'s. (#1712)
  • Cleanup potential memory leak when using async selectors (#1714)
  • Fix potentially hung async selectors when shared across multiple roots that depend on atoms initialized with promises that don't resolve (#1714)

0.7 (2022-03-31)

New Features

  • The default value is now optional for atom() and atomFamily(). If not provided the atom will initialize to a pending state. (#1639)
  • Add getStoreID() method to Snapshot (#1612)
  • Publish RecoilLoadable.loading() factory for making an async Loadable which never resolves. (#1641)

Breaking Changes

  • Selector's get() and Atom's default can now accept a Loadable to put the node in that state. If you wish to store a Loadable, Promise, or RecoilValue directly you can wrap it with selector.value() or atom.value(). (#1640)
  • useRecoilCallback() now provides a snapshot for the latest state instead of the latest rendered state, which had bugs (#1610, #1604)

Improvements / Optimizations

  • Automatically retain snapshots for the duration of async callbacks. (#1632)
  • Optimization for more selector dependencies. 2x improvement with 100 dependencies, 4x with 1,000, and now able to support 10,000+. (#1651, #1515, #914)
  • Better error reporting when selectors provide inconsistent results (#1696)


  • Avoid spurious console errors from effects when calling setSelf() from onSet() handlers. (#1589, #1582)
  • Freezing user values in dev mode now works in JS environments without the Window interface. (#1571)

0.6.1 (2022-01-29)

  • Fix postInstall script (#1577)

0.6 (2022-01-28)

  • React 18
    • Leverage new React 18 APIs for improved safety and optimizations. (#1488)
    • Fixes for <StrictMode> (#1473, #1444, #1509).
    • Experimental support for useTransition() using hooks with _TRANSITION_SUPPORT_UNSTABLE suffix. (#1572, #1560)
  • Recoil updates now re-render earlier:
    • Recoil and React state changes from the same batch now stay in sync. (#1076)
    • Renders now occur before transaction observers instead of after.

New Features

  • Add refresh() to the useRecoilCallback() interface for refreshing selector caches. (#1413)
  • Callbacks from selector's getCallback() can now mutate, refresh, and transact Recoil state, in addition to reading it, for parity with useRecoilCallback(). (#1498)
  • Recoil StoreID's for <RecoilRoot> and Snapshot stores accessible via useRecoilStoreID() hook (#1417) or storeID parameter for atom effects (#1414).
  • RecoilLoadable.all() and RecoilLoadable.of() now accept either literal values, async Promises, or Loadables. (#1455, #1442)
  • Add .isRetained() method for Snapshots and check if snapshot is already released when using .retain() (#1546)

Other Fixes and Optimizations

  • Reduce overhead of snapshot cloning
    • Only clone the current snapshot for callbacks if the callback actually uses it. (#1501)
    • Cache the cloned snapshots from callbacks unless there was a state change. (#1533)
  • Fix transitive selector refresh for some cases (#1409)
  • Fix some corner cases with async selectors and multiple stores (#1568)
  • Atom Effects
    • Run atom effects when atoms are initialized from a set during a transaction from useRecoilTransaction_UNSTABLE() (#1466, #1569)
    • Atom effects are cleaned up when initialized by a Snapshot which is released. (#1511, #1532)
    • Unsubscribe onSet() handlers in atom effects when atoms are cleaned up. (#1509)
    • Call onSet() when atoms are initialized with <RecoilRoot initializeState={...} > (#1519, #1511)
  • Avoid extra re-renders in some cases when a component uses a different atom/selector. (#825)
  • <RecoilRoot> will only call initializeState() once during the initial render. (#1372)
  • Lazily compute the properties of useGetRecoilValueInfo_UNSTABLE() and Snapshot#getInfo_UNSTABLE() results (#1549)
  • Memoize the results of lazy proxies. (#1548)

Breaking Changes

  • Rename atom effects from effects_UNSTABLE to just effects, as the interface is mostly stabilizing. (#1520)
  • Atom effect initialization takes precedence over initialization with <RecoilRoot initializeState={...} >. (#1509)
  • useGetRecoilValueInfo_UNSTABLE() and Snapshot#getInfo_UNSTABLE() always report the node type. (#1547)

0.5.2 (2021-11-07)

  • Fix TypeScript exports (#1397)

0.5.1 (2021-11-05)

  • Fix TypeScript exports (#1389)

0.5.0 (2021-11-03)

  • Added useRecoilRefresher_UNSTABLE() hook which forces a selector to re-run it's get(), and is a no-op for an atom. (#972, #1294, #1302)
  • Atom effect improvements:
    • Add getLoadable(), getPromise(), and getInfo_UNSTABLE() to Atom Effects interface for reading other atoms. (#1205, #1210)
    • Add isReset parameter to onSet() callback to know if the atom is being reset or not. (#1358, #1345)
  • Loadable improvements:
    • Publish RecoilLoadable interface with factories and type checking for Loadables. (#1263, #1264, #1312)
    • Ability to map Loadables with other Loadables. (#1180)
    • Re-implement Loadable as classes. (#1315)
  • Improved dev-mode checks:
    • Atoms freeze default, initialized, and async values. Selectors should not freeze upstream dependencies. (#1261, #1259)
    • Perform runtime check that required options are provided when creating atoms and selectors. (#1324)
  • Fix user-thrown promises in selectors for some cases.
  • Allow class instances in family parameters for Flow

0.4.1 (2021-08-26)

  • Performance optimizations to suppress re-rendering components:
    • When subscribed selectors evaluate to the same value. (#749, #952)
    • On initial render when not using React Concurrent Mode (#820)
    • When selector async deps resolve, but React re-renders before chained promises have executed.
  • Fixed #1072 where in some cases selectors with async deps would not update in response to state updates

0.4 (2021-07-30)

New Features

  • Selector cache configuration: introduced cachePolicy_UNSTABLE option for selectors and selector families. This option allows you to control the behavior of how the selector evicts entries from its internal cache.
  • Improved useRecoilTransaction_UNSTABLE() hook for transactions with multiple atoms (#1085)

Fixes and Optimizations

  • Fix TypeScript typing for selectorFamily(), getCallback(), useGetRecoilValueInfo(), and Snapshot#getNodes() (#1060, #1116, #1123)
  • Allow mutable values in selectors to be used with waitFor*() helpers (#1074, #1096)
  • Atom Effects fixes:
    • Fix onSet() handler to get the proper new value when an atom is reset or has an async default Promise that resolves (#1059, #1050, #738) (Slightly breaking change)
    • Fix support for multiple Atom effects cleanup handlers (#1125)
    • Fix selector subscriptions when atoms with effects are initialized via a Snapshot (#1135, #1107)
  • Optimization for async selectors when dependencies resolve to cached values (#1037)
  • Remove unnecessary warning message (#1034, #1062)

0.3.1 (2021-5-18)

  • Fix TypeScript exports

0.3.0 (2021-5-14)

For supporting garbage collection in the future there is a slight breaking change that Snapshot's will only be valid for the duration of the callback or render. A new retain() API can be used to persist them longer. This is not enforced yet, but Recoil will now provide a warning in dev-mode if a Snapshot is used past its lifetime. (#1006)

New Features / Improvements

  • Add override prop to <RecoilRoot> (#973)
  • Add getCallback() to selector evaluation interface (#989)
  • Improved TypeScript and Flow typing for Loadables (#966, #1022)

Performance Optimizations

  • Improve scalability (time and memory) of Atom families by cleaning up a legacy feature.

Bug Fixes

  • Throwing an error in an async selector should be properly caught by <ErrorBoundary>'s (#998, #1017)
  • Fix for Atom Effects onSet() should not be called when triggered from setSelf() initializing with a Promise or from the same onSet() handler. (#974, #979, #953, #986)
  • Improved support for Safari (#967, #609)
  • Objects stored in selectors are properly frozen in dev mode (#911)

0.2.0 (2021-3-18)

Major improvements

  • More reliable async selectors
  • Improved performance using HAMT data structures (b7d1cfddec66dae).

Other improvements

  • Changed semantics of waitForAny() such that it will always return loadables unless everything is loading. This better aligns behaviour of waitForAny() and waitForNone()
  • Added a waitForAllSettled helper analogous to Promise.allSettled. (4c95591)
  • Friendly error message for misuse of useRecoilCallback (#870)
  • Friendly error message if you try to use an async function as a selector setter, which is not supported. (#777)
  • Improved React Native support. (#748, #702)
  • Added useGetRecoilValueInfo_UNSTABLE() hook for dev tools. (#713, #714)

Bug fixes

  • Selectors now treat any non-Promise that is thrown as an error, rather than only instances of Error. (f0e66f727)
  • A child of RecoilRoot could sometimes have its state updated after being unmounted. (#917)
  • The error message for missing RecoilRoot wasn't displayed on React experimental releases. (#712)
  • IE 11 compatibility (#894, d27c800d8)
  • Errors shouldn't be frozen (#852)
  • Atom effects could fail to initialize atoms in certain cases (#775).
  • Async selectors would fail with multiple React roots (a618a3).

0.1.3 (2021-3-2)

  • Fixed peer dependencies

0.1.2 (2020-10-30)

  • Fix TypeScript exports

0.1.1 (2020-10-29)

  • Performance Improvements
  • Experimental React Native support
  • Experimental Atom Effects
  • Experimental Snapshot construction

0.0.13 (2020-09-16)

  • Fix for bug affecting SSR

0.0.12 (2020-09-15)

  • Fix for bug affecting SSR on development builds

0.0.11 (2020-09-15)

  • Experimental React Concurrent Mode Support
  • Performance
  • Flow Types
  • ES, CommonJS, and UMD packages
  • Synchronization Across React Roots
  • Preliminary Developer Tools API
  • Test Infrastructure Fixes

0.0.10 (2020-06-18)

Bug Fix

  • Fix exports for snapshot hooks

0.0.9 (2020-06-17)


  • TypeScript support now rolled into Recoil repository and package.
  • Recoil Snapshot API for observing and managing global Recoil state.


  • Throw error with meaningful message if user doesn't use an atom or selector with most Recoil hooks (#205) - Thanks @alexandrzavalii
  • Improve testing (#321, #318, #294, #262, #295) - Thanks @aaronabramov, @Komalov, @mondaychen, @drarmstr, and @tyler-mitchell
  • Improve open-source build (#249, #203, #33) - Thanks to @tony-go, @acutmore, and @jaredpalmer

Bug Fixes

  • Some fixes for Server Side Rendering, though we do not officially support it yet. (#233, #220, #284) - Thanks @fyber-LJX, @Chrischuck, and @aulneau
  • Fix selectors recording dependency subscriptions in some cases (#296) - Thanks @drarmstr
  • Fix updaters in useRecoilCallback() getting current state (#260) - Thanks @drarmstr
  • Fix error messages when throwing certain errors in the open-source build. (#199) - Thanks @jonthomp
  • Reduce Flow errors for open-source builds (#308) - Thanks @Komalov

0.0.8 (2020-05-30)

Bug Fixes

  • Build system and repository syncing fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where atoms that stored self-referential structures would cause an infinite loop. (#153)
  • Fixed bugs affecting Server-Side Rendering. (#53)


  • TypeScript support is now available via DefinitelyTyped.
  • atomFamily and selectorFamily: these provide a standard way to create atoms and selectors using memoized functions. Compared with doing this yourself, in the future these will help with memory management.
  • noWait, waitForNone, waitForAny, waitForAll: helpers for concurrency and other advanced logic in async selectors.
  • constSelector and errorSelector: selectors that always evaluate to a constant or always throw an error.
  • readOnlySelector: wraps a read-write atom or selector in a read-only interface, for when you need type covariance.