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packing/unpacking reasoning wip
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vzaliva committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent a1baefd commit 313fd66
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Showing 3 changed files with 88 additions and 12 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions backend/cn/coq/Cerberus/Utils.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,3 +52,9 @@ Qed.
Definition split_at {A:Type} (n:nat) (l:list A)
:= (List.firstn n l, List.skipn n l).

Definition option_map {A B:Type} (f: A -> B) (o: option A) : option B :=
match o with
| Some x => Some (f x)
| None => None
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions backend/cn/coq/Reasoning/ProofAutomation.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,13 @@ Ltac2 verbose_print (msg : string) :=
if verbose then
Message.print (Message.of_string msg)

Ltac2 verbose_print_constr (msg:string) (c : constr) :=
if verbose then
Message.print (Message.concat (Message.of_string msg) (Message.of_constr c))

(* Sample usage for the proof log extracted from CN:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,9 +112,10 @@ Ltac2 prove_unfold_step () :=

Ltac2 prove_log_entry_valid () :=
match! goal with
| [ |- log_entry_valid (ResourceInferenceStep _ (PredicateRequest _ _ _ _) _) ] =>
| [ |- log_entry_valid (ResourceInferenceStep _ (PredicateRequest _ ?p _ _) _) ] =>
(* PredicateRequest case *)
verbose_print "Checking PredicateRequest";
verbose_print_constr " Predicate: " p;
Std.constructor false;
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => Std.reflexivity ());
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => Std.reflexivity ());
Expand Down
82 changes: 73 additions & 9 deletions backend/cn/coq/Reasoning/ResourceInference.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,14 +14,12 @@ Definition ctx_resources_set (l:((list (Resource.t * Z)) * Z)) : ResSet.t

(* Helper function to convert struct piece to resource *)
Definition struct_piece_to_resource (piece:Memory.struct_piece) (iinit:init) (ipointer:IndexTerms.t) (iargs:list IndexTerms.t) (iout:output) : option Resource.t :=
match Memory.piece_member_or_padding piece with
| Some (pid,pty) => Some (Request.P {| := Request.Owned pty iinit;
Predicate.pointer := ipointer;
Predicate.iargs := iargs |}, iout)
| None => None

(* resource = (P {name,pointer,iargs}) * output *)
option_map (fun '(pid,pty) =>
(Request.P {| := Request.Owned pty iinit;
Predicate.pointer := ipointer;
Predicate.iargs := iargs |}, iout)
) (Memory.piece_member_or_padding piece).

Inductive resource_unfold (globals:Global.t): Resource.t -> ResSet.t -> Prop :=
(* non-struct resources unfold to themselves *)
| resource_unfold_nonstruct:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,9 +193,75 @@ Inductive log_entry_valid : log_entry -> Prop :=
Context.constraints := oconstraints; := oglobal
| struct_resource_inference_step:
forall isym ity iinit ipointer iargs
oname opointer oargs
err out lines oloc
icomputational ilogical iresources iconstraints iglobal
ocomputational ological oresources oconstraints oglobal,
(* The following parts of context are not changed *)
icomputational = ocomputational ->
iglobal = oglobal ->
ilogical = ological ->
iconstraints = oconstraints ->
let in_res := ctx_resources_set iresources in
let out_res := ctx_resources_set oresources in
(* [out_res] is a subset of [in_res] with [upreds] elements removed. *)
(exists (upreds: ResSet.t),
resource_unfold iglobal
(Request.P {|; Predicate.pointer:=ipointer; Predicate.iargs:=iargs |}, out) upreds /\
ResSet.Equal (Resource.ResSet.add (P upred, out) out_res) in_res /\
Request.subsumed iname upred.(
(* input context *)
Context.computational := icomputational;
Context.logical := ilogical;
Context.resources := iresources;
Context.constraints := iconstraints; := iglobal
(* request type *)
err (* unused *)
(* input predicate *)
Request.Owned (SCtypes.Struct isym) iinit ;
Predicate.pointer:=ipointer; Predicate.iargs:=iargs
oloc (* unused *)
(* output predicate *)
{|; Predicate.pointer:=opointer; Predicate.iargs:=oargs |},
), lines (* unused *)
(* output context *)
Context.computational := ocomputational;
Context.logical := ological;
Context.resources := oresources;
Context.constraints := oconstraints; := oglobal

(** Proof log is valid if all entries are valid *)
Definition prooflog_valid (l:Prooflog.log) := List.Forall log_entry_valid l.

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