Pinned Loading
- file-symfony-bridge Public
[READ-ONLY] Provides integrations for Rekalogika FileInterface with Symfony HttpFoundation, Form, and Validator.
rekalogika/file-symfony-bridge’s past year of commit activity - file-oneup-uploader-bridge Public
[READ-ONLY] An adapter to convert Oneup Uploader Bundle's FileInterface to rekalogika/file FileInterface.
rekalogika/file-oneup-uploader-bridge’s past year of commit activity - file-image Public
[READ-ONLY] Simple image resizing filter for rekalogika/file. Callers provide the maximum width or height of the desired result, and whether to square-crop it.
rekalogika/file-image’s past year of commit activity - file-filepond Public
[READ-ONLY] Upload files using Symfony Form, FilePond, and the rekalogika/file framework
rekalogika/file-filepond’s past year of commit activity - file-association-entity Public
[READ-ONLY] Utilities for handling files inside domain entities: EmbeddedMetadata for embedding metadata inside Doctrine entities, AbstractFile for creating one-to-many relations with files, and NullFile to handle cases in domain entities where a file must be present but is missing in the storage backend.
rekalogika/file-association-entity’s past year of commit activity - file-association Public
[READ-ONLY] Handles the association between Doctrine entities and files using rekalogika/file framework, including from file uploads.
rekalogika/file-association’s past year of commit activity