A small project for 3I020 (Declarative programming UE) sort of reproduce of the very famous game MasterMind as explained here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_(board_game)
http://project.com/3I020 (Doesn't work though)
Use lein if you want to launch the project. There are two ways to launch it.
In a terminal, enter the repository of the game (~/projets_3I020/mastermind). Then use this command : lein repl. Afterwards, this line will appear on the terminal : mastermind.core=> To launch the game, enter (-main) after the line above. You should have this : mastermind.core=> (-main). Finally enjoy the game !
In a terminal, enter the repository of the file core.clj (~/projets/mastermind/src/mastermind). Then enter this command : lein run. Finally enjoy the game !
WARNING USE OF MIDJE We are very sorry, but we are still trying to understand how to use midje. If you want to run a test, please use the command test (lein test). It is said that test and midje are linked : https://github.com/marick/Midje/wiki/Running-midje
We will try to make the command midje efficient for the second project.
Does not have any options.
Here an example for you : $ lein run Welcome to the MatserMind ! Do you want to start a new game ? 1 : yes,why not? 2 : WTH! not at all 1 Perfect! Will you be the next mastermind? How many tries do you want ? 1 : 12 (hmmm still a newbie ?) 2 : 10 (A good debute hmm 3 : 8 (Oh you are very confident) 4 : 6 (Wouah, You really like challenge !) 1 The Boss has chosen 4 colors from red,blue,green,yellow,black and white so let's start ! You have 12 tries left green blue yellow black [green blue yellow black] [:bad :bad :color :bad] Too bad ! let's retry You have 11 tries left white black red yellow [white black red yellow] [:bad :bad :good :color] Too bad ! let's retry You have 10 tries left yellow red red red [yellow red red red] [:good :bad :good :good] Too bad ! let's retry You have 9 tries left yellow yellow red re Wrong arguments ! Please enter only one argument with the correct format : example red red [yellow yellow red red] [:good :good :good :good] OMG ! Congratulations! I can't believe it ! You won ! Another game ? 1:it was fun, so yes 2:I need a break, so no thanks 2 Too bad, it was fun ! See you later !
We have not found any bugs yet ! But if you have spotted any problems, please signal us :) !
Copyright © 2018 3I020_MasterMind
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.