Here are a few guidelines for different types of requests.
When filing a bug on GitHub, please include the following to help us get the problem resolved quickly:
- Steps to reproduce the bug
- An example of your
configurations or minimally reproducible example, if possible - What OS you're running on and your Leiningen, Java, Clojure, and project versions
Add any feature requests as GitHub issues. We can't guarantee that we will implement all features, but we love getting new ideas for ways our project can solve problems!
By contributing code to this project you are agreeing to release it under the MIT license
We welcome contributions from the community! When contributing:
- Check out issues that are ready to be worked on and feel free to comment if you have questions.
- For any other contributions please discuss with us as early as possible. We want your hard work to count.
- Add unit tests where applicable.
- When the code is ready, open a Pull Request to
. All contributions require code review before being merged.