This is a rough tally of upcoming feature work for chef-provisioning-aws
. We've defined acceptance criteria for new features, and we plan to bring existing resources in line with those criteria as well.
Existing resources to check against acceptance criteria
- EC2 Instances
- EC2 AMIs
- EBS Volumes
- Security Groups
- EIPs
- Key Pairs
- Launch Configurations
- Auto Scaling Groups
- VPCs
- Subnets
- Route Tables
- Internet Gateways
- DHCP Option Sets
- Network ACLs
- S3 Buckets
- RDS Instances
- Elasticache
- CloudSearch
ELBs (including health checks)
Route53 Zones
- Comment
- Health Checks
- Tags
- VPCs?
- Delegation Sets?
Route53 Records
IAM Roles
- EBS Snapshots
- Placement Groups
- Customer Gateways
- Virtual Private Gateways
- IAM Users
- IAM Groups
- IAM Policies
- CloudFront
- CloudWatch