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Mark Hughes edited this page Oct 9, 2017 · 6 revisions

These questions are frequently asked! If you ask a question, you may be linked to this page - as it has already been answered.

If you ignore these answer, you might be ignored! So please take the time to read these.

My config isn't saving!

There is a common misunderstanding that you have to restart the server to reload the configuration! You do not.

If you make a change to the config file while the server is running - simply execute the /f reload command - this command will read the configuration file and update LegacyFactions for you!

When you stop the server - all files in memory are saved to the disk, such as:

  • all player information
  • all faction information
  • the configuration file

So the configuration will be overwritten. To avoid this, run /f reload while the server is running.


This is normal for the tags, config, and command aliases files. This is a NoSuchFileException. In future builds this will be changed to a nicer messages :)

I don't want coleaders

Thats fine! We made it so you can still give the exact same vanilla 1.6 experience. LegacyFactions is extremely configurable.

Set enableColeaders to false in your configuration file.

If you want to, you can also change the prefixes in the configuration file from these options:

  • playerPrefixAdmin
  • playerPrefixColeader
  • playerPrefixMod

What version of Java do I need?

You need to use Java 8.