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Expansion: FactionsFly

Mark Hughes edited this page Aug 9, 2017 · 12 revisions
Expansion Info
This expansion allows players to use the /fly command in areas where they have permission.

Since: v1.4.2
Permissions: 5
Config Options: 6


  • (default: false) allow flying in land where they are in an alliance to
  • (default: false) allow flying in land where they are an enemy to
  • (default: false) allow flying in land where they are a member
  • (default: false) allow flying in land where they are neutral to
  • (default: false) allow flying in land where they are in a truce to


  • factionsFlyExpansionEnabled (default: false) enable FactionsFly
  • factionsFlyNoEnderpearl (default: true) if enabled, it disallows enderpearl teleportation while flying
  • factionsFlyNoChorusFruit (default: true) if enabled, it disallows chorus fruit teleportation while flying
  • factionsFlyMaxY (default: -1) if at a number larger than 0, this will lock the max Y (height) at this amount
  • factionsFlyNoFirstFallDamage (default: true) if enabled players will not get fall damage when they disable factions fly
  • factionsFlyTeleportToFloorOnDisable (default: false) if enabled players will simply teleport to the ground immediately when fly is disabled (disabled by default as this can be exploited in some situations)