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Safe Sightings of Signs and Signals (SSOSS)

SSOSS is a software tool that automates the difficult aspects of verifying if traffic signs and signals are visible or obstructed on a roadway. This is a streamlined and repeatable process to monitor signs and signals along any roadway using a simple input file (.CSV), GPS recorded data file (.GPX) and a recorded video file.



SSOSS as Windows EXE Program

Sample Sight Distance Image


  • Automated data processing: The SSOSS tool uses a combination of GPS and video data to extract images of traffic signals, roadway signs and/or any static road object that can be captured in a video.
  • Example CSV templates are provided to help get started making the static roadway object input file for both static objects and traffic signals.
  • Video Synchronization Helper Tools: Options are provided to export the video frames and help to synchronize the video file.
  • Image Labeling and animated GIF image tools: Selectable options are included to label images or create an animated GIF from multiple images.


  • Python 3.9
  • Required libraries: pandas, numpy, opencv-python, geopy, gpxpy, imageio, tqdm, lxml


Windows OS users can use the Releases to download an .exe of SSOSS for simple graphical usage. For Mac and Linux users, the command line option is described below.

To install SSOSS:

python3 -m pip install ssoss


To use the SSOSS program,

  1. Collect and Setup Data as described in section A.1 or A.2 and B below.
  2. Syncronize the video as described in the SSOSS How To Video and mentioned below.
  3. Follow the commandline commands in Part C or use the Windows OS GUI interface.

A.1 Input File: Intersection CSV File

Data related to the static road objects (signs and traffic signals) need to be saved in a CSV file for used in processing. Both Intersection CSV files and Sign CSV template files are available in "CSV templates" folder in this github repository and includes an example intersection/sign for easy duplication. Header descriptions stays in CSV file.

The intersection CSV file has the following format (as a minimum):

ID# Cross Street 1 Cross Street 2 Center Intersection Latitude Center Intersection Longitude NB Approach Posted Speed (MPH) EB Approach Posted Speed (MPH) SB Approach Posted Speed (MPH) WB Approach Posted Speed (MPH) NB Bearing EB Bearing SB Bearing WB Bearing
0 Pine St Taylor St 37.790682244556805 -122.41229404545489 25 25 25 30 356.58 87.12 162.87 263.94

Optional Stop Bar Locations (Experimental)

For more accurate sight distance images, stop bar locations can be appended to each intersection row. Below shows an example for the Northbound and Eastbound approaches.

NB Stop Bar Left Side (Latitude) NB Stop Bar Left Side (Longitude) NB Stop Bar Right Side (Latitude) NB Stop Bar Right Side (Longitude) EB Stop Bar Left Side (Latitude) EB Stop Bar Left Side (Longitude) EB Stop Bar Right Side (Latitude) EB Stop Bar Right Side (Longitude) SB Stop Bar Left Side (Latitude) SB Stop Bar Left Side (Longitude) SB Stop Bar Right Side (Latitude) SB Stop Bar Right Side (Longitude) WB Stop Bar Left Side (Latitude) WB Stop Bar Left Side (Longitude) WB Stop Bar Right Side (Latitude) WB Stop Bar Right Side (Longitude)
37.79055490933646 -122.41231165549507 37.79056709721846 -122.41222448370476 37.79071792444257 -122.41241972749047 37.790609293471164 -122.41239692871453 37.79078277043246 -122.41224998121827 37.79076899286676 -122.41237537448755 37.79064499466002 -122.41213464623262 37.790755745205026 -122.41215543335213

A.2 Input File: Sign CSV File

Data related to signs (or simple static road objects) use the following format as a CSV input file.

ID# Street Name Latitude Longitude Direction Sign Description Distance (ft)
1 Newell Ave 37.89256331423276 -122.06077411022638 EB Bike Sign - W11-1 150

B. Data Collection

Collect data simultaneously:

  1. GPX recording a. Use GPX Version 1.0 with logging every second
  2. Video Recording a. Record at 2 Megapixel resolution or more b. Record at 30 frames per second or higher (60 fps preferred)

C. Data Processing: Argparse Command Line

(ssoss_virtual_env) python --help

Basic Usage

(ssoss_virtual_env) python --static_objects signals.csv 
                                        --gpx_file drive.gpx 
                                        --sync_frame 456 
                                        --sync_timestamp 2022-10-24T14:21:54.32Z

Sync GPX & Video Process

Synchronizing the GPX file and the video could be one of the largest sources of error. The ProcessVideo Class has a helper function to perform a accurate synchronization time. The extract_frames_between method can export all the video frames between two time values. When looking at the GPX points, the approximate video time can be estimated and all the frames can be extracted. This method is:

        (ssoss_virtual_env) python -video_file 
                                                --frame_extract_start 4 
                                                --frame_extract_end 6

Check the printed logs to see the saved output location. Default is: ./out/[video filename]/frames/###.jpg where ### is the frame number of the image.

Use the frame number and the GPX recorded time to line up the best point to synchronize the video using the Sync method.

Sync.txt Logger

Automatically saves frame number and timestamp to sync.txt file in the ./out/ directory so a log of when a video file was synchronized is saved.

Sources of Error

While SSOSS does provide approximate sight distance images, their are various sources of error that should be try to be minimized. Here are the major sources of error and how they can be mitigated.

Error Source Approximate Error Amount Comment
GPS 9 ft + Inherent with using GPS. Keep clear signal of GPS if possible
Stop Bar 20 - 80 ft Depends on size of intersection. Using stop bar points can eliminate this error.
Vehicle Motion 0 - 30 ft Significant acceleration and deacceleration can cause error in finding the sight distance accuratly
Video View of Roadway 0 - 25 ft Calibrating the closest visible ground spot as seen on the video can eliminate this error. Typically 20ft.
Video Time Sync 0 ft + If the syncronization process is not done accuratly, this can be a huge source of error.

Optional Tools

GIF Creator

Create a gif from multiple images around the sight distance location. This can be helpful if the lens is out of focus or an few frames are obstructed.

Include the -- gif flag in the command line to create. Note: this requires additional processing time for large video files.

Saves .gif file in ./out/[video filename]/gif/

Label Image

Add a label to the bottom of the image by including the --label flag in the command line.

Saves images in ./out/[video filename]/signal_sightings/labeled


For Each GPX Point:

  • What are the closest & approaching intersections
    • Based on compass heading of moving vehicle and input data (.csv), which approach leg is vehicle on?
      • What is the approach speed of that approach leg, and look up sight distance for that speed
        • Is the current GPX point greater than that sight distance and the next point is less than the sight distance,
          • If yes, then calculate acceleration between those two points and estimate the time the vehicle traveled over the sight distance.
          • If no, go to next GPX point

From the sight distance timestamp and synchronized video file, the frame is extracted that is closest to that time.


Contributions are welcome to the SSOSS project! If you have an idea for a new feature or have found a bug, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


Pioneer Winner of 2023 FHWA Build a Better Mouse Trap competition - Award Booklet [page 8]

Caltrans Division of Local Assistance Blog - SSOSS is the Pioneer Award from the 2023 Build A Better Mousetrap competition

Caltrans Technical Assistance Program

Public Roads Magazine: 2023 Build a Better Mouse Trap Winners [Page 8]

Public Roads Autumn 2023


The SSOSS project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.