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Relation between runtimes and language server's JDT compiler #2570

Answered by rgrunber
tsaarni asked this question in Q&A
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Yes, the specified runtime from java.configuration.runtimes can be used when launching the application. It is basically a mapping between the execution environment and a JDK location that can deal with that environment. From there, if (for example), a Maven project is configured for Java 11, then JDT-LS will attempt to locate a JDK that matches that (eg. under the JavaSE-11 entry).

It does more than just allow you to link to the sources/javadocs. java.configuration.runtimes is meant for those wishing to ensure the Java code they write is compatible with a particular version of Java. Imagine using a language feature (eg. Text Blocks, new in Java 15) or API that is from a version of Java th…

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