- Improve documentation and example usage of initramfs role
- Improved console logging of bigboot progress to include percent complete
- Support check mode when using the bigboot role
- Fix bigboot repeatedly increasing the partition size
- add bigboot support for Btrfs next partition
- do bigboot LVM changes with Ansible instead of pre-mount hook
- new bigboot_partition_size variable to make bigboot role more idempotent
- show console log output from bigboot even if quiet kernel arg is set
- Fix how locking is disabled for newer LVM versions
- Fix missing role metadata
- Fix potential space exhaustion when restoring previous initramfs
- Add bigboot progress messages so inpatient operators don't think their server is hung
- Clean up bad math in bigboot.sh
- Fix bigboot device not found error
- Fix bigboot fail when autoactivation property not set
- Fix vgs not found error
- Round down requested size to multiple of extent size
- Shorten bigboot.sh usage help message to not exceed the kmsg buffer
- Use sectors with sfdisk
- Add publish to Automation Hub to release workflow
- Fix release workflow prechecks
- bigboot - Rename internal variables with role name prefix
- initramfs - Rename internal variables with role name prefix
- shrink_lv - Rename internal variables with role name prefix
- Split lvm_snapshots role into snapshot_create, snapshot_revert and snapshot_remove
- Updated links in docs and workflows to reflect move to redhat-cop org
- Fix "Failed to list block device properties" error
- Fix dracut path
- New role, bigboot, to increase the boot partition while moving, and shrinking if needed, the adjacent partition
- New role, initramfs, to execute an atomic flow of building and using a temporary initramfs in a reboot and restoring the original one
- New role, shrink_lv, to decrease logical volume size along with the filesystem
- Changed the lvm_snapshots_boot_backup var default to false
- Removed unimplemented lvm_snapshots_use_boom var from the docs
- Revert - wait for snapshot to drain before returning
- Add task to ensure tar package is present
- Grub needs reinstall if /boot is on LVM
- Wrong kernel version booting after rolling back
- Create snapshots with normalized sizes
- Existing Snapshots with Different Name Cause verify_no_existing_snapshot.yml to Fail
- Initial MVP release
- Add boot backup support
- Add support for checking before resizing logical volumes