RT+ is a collection of web based tools for managing response teams. It started as a work-around to dealing with multiple teams in D4H but now includes other features independent of D4H.
Development of RT+ is a volunteer effort led by Alex Westphal (NZ-RT11).
RT+ is build using a number of cutting edge web technologies:
- Clerk - Comprehensive user managment platform.
- Github - Code management platform.
- Lucide Icons - Large simple SVG based icon set.
- Neon Postgres - Serverless Postgres database.
- Next.js - Web application framework built using React components.
- Prisma - Typescript ORM.
- Radix Primitives - Unstyled, accessible, React primitives.
- React - Library for building user interfaces based on components.
- shadcn/ui - React component library styled with Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind CSS - Utility first CSS framework.
- TanStack Query - Client side data synchronisation library.
- TanStack Table - Headless UI for building tables and datagrids.
- Typescript - Strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript.
- Vercel - Cloud hosting for Next.js
All technologies used are either free/open-source or a currently setup with a free plan (Clerk, Neon Postgres, and Vercel). Depending on future use, we may need to ask for donations to cover hosting costs.
File bug reports or feature requests on the GitHub Issues Tab.
Be aware that RT+ is a volunteer effort so we can't guarantee a timeframe to fix bugs or implement features.