Releases: redbox-mint/redbox-portal
Releases · redbox-mint/redbox-portal
What's Changed
- Hotfix: Users that may have been deleted from the database break the population of the permissions table by @andrewbrazzatti in #1388
- Add handling of custom error to post save sync trigger by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1390
- Hotfix: ANDS Vocab Component doesn't initialise correctly when not visible by @andrewbrazzatti in #1442
- Hotfix: Undefined permission fields in record metadata cause the getPermissions endpoint to fail by @andrewbrazzatti in #1443
Full Changelog: v2.4...v2.5
This release is a major upgrade to the ReDBox application. This includes:
- A re-write to the dashboard table component to use Angular 15 and support greater customisability. This includes the ability to group related records into the same table
- An upgrade to the Reporting front-end to use Angular 15
- Support for using database queries instead of the search index for report queries
- Greater customisability in the output of both the displayed report tables and the exported CSV
- An upgrade to the local authentication login screen to use Angular 15
- An upgrade to the user and role management screens to Angular 15
- An upgrade to the export screen to Angular 15
- An upgrade to the framework used for look and feel (Bootstrap 3 to 5)
What's Changed
- Merge recordservice stub from develop by @shilob in #1165
- Feature: add parse object option to run templates method in rdmp service by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1363
- Feature: Added export API endpoint, updated Postman test by @shilob in #1364
- Feature add force not empty merge object as array by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1365
- Feature: NG15 migration - Updated recordservice definition by @shilob in #1166
- Migrated the Local Authentication Angular App to Angular 15 by @andrewbrazzatti in #1160
- Bootstrap 5 WIP II. Working CDN for both CSS and Javascript with fixes by @rdpaorg in #1167
- Bootstrap5 upgrade merge by @shilob in #1169
- Merge bootstrap5 fixes from export branch by @shilob in #1170
- Feature/bootstrap5 by @rdpaorg in #1172
- Bump cookiejar from 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 by @dependabot in #1164
- Legacy RDMP form with Bootstrap 5 by @rdpaorg in #1174
- Feature/bootstrap5 by @rdpaorg in #1175
- PR for Reporting App into Bootstrap5 branch by @shilob in #1178
- Feature hide show markdown component by @andrewbrazzatti in #1180
- Add config option to data location component to hide notes by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1124
- Feature/bootstrap5 by @andrewbrazzatti in #1182
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10 by @dependabot in #1040
- Bump marked from 4.0.4 to 4.3.0 by @dependabot in #1183
- Bump luxon from 1.26.0 to 1.28.1 by @dependabot in #1159
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 by @dependabot in #1152
- Bump @types/jquery from 3.5.9 to 3.5.16 by @dependabot in #1158
- Bump @uppy/core from 1.18.0 to 1.20.1 by @dependabot in #923
- Bump @uppy/tus from 1.8.4 to 2.0.0 by @dependabot in #931
- Bump @uppy/dashboard from 1.19.0 to 2.0.0 by @dependabot in #919
- Bump from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 by @dependabot in #1143
- Bump from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 by @dependabot in #1147
- Bump jsonwebtoken and passport-jwt by @dependabot in #1161
- Bump jose from 4.8.1 to 4.13.1 by @dependabot in #1181
- Feature: Upgrade Passport to version 0.6 by @andrewbrazzatti in #1184
- Bump ejs from 3.1.8 to 3.1.9 by @dependabot in #1185
- Bump nodemailer from 6.7.2 to 6.9.1 by @dependabot in #1186
- Bump chai from 4.3.4 to 4.3.7 by @dependabot in #1187
- Bump supertest from 6.1.6 to 6.3.3 by @dependabot in #1189
- Bump grunt from 1.5.3 to 1.6.1 by @dependabot in #1191
- Bump grunt-contrib-clean from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in #1192
- Bump fs-extra from 10.0.0 to 11.1.1 by @dependabot in #1188
- Bump postcss from 8.4.4 to 8.4.21 by @dependabot in #1190
- Bump @compodoc/compodoc from 1.1.16 to 1.1.19 by @dependabot in #1193
- Bump node-schedule from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 by @dependabot in #1195
- Bump zone.js from 0.11.4 to 0.13.0 by @dependabot in #1194
- Bump redux from 4.1.2 to 4.2.1 by @dependabot in #1197
- Bump mocha from 9.2.2 to 10.2.0 by @dependabot in #1198
- Bump axios from 0.24.0 to 1.3.5 by @dependabot in #1199
- Bump ts-node from 10.4.0 to 10.9.1 by @dependabot in #1196
- Bump bower from 1.8.13 to 1.8.14 by @dependabot in #1200
- Bump async from 3.2.2 to 3.2.4 by @dependabot in #1202
- Bump grunt-contrib-uglify from 5.0.1 to 5.2.2 by @dependabot in #1203
- Bump grunt-contrib-concat from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #1204
- Bump @types/node from 18.14.6 to 18.15.11 by @dependabot in #1205
- Bump systemjs from 6.11.0 to 6.14.1 by @dependabot in #1206
- Bump grunt-shell from 3.0.1 to 4.0.0 by @dependabot in #1207
- Bump @types/lodash-es from 4.17.5 to 4.17.7 by @dependabot in #1208
- Bump dotenv from 10.0.0 to 16.0.3 by @dependabot in #1209
- Bump core-js from 3.19.3 to 3.30.1 by @dependabot in #1216
- Bump mongodb from 4.2.1 to 4.16.0 by @dependabot in #1218
- Bump postcss from 8.4.21 to 8.4.23 by @dependabot in #1219
- Bump i18next from 21.6.0 to 22.4.15 by @dependabot in #1220
- Bump agenda from 4.1.3 to 5.0.0 by @dependabot in #1140
- Bump sass from 1.44.0 to 1.62.0 by @dependabot in #1215
- Bump typescript from 4.6.3 to 5.0.4 by @dependabot in #1201
- Bump tus-node-server from 0.4.0 to 0.9.0 by @dependabot in #1213
- Bump typescript from 4.3.5 to 5.0.4 in /core by @dependabot in #1222
- Bump path-exists from 4.0.0 to 5.0.0 in /core by @dependabot in #1223
- Bump sass from 1.62.0 to 1.62.1 by @dependabot in #1226
- Bump @types/node from 18.15.11 to 18.16.1 by @dependabot in #1224
- Bump axios from 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 by @dependabot in #1228
- Bump openid-client from 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 by @dependabot in #1229
- Bump jasmine-core from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 in /angular by @dependabot in #1239
- Bump zone.js from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 in /angular by @dependabot in #1240
- Bump i18next-http-backend from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 in /angular by @dependabot in #1242
- Bump ng-packagr from 15.0.0 to 15.2.2 in /angular by @dependabot in #1238
- Bump typescript from 4.8.4 to 4.9.5 in /angular by @dependabot in #1249
- Bump @types/lodash-es from 4.17.6 to 4.17.7 in /angular by @dependabot in #1250
- Bump luxon and @types/luxon in /angular by @dependabot in #1252
- Bump @types/lodash from 4.14.191 to 4.14.194 in /angular by @dependabot in #1251
- Bump @types/jasmine from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 in /angular by @dependabot in #1244
- Bump rxjs from 7.8.0 to 7.8.1 in /angular by @dependabot in #1256
- Bump node from 18.14.0-buster to 18.16.0-buster by @dependabot in #1263
- Bump axios from 1.3.6 to...
What's Changed
- Fix: Static links don't render properly when there isnt a link value present in the RelatedObjectData Field by @andrewbrazzatti in #1258
- Solr Preindex support for setting properties as JSON strings and evaluating lodash templates by @andrewbrazzatti in #1264
- Feature: Added option to not attempt sign out from Authentication server for OIDC users by @andrewbrazzatti in #1295
- Bump from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 by @dependabot in #1297
- Hotfix: Improved error handling when downloading datastreams by @andrewbrazzatti in #1299
- Feature: Brought the ardc vocab widget css into the app so that it doesn't rely on ardc to render by @andrewbrazzatti in #1308
- Feature: Made repeatable contributor component hideable by @andrewbrazzatti in #1309
- Feature: Improved styling capabilities of Selection Field Component in edit mode by @andrewbrazzatti in #1310
- Fix contributors component in split names mode doesn't populate correctly on subscribe by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1328
- Fix setVisibility not clearing validators for contributor component by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1348
- Fix repeatable component to handle validators properly by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1354
- Feature: Add configurable triggers on login by @andrewbrazzatti in #1362
Full Changelog: v2.3...v2.4
What's Changed
- Added trigger function that will only allow the specified role or user modify the specified metadata fields by @andrewbrazzatti in #1173
- Hotfix: Subscribe function doesn't work for label only vocab component by @andrewbrazzatti in #1179
- Fix: Contributor component does not function with the setVisibility function by @andrewbrazzatti in #1145
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.3
What's Changed
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.4 to 1.15.2 by @dependabot in #1141
- Feature to handle historic values in dropdown, radio and checkbox by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1151
- Function for server side validation of a regex by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1153
- Add configurable regex validation to exclude selected checkboxes in andsvocab component by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1155
Full Changelog: v2.2...v2.2.1
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Node version 18 and improved core functionality by @shilob in #1137
- Support for new sails-hook-redbox-datastream-cloud plugin that allows storage of data attachments in S3 and other cloud storage systems
- Add created and last updated dates to named query api by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1132
- Change header logic in http.js config file not to cache csrf token by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1133
- Feature - customisable required field indicator by @andrewbrazzatti in #1134
- Fix User Audit Persistence by @andrewbrazzatti in #1135
- Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 by @dependabot in #1127
- Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.33 to 0.5.37 by @dependabot in #1122
- Bump grunt from 1.4.1 to 1.5.3 by @dependabot in #1084
- Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 in /core by @dependabot in #1126
- Bump and sails-hook-sockets by @dependabot in #1130
Breaking Change
Due to the upgrade to the latest Node 18 LTS and the changes to the peer dependency logic introduced from npm v7+. The flag --legacy-peer-deps needs to be added to any npm install commands used to install plugins.
e.g. npm i --legacy-peer-deps "@researchdatabox/sails-hook-redbox-pdfgen"
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.2
What's Changed
- Enhanced integration with Datacite DOI. Increased capability to map record metadata to DOI schema. Support for setting the DOI status (draft,findable,registered)
- Removing got package and replacing with axios in SolrSearchService by @rdpaorg in #1100
- Added unit test for SolrSearchService.index method by @rdpaorg in #1109
- Fix axiom json post request in SolrSearchService by @rdpaorg in #1110
- chageDoiState method by @rdpaorg in #1105
- Feature/integration test solr indexing by @rdpaorg in #1107
- added description, rights, dates, identifiers and size to datacite su… by @rdpaorg in #1111
- publication additional identifiers and collection capacity by @rdpaorg in #1112
- Added support for listing workspaces that aren't provisioned by ReDBox by @andrewbrazzatti in #1114
- Improved datacite mapping configuration by @rdpaorg in #1113
- changed record audit tests to current response format by @rdpaorg in #1115
- Rest API to retrieve Audit information for Records by @andrewbrazzatti in #1116
- Feature/datacite doi arrays by @rdpaorg in #1117
- checking for empty values from templates in datacite mappings by @rdpaorg in #1118
- Ability to update a DOI by @rdpaorg in #1119
- changing DOI error handling to use RBValidationError by @rdpaorg in #1121
- Feature/doi error reporting by @rdpaorg in #1123
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2
What's Changed
- Feature max total file upload append alternative process message by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1097
- Fix to interpret html in err msg from sails in dmp form by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1101
- Added support for externally provisioned workspaces by @andrewbrazzatti in #1103
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1
What's Changed
- Citation DOI field for Data Publication form by @rdpaorg in #1050
- Text field for Access Conditions URL in publication form by @rdpaorg in #1051
- Feature to config dataTypeLookup and dataTypes in data location and… by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1052
- Preventing home panel text from overflowing on resize by changing cal… by @rdpaorg in #1053
- View the Associated Data button for Data Publication view by @rdpaorg in #1054
- Bump typescript from 4.5.2 to 4.6.3 by @dependabot in #1048
- Bump grunt from 1.4.1 to 1.5.2 by @dependabot in #1060
- Data Publication Status badge by @rdpaorg in #1061
- Added integration tests for OpenId Connect by @andrewbrazzatti in #1063
- Added support for custom server side save validation using pre-save triggers by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1064
- Feature to make add datastream synchronous on create and on update and after pre save triggers by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1072
- data record view associated RDMP link by @rdpaorg in #1071
- Feature storage mongo 1.1.5 alpha by @andrewbrazzatti in #1074
- Bump openid-client from 4.9.0 to 5.1.6 by @dependabot in #1075
- Bump ejs from 3.1.6 to 3.1.8 by @dependabot in #1077
- Added user filtering to AAF authentication to prevent unwanted users access. by @andrewbrazzatti in #1082
- Upgrade base image to Node v14 by @andrewbrazzatti in #1083
- Make click refresh metadata button mark the form as requiring a save by @rdpaorg in #1091
- Setting value on map component marks form as required to save by @rdpaorg in #1092
- Feature name query api enhancement by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1088
- Create system role api endpoint by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1087
- added patchValue to field data-location-refresh to emit an event to n… by @rdpaorg in #1093
- Feature group eventhandler by @andrewbrazzatti in #1094
- Feature publish event responses - return value support by @andrewbrazzatti in #1095
- Feature add field names to contributor component when using free text by @alejandro-bulgaris-qcif in #1096
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.10...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- Fix: VocabController error responses by @andrewbrazzatti in #1089
Full Changelog: v2.0.9...v2.0.10