Hasak is firmware for the CWKeyerShield described in https://github.com/softerhardware/CWKeyer.
With appropriate wiring, it also works on bare Teensy microprocessors, Teensy microprocessors with the Teensy Audio Adapter, and Teensy microprocessors on hardware specifically designed for hasak.
Hasak is designed to combine the Teensy hardware, the Teensy Audio library, and the Musical Instrument Device Interface (MIDI) to make a highly configurable cw keyer that allows sample accurate timing.
Obtain a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 from https://www.pjrc.com/store/ or one of the suppliers listed there.
Teensy 3.x will work, but they’ve been discontinued as products, so don’t try to buy one new. And if you have a new one lying around, you might want to sell it on ebay.
Install the Teensyduino development environment according to the instructions at https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_download.html
If you are running on Linux, do not skip the instructions for Linux udev rules - Proper setup for USB devices on Linux systems.
Download the source for the project from https://github.com/recri/hasak
Open the project with the arduino-ide. In the tools menu you need to select the Board, the Port, and the USB Type.
In the Board submenu, pick your Teensy version from the Teensy submenu.
In the Port submenu, select your Teensy’s port. The list of possible ports will appear once you’ve connected your Teensy with a USB cable.
In the USB Type submenu, select “Serial+MIDI+Audio”.
gnd | ground | all |
pin 0 | right paddle in | all |
pin 1 | left paddle in | all |
pin 2 | straight key in | all |
pin 3 | external PTT in | all |
pin 4 | key out | all |
pin 5 | PTT out | all |
pin 10 | MQSR audio out right | Teensy 4.X |
pin 12 | MQSL audio out left | Teensy 4.X |
headphone jack | Teensy Audio Adapter | |
headphone jack | CW Keyer Shield | |
pin 15 | A1 Volume Pot | CW Keyer Shield |
pin 16 | A2 ST Vol Pot | CW Keyer Shield |
pin 17 | A3 ST Freq | CW Keyer Shield |
pin 18 | A4 Speed | CW Keyer Shield |
pin 40 | DAC A14 audio out mono | Teensy 3.1, 3.2 |
pin 66 | DAC0 audio out | Teensy 3.5, 3.6 |
pin 67 | DAC1 audio out | Teensy 3.5, 3.6 |
Open https://hasak.elf.org on the machine connected to your Teensy by USB.
Grant permission to program MIDI devices when prompted.
The web page may need to be reloaded to display the user interface.
(This was intended to work on any device, but it isn’t working for me on my android phone, my android tablet, or my chromebook.)