Integrates license summary from license-maven-plugin into SonarQube v7.9.
The license-maven-plugin has the goal aggregate-download-licenses which creates an overview about licenses of the dependencies of a Maven project.
This SonarQube plugin does not perform analysis, rather, it reads existing license summary (licenses.xml). Please refer to license-maven-plugin for relevant documentation how to generate the reports.
The plugin keeps track of the following statistics:
Metric | Description |
Compliant | The number of dependencies with compliant licenses. (See configuration properties for definition of compliant/non-compliant licenses) |
Non-compliant | The number of dependencies with non-compliant licenses. (See configuration properties for definition of compliant/non-compliant licenses) |
Unknown | The number of dependencies with unknown licenses. |
License | The number of dependencies with this license. (See configuration properties for configuration enabling metrics for each license) |
Compliance rating | The rating of the usage of compliant/non-compliant licenes. (See configuration properties for definition of rating for non-compliant and unknown licenses) |
The compliance rating is based on the usage of non-compliant or unknown licenses. If compliant licenses are used only the rating is . If at least one non-compliant license
is found the rating is
otherwise if at lease one license is unknown the rating is
Copy the plugin (jar file) to $SONAR_INSTALL_DIR/extensions/plugins and restart SonarQube.
The license-maven-plugin will output a file named 'licenses.xml' when asked to output XML. The mathan-license-sonar-plugin reads an existing license summary XML report.
There is additional configuration available which enables to override the default mapping of non-compliant/unknown licenses to SonarQube severity. It is also possible to include or exclude certain dependencies for the check.
The filters defined are using a special artifact pattern syntax already known from Maven extended to allow a comma separated list of such patterns.
The pattern is defined like this: [groupId]:[artifactId]:[type]:[version]:[scope]:[classifier]
Each pattern segment is optional and supports full and partial * wildcards. An empty pattern segment is treated as an implicit wildcard. For example, org.apache.*
would match all artifacts
whose group id started with org.apache.
, and :::*-SNAPSHOT
would match all snapshot artifacts.
This plugin offers various configuration options which are explained in the following categories. The settings can be found under Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Licenses.
By default 3 metrics will be reported. With the following configuration metrics can be hidden. Changes to the setting in this category need a restart of SonarQube to take effect.
Property | Default |
Hide compliant dependencies | true |
Hide dependencies without license | false |
Hide non-compliant dependencies | false |
Hide entries for each used license | true |
By default updates for all dependencies are reported. A whitelist filter and/or a blacklist filter can be used to include/exclude certain dependencies. These filter use the artifact pattern syntax described above. Some common use cases for the filter are
- exclude SNAPSHOT dependencies (
) - exclude dependencies with scope test (
) - include dependencies of own company only (e.g
Property | Default |
sonar.licenses.inclusions | ::::: (include all) |
sonar.licenses.exclusions | (none) |
Within this section the license can be defined as compliant/non-compliant. It can be useful to change these setting to e.g. also mark LGPL licenses as non-compliant. The default configuration is like this.
License | Name | Compliant |
Apache 2.0 | Apache License version 2.0 | true |
BSD 2 | BSD 2-Clause License | true |
BSD 3 | BSD 3-Clause License | true |
CDDL 1.0 | Common development and distribution license version 1.0 | true |
FDL 1.3 | GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) version 1.3 | true |
LGPL 2.1 | GNU General Lesser Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 | true |
LGPL 3.0 | GNU General Lesser Public License (LGPL) version 3.0 | true |
MIT | MIT-License | true |
License | Name | Compliant |
AGPL 3.0 | GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.0 | false |
EPL /w D. 1.0 | Eclipse Public + Distribution License - v 1.0 | false |
EPC 1.0 | Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 | false |
EPL /w S 2.0 | Eclipse Public License - v 2.0 with Secondary License | false |
EPL 2.0 | Eclipse Public License - v 2.0 | false |
EUPL 1.1 | European Union Public License v1.1 | false |
GPL 1.0 | GNU General Public License (GPL) version 1.0 | false |
GPL 2.0 | GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 | false |
GPL 3.0 | GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0 | false |
The severity for non-compliant and unknown licenses can be changed. By default non-compliant licenses are reported by issues with severity blocker. For unknown licenses the severity is critical.