diff --git a/.clj-kondo/config.edn b/.clj-kondo/config.edn
index 4de750ff..97cf4dcc 100644
--- a/.clj-kondo/config.edn
+++ b/.clj-kondo/config.edn
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{:lint-as {reagent.core/with-let clojure.core/let
- reagenttest.utils/deftest clojure.test/deftest}
+ reagenttest.utils/deftest clojure.test/deftest
+ reagenttest.utils/with-render clojure.core/let}
:linters {:unused-binding {:level :off}
:missing-else-branch {:level :off}
:unused-referred-var {:exclude {cljs.test [deftest testing is]}}
diff --git a/.clj-kondo/funcool/promesa/config.edn b/.clj-kondo/funcool/promesa/config.edn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1844f77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clj-kondo/funcool/promesa/config.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{:lint-as {promesa.core/-> clojure.core/->
+ promesa.core/->> clojure.core/->>
+ promesa.core/as-> clojure.core/as->
+ promesa.core/let clojure.core/let
+ promesa.core/plet clojure.core/let
+ promesa.core/loop clojure.core/loop
+ promesa.core/recur clojure.core/recur
+ promesa.core/with-redefs clojure.core/with-redefs
+ promesa.core/doseq clojure.core/doseq}}
diff --git a/deps.edn b/deps.edn
index dddf3d95..468485a7 100644
--- a/deps.edn
+++ b/deps.edn
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{:paths ["src" "test" "examples/todomvc/src" "examples/simple/src" "examples/geometry/src" "demo"]
- :deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.11.60"}
- doo/doo {:mvn/version "0.1.11"}}}
+ :deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.11.132"}
+ doo/doo {:mvn/version "0.1.11"}
+ funcool/promesa {:mvn/version "11.0.678"}}}
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 1ef9d8a3..ff8784b7 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
[figwheel-sidecar "0.5.20"]
[doo "0.1.11"]
[cljsjs/prop-types "15.8.1-0"]
+ [funcool/promesa "11.0.678"]
[cljsjs/react "18.3.1-1"]
[cljsjs/react-dom "18.3.1-1"]
diff --git a/shadow-cljs.edn b/shadow-cljs.edn
index e0645c10..4d0002a3 100644
--- a/shadow-cljs.edn
+++ b/shadow-cljs.edn
@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@
:source-map true
:compiler-options {:infer-externs :auto}
:ns-regexp "(reagenttest\\.test.*|reagent\\..*-test)"}}
- :dependencies [[doo "0.1.11"]]}
+ :dependencies [[doo "0.1.11"]
+ [funcool/promesa "11.0.678"]]}
diff --git a/src/reagent/impl/component.cljs b/src/reagent/impl/component.cljs
index f1a3770e..f54b17bc 100644
--- a/src/reagent/impl/component.cljs
+++ b/src/reagent/impl/component.cljs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
(defn ^boolean reagent-class? [c]
(and (fn? c)
- (some? (some-> c (.-prototype) (.-reagentRender)))))
+ (some? (some-> c (.-prototype) ^clj (.-reagentRender)))))
(defn ^boolean react-class? [c]
(and (fn? c)
diff --git a/test/reagenttest/testreagent.cljs b/test/reagenttest/testreagent.cljs
index f5908f73..e82ef76e 100644
--- a/test/reagenttest/testreagent.cljs
+++ b/test/reagenttest/testreagent.cljs
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
(ns reagenttest.testreagent
- (:require [clojure.test :as t :refer-macros [is deftest testing]]
+ (:require [clojure.string :as string]
+ [clojure.test :as t :refer-macros [is deftest testing]]
+ [goog.object :as gobj]
+ [goog.string :as gstr]
+ [promesa.core :as p]
[react :as react]
- [reagent.ratom :as rv :refer [reaction]]
- [reagent.debug :as debug :refer [dev?]]
[reagent.core :as r]
+ [reagent.debug :as debug :refer [dev?]]
[reagent.dom :as rdom]
[reagent.dom.client :as rdomc]
[reagent.dom.server :as server]
[reagent.impl.component :as comp]
[reagent.impl.template :as tmpl]
- [reagenttest.utils :as u :refer [with-mounted-component as-string]]
- [clojure.string :as string]
- [goog.string :as gstr]
- [goog.object :as gobj]
- [prop-types :as prop-types]))
+ [reagent.ratom :as rv :refer [reaction]]
+ [reagenttest.utils :as u :refer [as-string]]))
(t/use-fixtures :once
{:before (fn []
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
(set! rv/debug false))})
(u/deftest ^:dom really-simple-test
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [ran (atom 0)
really-simple (fn []
(swap! ran inc)
[:div "div in really-simple"])]
- (with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [really-simple nil nil]]
(is (= 1 @ran))
(is (= "div in really-simple" (.-innerText div)))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-simple-callback
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [ran (atom 0)
comp (r/create-class
{:component-did-mount #(swap! ran inc)
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@
(is (= 1 (count (r/children this))))
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "hi " (:foo props) ".")]))})]
- (with-mounted-component [comp {:foo "you"} 1]
- (fn [C div]
- (swap! ran inc)
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp {:foo "you"} 1]]
(is (= "hi you." (.-innerText div)))
- (is (= 3 @ran))))))
+ ;; 1 from render, 1 from component did mount
+ (is (= 2 @ran))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-state-change
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [ran (atom 0)
self (r/atom nil)
comp (r/create-class
{:get-initial-state (fn [] {:foo "initial"})
@@ -61,73 +61,61 @@
(reset! self this)
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "hi " (:foo (r/state this)))]))})]
- (with-mounted-component [comp]
- (fn [C div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp]]
(swap! ran inc)
(is (= "hi initial" (.-innerText div)))
- (r/replace-state @self {:foo "there"})
- (r/state @self)
+ (u/act (r/replace-state @self {:foo "there"}))
- (r/flush)
(is (= "hi there" (.-innerText div)))
- (r/set-state @self {:foo "you"})
- (r/flush)
- (is (= "hi you" (.-innerText div)))))
- (is (= 4 @ran))))
+ (u/act (r/set-state @self {:foo "you"}))
+ (is (= "hi you" (.-innerText div))))
+ (is (= 4 @ran)))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-ratom-change
(let [compiler u/*test-compiler*
- ran (r/atom 0)
+ ran (atom 0)
runs (rv/running)
val (r/atom 0)
secval (r/atom 0)
- v1-ran (atom 0)
- v1 (reaction (swap! v1-ran inc) @val)
+ reaction-ran (atom 0)
+ v1 (reaction (swap! reaction-ran inc) @val)
comp (fn []
(swap! ran inc)
[:div (str "val " @v1 " " @val " " @secval)])]
- (t/async done
- (u/with-mounted-component-async [comp]
- (fn []
- (r/next-tick
- (fn []
- (r/next-tick
- (fn []
- (is (= runs (rv/running)))
- (is (= 2 @ran))
- (done))))))
- compiler
- (fn [C div done]
- (r/flush)
- (is (not= runs (rv/running)))
- (is (= "val 0 0 0" (.-innerText div)))
- (is (= 1 @ran))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp]]
+ {:compiler compiler}
+ (is (not= runs (rv/running)))
+ (is (= "val 0 0 0" (.-innerText div)))
+ (is (= 1 @ran))
+ (u/act
(reset! secval 1)
(reset! secval 0)
(reset! val 1)
(reset! val 2)
- (reset! val 1)
- (is (= 1 @ran))
- (is (= 1 @v1-ran))
- (r/flush)
- (is (= "val 1 1 0" (.-innerText div)))
- (is (= 2 @ran) "ran once more")
- (is (= 2 @v1-ran))
- ;; should not be rendered
- (reset! val 1)
- (is (= 2 @v1-ran))
- (r/flush)
- (is (= 2 @v1-ran))
- (is (= "val 1 1 0" (.-innerText div)))
- (is (= 2 @ran) "did not run")
- (done))))))
+ (reset! val 1))
+ (is (= "val 1 1 0" (.-innerText div)))
+ (is (= 2 @ran) "ran once more")
+ (is (= 2 @reaction-ran))
+ ;; should not be rendered
+ (u/act (reset! val 1))
+ (is (= 2 @reaction-ran))
+ (is (= 2 @reaction-ran))
+ (is (= "val 1 1 0" (.-innerText div)))
+ (is (= 2 @ran) "did not run"))
+ (is (= runs (rv/running)))
+ (is (= 2 @ran)))))
(u/deftest ^:dom batched-update-test []
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [ran (atom 0)
v1 (r/atom 0)
v2 (r/atom 0)
c2 (fn [{val :val}]
@@ -138,16 +126,12 @@
(swap! ran inc)
[:div @v1
[c2 {:val @v1}]])]
- (with-mounted-component [c1]
- (fn [c div]
- (r/flush)
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c1]]
(is (= 2 @ran))
- (swap! v2 inc)
- (is (= 2 @ran))
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (swap! v2 inc))
(is (= 3 @ran))
- (swap! v1 inc)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (swap! v1 inc))
(is (= 5 @ran))
;; TODO: Failing on optimized build
; (swap! v2 inc)
@@ -162,7 +146,7 @@
(u/deftest ^:dom init-state-test
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [ran (atom 0)
really-simple (fn []
(let [this (r/current-component)]
(swap! ran inc)
@@ -170,15 +154,15 @@
(fn []
[:div (str "this is "
(:foo (r/state this)))])))]
- (with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [really-simple nil nil]]
(swap! ran inc)
- (is (= "this is foobar" (.-innerText div)))))
- (is (= 2 @ran))))
+ (is (= "this is foobar" (.-innerText div))))
+ (is (= 2 @ran)))))
(u/deftest ^:dom should-update-test
- (let [parent-ran (r/atom 0)
- child-ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [parent-ran (atom 0)
+ child-ran (atom 0)
child-props (r/atom nil)
f (fn [])
f1 (fn [])
@@ -188,70 +172,41 @@
parent (fn []
(swap! parent-ran inc)
[:div "child-foo" [child @child-props]])]
- (with-mounted-component [parent nil nil]
- (fn [c div]
- (r/flush)
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [parent nil nil]]
(is (= 1 @child-ran))
(is (= "child-foo" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! child-props {:style {:display :none}})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:style {:display :none}}))
(is (= 2 @child-ran))
- (reset! child-props {:style {:display :none}})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:style {:display :none}}))
(is (= 2 @child-ran) "keyw is equal")
- (reset! child-props {:class :foo}) (r/flush)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:class :foo})) (r/flush)
(is (= 3 @child-ran))
- (reset! child-props {:class :foo}) (r/flush)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:class :foo})) (r/flush)
(is (= 3 @child-ran))
- (reset! child-props {:class 'foo})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:class 'foo}))
(is (= 4 @child-ran) "symbols are different from keyw")
- (reset! child-props {:class 'foo})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:class 'foo}))
(is (= 4 @child-ran) "symbols are equal")
- (reset! child-props {:style {:color 'red}})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:style {:color 'red}}))
(is (= 5 @child-ran))
- (reset! child-props {:on-change (r/partial f)})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:on-change (r/partial f)}))
(is (= 6 @child-ran))
- (reset! child-props {:on-change (r/partial f)})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:on-change (r/partial f)}))
(is (= 6 @child-ran))
- (reset! child-props {:on-change (r/partial f1)})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! child-props {:on-change (r/partial f1)}))
(is (= 7 @child-ran))))))
-(u/deftest ^:dom dirty-test
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
- state (r/atom 0)
- really-simple (fn []
- (swap! ran inc)
- (if (= 1 @state)
- (reset! state 3))
- [:div (str "state=" @state)])]
- (with-mounted-component [really-simple nil nil]
- (fn [c div]
- (is (= 1 @ran))
- (is (= "state=0" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! state 1)
- (r/flush)
- (is (= 2 @ran))
- (is (= "state=3" (.-innerText div)))))
- (is (= 2 @ran))))
(u/deftest to-string-test []
(let [comp (fn [props]
[:div (str "i am " (:foo props))])]
@@ -357,8 +312,8 @@
{:__html "
(u/deftest ^:dom test-return-class
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
- top-ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [ran (atom 0)
+ top-ran (atom 0)
comp (fn []
(swap! top-ran inc)
@@ -374,22 +329,20 @@
[:div (str "hi " (:foo props) ".")]))}))
prop (r/atom {:foo "you"})
parent (fn [] [comp @prop 1])]
- (with-mounted-component [parent]
- (fn [C div]
- (swap! ran inc)
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [parent]]
(is (= "hi you." (.-innerText div)))
(is (= 1 @top-ran))
- (is (= 3 @ran))
+ (is (= 2 @ran))
- (swap! prop assoc :foo "me")
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (swap! prop assoc :foo "me"))
(is (= "hi me." (.-innerText div)))
(is (= 1 @top-ran))
- (is (= 4 @ran))))))
+ (is (= 3 @ran))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-return-class-fn
- (let [ran (r/atom 0)
- top-ran (r/atom 0)
+ (let [ran (atom 0)
+ top-ran (atom 0)
comp (fn []
(swap! top-ran inc)
@@ -401,18 +354,16 @@
[:div (str "hi " (:foo p) ".")])}))
prop (r/atom {:foo "you"})
parent (fn [] [comp @prop 1])]
- (with-mounted-component [parent]
- (fn [C div]
- (swap! ran inc)
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [parent]]
(is (= "hi you." (.-innerText div)))
(is (= 1 @top-ran))
- (is (= 3 @ran))
+ (is (= 2 @ran))
- (swap! prop assoc :foo "me")
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (swap! prop assoc :foo "me"))
(is (= "hi me." (.-innerText div)))
(is (= 1 @top-ran))
- (is (= 4 @ran))))))
+ (is (= 3 @ran))))))
(u/deftest test-create-element
(let [ae r/as-element
@@ -509,40 +460,39 @@
comp (fn [props]
(reset! p props)
(r/as-element [:div "a" (.-children props)]))]
- (with-mounted-component [:r> comp #js {:foo {:bar "x"}}
- [:p "bar"]]
- (fn [c div]
- (is (= {:bar "x"} (gobj/get @p "foo")))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [:r> comp #js {:foo {:bar "x"}}
+ [:p "bar"]]]
+ (is (= {:bar "x"}
+ (gobj/get @p "foo")))
(is (= "" (.-innerHTML div)))))))
(deftest ^:dom shortcut-key-warning
;; TODO: Test create-element with key prop
- (let [w (debug/track-warnings
- #(with-mounted-component [:div
- (list
- [:> "div" {:key 1} "a"]
- [:> "div" {:key 2} "b"])]
- (fn [c div])))]
- (is (empty? (:warn w))))
- (let [w (debug/track-warnings
- #(with-mounted-component [:div
- (list
- [:r> "div" #js {:key 1} "a"]
- [:r> "div" #js {:key 2} "b"])]
- (fn [c div])))]
- (is (empty? (:warn w))))
- (let [f (fn [props c]
- [:div props c])
- w (debug/track-warnings
- #(with-mounted-component [:div
- (list
- [:f> f {:key 1} "a"]
- [:f> f {:key 2} "b"])]
- (fn [c div])))]
- (is (empty? (:warn w)))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [:div
+ (list
+ [:> "div" {:key 1} "a"]
+ [:> "div" {:key 2} "b"])]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (empty? (:warn @reagent.debug/warnings))))
+ (u/with-render [div [:div
+ (list
+ [:r> "div" #js {:key 1} "a"]
+ [:r> "div" #js {:key 2} "b"])]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (empty? (:warn @reagent.debug/warnings))))
+ (let [f (fn [props c]
+ [:div props c])]
+ (u/with-render [div [:div
+ (list
+ [:f> f {:key 1} "a"]
+ [:f> f {:key 2} "b"])]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (empty? (:warn @reagent.debug/warnings)))))))
(u/deftest test-reactize-component
(let [ae r/as-element
@@ -572,31 +522,29 @@
(is (= nil @a))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-keys
- (let [a nil ;; (r/atom "a")
- c (fn key-tester []
- [:div
- (for [i (range 3)]
- ^{:key i} [:p i (some-> a deref)])
- (for [i (range 3)]
- [:p {:key i} i (some-> a deref)])])
- w (debug/track-warnings
- #(with-mounted-component [c]
- (fn [c div])))]
- (is (empty? (:warn w))))
- (testing "Check warning text can be produced even if hiccup contains function literals"
- (let [c (fn key-tester []
- [:div
- (for [i (range 3)]
- ^{:key nil}
- [:button {:on-click #(js/console.log %)}])])
- w (debug/track-warnings
- (u/wrap-capture-console-error
- #(with-mounted-component [c]
- (fn [c div]))))]
- (if (dev?)
- (is (re-find #"Warning: Every element in a seq should have a unique :key: \(\[:button \{:on-click #object\[Function\]\}\] \[:button \{:on-click #object\[Function\]\}\] \[:button \{:on-click #object\[Function\]\}\]\)\n \(in reagenttest.testreagent.key_tester\)"
- (first (:warn w))))))))
+ (u/async
+ (p/let [a nil ;; (r/atom "a")
+ c (fn key-tester []
+ [:div
+ (for [i (range 3)]
+ ^{:key i} [:p i (some-> a deref)])
+ (for [i (range 3)]
+ [:p {:key i} i (some-> a deref)])])]
+ (u/with-render [_div [c]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (empty? (:warn @reagent.debug/warnings)))))
+ (testing "Check warning text can be produced even if hiccup contains function literals"
+ (p/let [c (fn key-tester []
+ [:div
+ (for [i (range 3)]
+ ^{:key nil}
+ [:button {:on-click #(js/console.log %)}])])]
+ (u/with-render [_div [c]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (when (dev?)
+ (is (re-find #"Warning: Every element in a seq should have a unique :key: \(\[:button \{:on-click #object\[Function\]\}\] \[:button \{:on-click #object\[Function\]\}\] \[:button \{:on-click #object\[Function\]\}\]\)\n \(in reagenttest.testreagent.key_tester\)"
+ (first (:warn @reagent.debug/warnings))))))))))
(u/deftest test-extended-syntax
(is (= "foo
@@ -615,8 +563,8 @@
(for [k [1 2]]
^{:key k} [:div>div "a"])])]
- (with-mounted-component [comp]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp]]
;; Just make sure this doesn't print a debug message
@@ -670,24 +618,25 @@
c3 (fn []
(swap! comps assoc :c3 (r/current-component))
[:div "" (reset! spy @(r/track t1))])]
- (with-mounted-component [c2]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c2]]
(is (= {:v1 1 :v2 1} @v))
- (r/force-update (:c2 @comps))
+ (u/act (r/force-update (:c2 @comps)))
(is (= {:v1 1 :v2 2} @v))
- (r/force-update (:c1 @comps))
+ (u/act (r/force-update (:c1 @comps)))
(is (= {:v1 2 :v2 2} @v))
- (r/force-update (:c2 @comps) true)
- (is (= {:v1 3 :v2 3} @v))))
- (with-mounted-component [c3]
- (fn [c]
+ (u/act (r/force-update (:c2 @comps) true))
+ (is (= {:v1 3 :v2 3} @v)))
+ (u/with-render [div [c3]]
(is (= 0 @spy))
+ ;; swap! without act doesn't instantly trigger render.
(swap! state inc)
(is (= 0 @spy))
- (r/force-update (:c3 @comps))
+ (u/act (r/force-update (:c3 @comps)))
(is (= 1 @spy))))))
;; Class component only
@@ -698,8 +647,8 @@
(let [c (r/current-component)]
(reset! a (comp/component-name c))
- (with-mounted-component [tc]
- (fn [c]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [tc]]
(is (seq @a))
(is (re-find #"atestcomponent" @a) "component-path should work")))))
@@ -723,26 +672,12 @@
[:div @val]
(swap! n3 inc))))]
- ;; With functional components,
- ;; effect cleanup (which calls ratom dispose) happens
- ;; async after unmount.
- (t/async done
- (u/with-mounted-component-async [c]
- (fn []
- (r/next-tick
- (fn []
- (r/next-tick
- (fn []
- (is (= [1 2 1] [@n1 @n2 @n3]))
- (done))))))
- compiler
- (fn [_ div done]
- (is (= [1 1 0] [@n1 @n2 @n3]))
- (swap! val inc)
- (is (= [1 1 0] [@n1 @n2 @n3]))
- (r/flush)
- (is (= [1 2 0] [@n1 @n2 @n3]))
- (done))))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c]]
+ (is (= [1 1 0] [@n1 @n2 @n3]))
+ (u/act (swap! val inc))
+ (is (= [1 2 0] [@n1 @n2 @n3])))
+ (is (= [1 2 1] [@n1 @n2 @n3])))))
(u/deftest ^:dom with-let-destroy-only
(let [compiler u/*test-compiler*
@@ -754,21 +689,10 @@
(swap! n2 inc))))]
- (t/async done
- (u/with-mounted-component-async [c]
- ;; Wait 2 animation frames for
- ;; useEffect cleanup to be called.
- (fn []
- (r/next-tick
- (fn []
- (r/next-tick
- (fn []
- (is (= [1 1] [@n1 @n2]))
- (done))))))
- compiler
- (fn [_ div done]
- (is (= [1 0] [@n1 @n2]))
- (done))))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [_div [c]]
+ (is (= [1 0] [@n1 @n2])))
+ (is (= [1 1] [@n1 @n2])))))
(u/deftest ^:dom with-let-arg
(let [a (atom 0)
@@ -780,11 +704,10 @@
c (fn []
(r/with-let []
[f @s]))]
- (with-mounted-component [c]
- (fn [_ div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c]]
(is (= "foo" @a))
- (reset! s "bar")
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! s "bar"))
(is (= "bar" @a))))))
(u/deftest with-let-non-reactive
@@ -868,8 +791,8 @@
(is (= {:at 4 :args [@t]}
(:did-mount @res)))
- (reset! arg ["a" "c"])
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! arg ["a" "c"]))
(is (= {:at 5 :args [@t [@comp "a" "c"]]}
(:will-receive @res)))
(is (= {:at 6 :args [@t [@comp "a" "b"] [@comp "a" "c"]]}
@@ -880,17 +803,22 @@
(:render @res)))
(is (= {:at 9 :args [@t [@comp "a" "b"] {:foo "bar"} nil]}
(:did-update @res))))]
- (with-mounted-component [c2] u/*test-compiler* check)
- (is (= {:at 10 :args [@t]}
- (:will-unmount @res)))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [_div [c2]]
+ {:compiler u/*test-compiler*}
+ (check))
+ (is (= {:at 10 :args [@t]}
+ (:will-unmount @res)))
+ (reset! comp (with-meta render2 ls))
+ (reset! arg defarg)
+ (reset! n1 0)
- (reset! comp (with-meta render2 ls))
- (reset! arg defarg)
- (reset! n1 0)
- (with-mounted-component [c2] nil check)
- (is (= {:at 10 :args [@t]}
- (:will-unmount @res)))))
+ (u/with-render [_div [c2]]
+ (check))
+ (is (= {:at 10 :args [@t]}
+ (:will-unmount @res))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom lifecycle-native
(let [n1 (atom 0)
@@ -967,8 +895,7 @@
(is (= {:at 4 :args [@t]}
(:did-mount @res)))
- (reset! arg [{:f "oo"} "a" "c"])
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! arg [{:f "oo"} "a" "c"]))
(is (= {:at 5 :args [{:foo "bar"} "a" "b"]}
(:will-receive @res)))
@@ -991,9 +918,11 @@
[this oldv] :args} a]
(is (= 9 at))
(is (= [@comp @oldprops] oldv))))]
- (with-mounted-component [cnative] check)
- (is (= {:at 10 :args [@t]}
- (:will-unmount @res)))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [_div [cnative]]
+ (check))
+ (is (= {:at 10 :args [@t]}
+ (:will-unmount @res))))))
(defn foo []
@@ -1045,42 +974,38 @@
#js {:render (fn [])})
(gobj/extend cmp react/Component)
- compiler u/*test-compiler*
- rend (fn [x]
- (with-mounted-component x compiler identity))]
- ;; Error is orginally caused by comp1, so only that is shown in the error
- (let [e (debug/track-warnings
- (u/wrap-capture-window-error
- (u/wrap-capture-console-error
- #(is (thrown-with-msg?
- :default #"Invalid tag: 'div.' \(in reagenttest.testreagent.comp1\)"
- (rend [comp2 [:div. "foo"]]))))))]
- (is (re-find #"The above error occurred in the component:"
- (first (:error e)))))
- (let [e (debug/track-warnings
- (u/wrap-capture-window-error
- (u/wrap-capture-console-error
- #(is (thrown-with-msg?
- :default #"Invalid tag: 'div.' \(in reagenttest.testreagent.comp1\)"
- (rend [comp1 [:div. "foo"]]))))))]
- (is (re-find #"The above error occurred in the component:"
- (first (:error e)))))
- (let [e (debug/track-warnings #(r/as-element [nat] compiler))]
- (is (re-find #"Using native React classes directly"
- (-> e :warn first))))
- (let [e (debug/track-warnings
- #(rend [comp3]))]
- (is (re-find #"Reactive deref not supported"
- (-> e :warn first))))
- (let [e (debug/track-warnings
- #(r/as-element (comp4) compiler))]
- (is (re-find #"Every element in a seq should have a unique :key"
- (-> e :warn first)))))))
+ compiler u/*test-compiler*]
+ (u/async
+ ;; Error is orginally caused by comp1, so only that is shown in the error
+ (u/with-render [div [comp2 [:div. "foo"]]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ ;; The render call itself throws the exception
+ (is (re-find #"Invalid tag: 'div.' \(in reagenttest.testreagent.comp1\)" (.-message u/*render-error*)))
+ (is (re-find #"The above error occurred in the component:"
+ (first (:error @reagent.debug/warnings))))
+ nil)
+ (u/with-render [div [comp1 [:div. "foo"]]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (re-find #"Invalid tag: 'div.' \(in reagenttest.testreagent.comp1\)" (.-message u/*render-error*)))
+ (is (re-find #"The above error occurred in the component:"
+ (first (:error @reagent.debug/warnings))))
+ nil)
+ (let [e (debug/track-warnings #(r/as-element [nat] compiler))]
+ (is (re-find #"Using native React classes directly"
+ (-> e :warn first))))
+ (u/with-render [div [comp3]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (re-find #"Reactive deref not supported"
+ (-> @reagent.debug/warnings :warn first))))
+ (let [e (debug/track-warnings
+ #(r/as-element (comp4) compiler))]
+ (is (re-find #"Every element in a seq should have a unique :key"
+ (-> e :warn first))))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-error-boundary
(let [error (r/atom nil)
@@ -1100,23 +1025,20 @@
(throw (js/Error. "Test error")))
comp2 (fn comp2 []
- (debug/track-warnings
- (u/wrap-capture-window-error
- (u/wrap-capture-console-error
- #(with-mounted-component [error-boundary [comp2]]
- (fn [c div]
- (r/flush)
- (is (= "Test error" (.-message @error)))
- (is (re-find #"Something went wrong\." (.-innerHTML div)))
- (if (dev?)
- ;; FIXME: Firefox formats the stack traces differently, and perhaps there is a real problem that
- ;; the component function names aren't being used correctly, and all components are named "cmp"?
- (when-not (.. js/navigator -userAgent toLowerCase (includes "firefox"))
- (is (re-find #"^\n at reagenttest.testreagent.comp1 \([^)]*\)\n at reagenttest.testreagent.comp2 \([^)]*\)\n at reagent[0-9]+ \([^)]*\)\n at reagenttest.testreagent.error_boundary \([^)]*\)"
- (.-componentStack ^js @info))))
- ;; Names are completely manged on adv compilation
- (is (re-find #"^\n at .* \([^)]*\)\n at .* \([^)]*\)\n at .* \([^)]*\)\n at .+ \([^)]*\)"
- (.-componentStack ^js @info)))))))))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [error-boundary [comp2]]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (= "Test error" (.-message @error)))
+ (is (re-find #"Something went wrong\." (.-innerHTML div)))
+ (if (dev?)
+ ;; FIXME: Firefox formats the stack traces differently, and perhaps there is a real problem that
+ ;; the component function names aren't being used correctly, and all components are named "cmp"?
+ (when-not (.. js/navigator -userAgent toLowerCase (includes "firefox"))
+ (is (re-find #"^\n at reagenttest.testreagent.comp1 \([^)]*\)\n at reagenttest.testreagent.comp2 \([^)]*\)\n at reagent[0-9]+ \([^)]*\)\n at reagenttest.testreagent.error_boundary \([^)]*\)"
+ (.-componentStack ^js @info))))
+ ;; Names are completely manged on adv compilation
+ (is (re-find #"^\n at .* \([^)]*\)\n at .* \([^)]*\)\n at .* \([^)]*\)\n at .+ \([^)]*\)"
+ (.-componentStack ^js @info))))))))
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]}
(u/deftest ^:dom test-dom-node
@@ -1128,8 +1050,8 @@
(fn [this]
(reset! node (rdom/dom-node this)))})]
- (with-mounted-component [comp]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp]]
(is (= "foobar" (.-innerHTML @ref)))
(is (= "foobar" (.-innerHTML @node)))
(is (identical? @ref @node))))))
@@ -1150,7 +1072,9 @@
exp (atom 0)
node (atom nil)
state (r/atom 0)
+ component-instance (atom nil)
comp (fn []
+ (reset! component-instance (r/current-component))
(let [old @spy]
(fn []
@@ -1158,28 +1082,40 @@
(swap! spy inc)))
(is (= @spy old))
(is (= @exp @val))
- [:div {:ref #(reset! node %)} @state]))]
- (with-mounted-component [comp]
- (fn [c div]
- (r/flush)
- (is (= 1 @spy))
- (swap! state inc)
+ [:div
+ {:ref #(reset! node %)}
+ @state]))]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp]]
+ ;; after-render was already called after the initial render
(is (= 1 @spy))
+ (u/act (swap! state inc))
+ (is (= 2 @spy))
+ ;; Update some non reactive values
(r/next-tick #(swap! val inc))
(reset! exp 1)
- (is (= 0 @val))
- (r/flush)
+ ;; After waiting for render, the next-tick update has also happened
+ (u/act nil)
(is (= 1 @val))
(is (= 2 @spy))
- ;; FIXME: c is nil because render call doesn't return anything
- ; (r/force-update c)
- ; (is (= 3 @spy))
- ; (r/next-tick #(reset! spy 0))
- ; (is (= 3 @spy))
- ; (r/flush)
- ; (is (= 0 @spy))
- ))
- (is (= nil @node))))
+ ;; Now if we force render directly, spy is also updated from after-render callback
+ (r/force-update @component-instance)
+ (is (= 3 @spy))
+ ;; next-tick callback isn't called right away,
+ (r/next-tick #(reset! spy 0))
+ (is (= 3 @spy))
+ ;; the update is run when waiting for the component to finish rendering
+ (u/act nil)
+ (is (= 0 @spy)))
+ (is (= nil @node)))))
(u/deftest style-property-names-are-camel-cased
(is (= "foo
@@ -1203,10 +1139,9 @@
(as-string [:i (gstr/unescapeEntities " ")])))))
(def Foo (react/createContext))
-(def FooProvider (.-Provider Foo))
(defn context-wrapper [child]
- [:r> FooProvider
+ [:r> (.-Provider Foo)
#js {:value #js {:foo "bar"}}
@@ -1223,10 +1158,8 @@
;; Class component only
(deftest ^:dom context-test
- (with-mounted-component
- [context-wrapper [context-child]]
- nil
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [context-wrapper [context-child]]]
(is (= "parent,child,bar"
(.-innerText div))))))
@@ -1313,20 +1246,20 @@
component (fn []
[component-class @prop])]
- (when (dev?)
- (let [e (debug/track-warnings
- #(with-mounted-component [component]
- (fn [c div]
- (reset! prop (sorted-map 1 2))
- (try
- (r/flush)
- (catch :default e
- (reset! error-thrown-after-updating-props true)))
- (is (not @component-was-updated))
- (is (not @error-thrown-after-updating-props)))))]
- (is (re-find #"Warning: Exception thrown while comparing argv's in shouldComponentUpdate:"
- (first (:warn e))))))))
+ (u/async
+ (when (dev?)
+ (u/with-render [div [component]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (u/act (reset! prop (sorted-map 1 2)))
+ ; (try
+ ; (r/flush)
+ ; (catch :default e
+ ; (reset! error-thrown-after-updating-props true)))
+ (is (not @component-was-updated))
+ (is (not @error-thrown-after-updating-props))
+ (is (re-find #"Warning: Exception thrown while comparing argv's in shouldComponentUpdate:"
+ (first (:warn @reagent.debug/warnings)))))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom get-derived-state-from-props-test
(let [prop (r/atom 0)
@@ -1344,11 +1277,10 @@
(r/as-element [:p "Value " (gobj/get (.-state this) "v")]))})
component (fn []
[pure-component {:value @prop}])]
- (with-mounted-component [component]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [component]]
(is (= "Value foo" (.-innerText div)))
- (swap! prop inc)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (swap! prop inc))
(is (= "Value foo foo" (.-innerText div)))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom get-derived-state-from-error-test
@@ -1367,14 +1299,12 @@
(if (= 0 @prop)
[:div "Ok"]
(throw (js/Error. "foo"))))]
- (u/wrap-capture-window-error
- (u/wrap-capture-console-error
- #(with-mounted-component [component [bad-component]]
- (fn [c div]
- (is (= "Ok" (.-innerText div)))
- (swap! prop inc)
- (r/flush)
- (is (= "Error" (.-innerText div)))))))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [component [bad-component]]]
+ {:capture-errors true}
+ (is (= "Ok" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (swap! prop inc))
+ (is (= "Error" (.-innerText div)))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom get-snapshot-before-update-test
(let [ref (react/createRef)
@@ -1393,13 +1323,12 @@
component-2 (fn []
[component {:value @prop}])]
- (with-mounted-component [component-2]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [component-2]]
;; Attach to DOM to get real height value
(.appendChild js/document.body div)
(is (= "foo" (.-innerText div)))
- (swap! prop inc)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (swap! prop inc))
(is (= {:height 20} @did-update))
(.removeChild js/document.body div)))))
@@ -1416,42 +1345,36 @@
c (fn issue-462-c []
^{:key @val}
- (with-mounted-component [c]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c]]
(is (= 1 @render))
- (reset! val 1)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! val 1))
(is (= 2 @render))
- (reset! val 0)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! val 0))
(is (= 3 @render))))))
(deftest ^:dom functional-component-poc-simple
(let [c (fn [x]
[:span "Hello " x])]
- (testing ":f>"
- (with-mounted-component [:f> c "foo"]
- u/class-compiler
- (fn [c div]
- (is (nil? c) "Render returns nil for stateless components")
- (is (= "Hello foo" (.-innerText div))))))
- (testing "compiler options"
- (with-mounted-component [c "foo"]
- u/fn-compiler
- (fn [c div]
- (is (nil? c) "Render returns nil for stateless components")
- (is (= "Hello foo" (.-innerText div))))))
- (testing "setting default compiler"
- (try
- (r/set-default-compiler! u/fn-compiler)
- (with-mounted-component [c "foo"] nil
- (fn [c div]
- (is (nil? c) "Render returns nil for stateless components")
- (is (= "Hello foo" (.-innerText div)))))
- (finally
- (r/set-default-compiler! nil))))))
+ (u/async
+ (testing ":f>"
+ (u/with-render [div [:f> c "foo"]]
+ {:compiler u/class-compiler}
+ (is (= "Hello foo" (.-innerText div)))))
+ (testing "compiler options"
+ (u/with-render [div [c "foo"]]
+ {:compiler u/fn-compiler}
+ (is (= "Hello foo" (.-innerText div)))))
+ (testing "setting default compiler"
+ (try
+ (r/set-default-compiler! u/fn-compiler)
+ (u/with-render [div [c "foo"]]
+ {:compiler nil}
+ (is (= "Hello foo" (.-innerText div))))
+ (finally
+ (r/set-default-compiler! nil)))))))
(deftest ^:dom functional-component-poc-state-hook
(let [;; Probably not the best idea to keep
@@ -1462,29 +1385,25 @@
(let [[c set-count] (react/useState x)]
(reset! set-count! set-count)
[:span "Count " c]))]
- (with-mounted-component [c 5]
- u/fn-compiler
- (fn [c div]
- (is (nil? c) "Render returns nil for stateless components")
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c 5]]
+ {:compiler u/fn-compiler}
(is (= "Count 5" (.-innerText div)))
- (@set-count! 6)
+ (u/act (@set-count! 6))
(is (= "Count 6" (.-innerText div)))))))
(deftest ^:dom functional-component-poc-ratom
(let [count (r/atom 5)
c (fn [x]
[:span "Count " @count])]
- (with-mounted-component [c 5]
- u/fn-compiler
- (fn [c div]
- (is (nil? c) "Render returns nil for stateless components")
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c 5]]
+ {:compiler u/fn-compiler}
(is (= "Count 5" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! count 6)
- (r/flush)
- (is (= "Count 6" (.-innerText div)))
- ;; TODO: Test that component RAtom is disposed
- ))))
+ (u/act (reset! count 6))
+ ;; TODO: Test that component RAtom is disposed
+ (is (= "Count 6" (.-innerText div)))))))
(deftest ^:dom functional-component-poc-ratom-state-hook
(let [r-count (r/atom 3)
@@ -1493,17 +1412,14 @@
(let [[c set-count] (react/useState x)]
(reset! set-count! set-count)
[:span "Counts " @r-count " " c]))]
- (with-mounted-component [c 15]
- u/fn-compiler
- (fn [c div]
- (is (nil? c) "Render returns nil for stateless components")
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c 15]]
+ {:compiler u/fn-compiler}
(is (= "Counts 3 15" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! r-count 6)
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! r-count 6))
(is (= "Counts 6 15" (.-innerText div)))
- (@set-count! 17)
- (is (= "Counts 6 17" (.-innerText div)))
- ))))
+ (u/act (@set-count! 17))
+ (is (= "Counts 6 17" (.-innerText div)))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-input-el-ref
(let [ref-1 (atom nil)
@@ -1522,11 +1438,10 @@
{:ref ref-2
:value nil
:on-change (fn [_])}]])]
- (with-mounted-component [c]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [c]]
(is (some? @ref-1))
- (is (some? (.-current ref-2)))
- ))))
+ (is (some? (.-current ref-2)))))))
(deftest test-element-key
(is (= "0" (.-key (r/as-element [:div {:key 0}]))))
diff --git a/test/reagenttest/testwrap.cljs b/test/reagenttest/testwrap.cljs
index 979d4576..2bdaf777 100644
--- a/test/reagenttest/testwrap.cljs
+++ b/test/reagenttest/testwrap.cljs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns reagenttest.testwrap
(:require [clojure.test :as t :refer-macros [is deftest]]
[reagent.core :as r]
- [reagenttest.utils :as u :refer [with-mounted-component]]))
+ [reagenttest.utils :as u]))
(deftest test-wrap-basic
(let [state (r/atom {:foo 1})
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
(u/deftest ^:dom test-wrap
(let [compiler u/*test-compiler*
state (r/atom {:foo {:bar {:foobar 1}}})
- ran (r/atom 0)
- grand-state (clojure.core/atom nil)
+ ran (atom 0)
+ grand-state (atom nil)
grand-child (fn [v]
(swap! ran inc)
(reset! grand-state v)
@@ -107,60 +107,56 @@
parent (fn []
[child (r/wrap (:foo @state)
swap! state assoc :foo)])]
- (t/async done
- (u/with-mounted-component-async
- [parent]
- done
- compiler
- (fn [c div done]
- (u/run-fns-after-render
- (fn []
- (is (= 1 @ran))
- (is (= "value:1:" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 2})
- ;; Not sure why this fixes this.
- (r/flush))
- (fn []
- (is (= {:foo {:bar {:foobar 2}}} @state))
- (is (= 2 @ran))
- (is (= "value:2:" (.-innerText div)))
- (swap! state update-in [:foo :bar] assoc :foobar 3))
- (fn []
- (is (= 3 @ran))
- (is (= "value:3:" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! state {:foo {:bar {:foobar 3}}
- :foo1 {}}))
- (fn []
- (is (= 3 @ran))
- (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 3}))
- (fn []
- ; (is (= 3 @ran))
- (is (= "value:3:" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! state {:foo {:bar {:foobar 2}}
- :foo2 {}}))
- (fn []
- ; (is (= 4 @ran))
- (is (= "value:2:" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 2}))
- (fn []
- ; (is (= 5 @ran))
- (is (= "value:2:" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! state {:foo {:bar {:foobar 4}}})
- (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 4}))
- (fn []
- ; (is (= 6 @ran))
- (is (= "value:4:" (.-innerText div)))
- (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 4}))
- (fn []
- ; (is (= 7 @ran))
- (is (= "value:4:" (.-innerText div))))
- done))))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [parent]]
+ {:compiler compiler}
+ (is (= 1 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:1:" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 2}))
+ (is (= {:foo {:bar {:foobar 2}}} @state))
+ (is (= 2 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:2:" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (swap! state update-in [:foo :bar] assoc :foobar 3))
+ (is (= 3 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:3:" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (reset! state {:foo {:bar {:foobar 3}}
+ :foo1 {}}))
+ (is (= 3 @ran))
+ (u/act (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 3}))
+ ; (is (= 3 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:3:" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (reset! state {:foo {:bar {:foobar 2}}
+ :foo2 {}}))
+ ; (is (= 4 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:2:" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 2}))
+ ; (is (= 5 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:2:" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (reset! state {:foo {:bar {:foobar 4}}})
+ (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 4}))
+ ; (is (= 6 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:4:" (.-innerText div)))
+ (u/act (reset! @grand-state {:foobar 4}))
+ ; (is (= 7 @ran))
+ (is (= "value:4:" (.-innerText div)))
+ ))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-cursor
(let [compiler u/*test-compiler*
@@ -175,34 +171,26 @@
[derefer (r/cursor state [:a]) a-count]
[derefer (r/cursor state [:b]) b-count]])]
- (t/async done
- (u/with-mounted-component-async
- [comp]
- done
- compiler
- (fn [c div done]
- (u/run-fns-after-render
- (fn []
- (is (= 1 @a-count))
- (is (= 1 @b-count))
- (swap! state update-in [:a :v] inc)
- (is (= 1 @a-count)))
- (fn []
- (is (= 2 @a-count))
- (is (= 1 @b-count))
- (reset! state {:a {:v 2} :b {:v 2}}))
- (fn []
- (is (= 2 @a-count))
- (is (= 1 @b-count))
- (reset! state {:a {:v 3} :b {:v 2}}))
- (fn []
- (is (= 3 @a-count))
- (is (= 1 @b-count)))
- done))))))
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp]]
+ {:compiler compiler}
+ (is (= 1 @a-count))
+ (is (= 1 @b-count))
+ (u/act (swap! state update-in [:a :v] inc))
+ (is (= 2 @a-count))
+ (is (= 1 @b-count))
+ (u/act (reset! state {:a {:v 2} :b {:v 2}}))
+ (is (= 2 @a-count))
+ (is (= 1 @b-count))
+ (u/act (reset! state {:a {:v 3} :b {:v 2}}))
+ (is (= 3 @a-count))
+ (is (= 1 @b-count))))))
(u/deftest ^:dom test-fn-cursor
(let [state (r/atom {:a {:v 1}
@@ -219,25 +207,22 @@
[derefer ac]
[derefer bc]])]
- (with-mounted-component [comp]
- (fn [c div]
+ (u/async
+ (u/with-render [div [comp]]
(is (= 1 @a-count))
(is (= 1 @b-count))
- (swap! state update-in [:a :v] inc)
- (is (= 1 @a-count))
- (is (= 1 @b-count))
+ (u/act (swap! state update-in [:a :v] inc))
- (r/flush)
(is (= 2 @a-count))
(is (= 2 @b-count))
- (reset! state {:a {:v 2} :b {:v 2}})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! state {:a {:v 2} :b {:v 2}}))
(is (= 2 @a-count))
(is (= 2 @b-count))
- (reset! state {:a {:v 3} :b {:v 2}})
- (r/flush)
+ (u/act (reset! state {:a {:v 3} :b {:v 2}}))
(is (= 3 @a-count))
(is (= 3 @b-count))))))
diff --git a/test/reagenttest/utils.clj b/test/reagenttest/utils.clj
index 9e787fe4..ccb2f83b 100644
--- a/test/reagenttest/utils.clj
+++ b/test/reagenttest/utils.clj
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
~(with-meta (symbol (str (name test-name) "--class"))
(meta test-name))
- (binding [*test-compiler* class-compiler
- *test-compiler-name* "class"]
+ (binding [reagenttest.utils/*test-compiler* class-compiler
+ reagenttest.utils/*test-compiler-name* "class"]
~(with-meta (symbol (str (name test-name) "--fn"))
(meta test-name))
- (binding [*test-compiler* fn-compiler
- *test-compiler-name* "fn"]
+ (binding [reagenttest.utils/*test-compiler* fn-compiler
+ reagenttest.utils/*test-compiler-name* "fn"]
(defmacro act
[& body]
- `(act* (fn [] ~@body)))
+ `(reagenttest.utils/act* (fn [] ~@body)))
;; Inspired by
;; https://github.com/henryw374/Cljs-Async-Timeout-Tests/blob/master/src/widdindustries/timeout_test.cljc
@@ -43,15 +43,23 @@
- (-> (do ~@body)
+ (-> (promesa.core/do ~@body)
(.then (fn []
(js/clearTimeout timeout#)
(.catch (fn [e#]
(js/clearTimeout timeout#)
+ (js/console.error "Promise failed in async macro" e#)
(cljs.test/is (not e#))
(catch js/Error e#
(js/clearTimeout timeout#)
+ (js/console.error "Error in async macro" e#)
(cljs.test/is (not e#))
+(defmacro with-render [[sym comp] & body]
+ (let [[opts body] (if (map? (first body))
+ [(first body) (rest body)]
+ [nil body])]
+ `(reagenttest.utils/with-render* ~comp ~opts (fn [~sym] (promesa.core/do ~@body)))))
diff --git a/test/reagenttest/utils.cljs b/test/reagenttest/utils.cljs
index d7dac479..4cac15fb 100644
--- a/test/reagenttest/utils.cljs
+++ b/test/reagenttest/utils.cljs
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
(ns reagenttest.utils
(:require-macros reagenttest.utils)
- (:require ["react-dom/test-utils" :as react-test]
+ (:require [promesa.core :as p]
[reagent.core :as r]
+ [reagent.debug :as debug]
[reagent.dom :as rdom]
[reagent.dom.server :as server]
- [reagent.debug :as debug]
[reagent.impl.template :as tmpl]))
+;; Should be only set for tests....
+;; (set! (.-IS_REACT_ACT_ENVIRONMENT js/window) true)
;; Silence ReactDOM.render warning
(defonce original-console-error (.-error js/console))
@@ -32,44 +35,13 @@
(defn as-string [comp]
(server/render-to-static-markup comp *test-compiler*))
-(defn with-mounted-component
- ([comp f]
- (with-mounted-component comp *test-compiler* f))
- ([comp compiler f]
- (let [div (.createElement js/document "div")]
- (try
- (let [c (if compiler
- (rdom/render comp div compiler)
- (rdom/render comp div))]
- (f c div))
- (finally
- (rdom/unmount-component-at-node div)
- (r/flush))))))
-(defn with-mounted-component-async
- [comp done compiler f]
- (let [div (.createElement js/document "div")
- c (if compiler
- (rdom/render comp div compiler)
- (rdom/render comp div))]
- (f c div (fn []
- (rdom/unmount-component-at-node div)
- (r/flush)
- (done)))))
-(defn run-fns-after-render [& fs]
- ((reduce (fn [cb f]
- (fn []
- (r/after-render (fn []
- (f)
- (cb)))))
- (reverse fs))))
;; For testing logged errors and warnings
(defn log-error [& f]
(debug/error (apply str f)))
+;; "Regular versions"
(defn wrap-capture-console-error [f]
(fn []
(let [org js/console.error]
@@ -79,50 +51,92 @@
(set! js/console.error org))))))
-(defn wrap-capture-window-error [f]
- (if (exists? js/window)
+(defn init-capture []
+ (let [org-console js/console.error
+ org-window js/window.onerror
+ l (fn [e]
+ (log-error e))]
+ ;; console.error
+ (set! js/console.error log-error)
+ ;; reagent.debug
+ (set! debug/tracking true)
+ (reset! debug/warnings nil)
+ ;; window.error
+ (if (exists? js/window)
+ (set! js/window.onerror (fn [e]
+ (log-error e)
+ true))
+ (let [process (js/require "process")]
+ (.on process "uncaughtException" l)))
(fn []
- (let [org js/console.onerror]
- (set! js/window.onerror (fn [e]
- (log-error e)
- true))
- (try
- (f)
- (finally
- (set! js/window.onerror org)))))
- (fn []
- (let [process (js/require "process")
- l (fn [e]
- (log-error e))]
- (.on process "uncaughtException" l)
- (try
- (f)
- (finally
- (.removeListener process "uncaughtException" l)))))))
-;; FIXME: Not useful, this isn't usable with production React.
+ (set! js/console.error org-console)
+ (reset! debug/warnings nil)
+ (set! debug/tracking false)
+ (if (exists? js/window)
+ (set! js/window.onerror org-window)
+ (let [process (js/require "process")]
+ (.removeListener process "uncaughtException" l))))))
(defn act*
"Run f to trigger Reagent updates,
will return Promise which will resolve after
Reagent and React render."
- ;; async act doesn't return a real promise (with chainable then),
- ;; so wrap it.
- (js/Promise.
- (fn [resolve reject]
- (try
- (.then (react-test/act
- (fn reagent-act-callback []
- ;; React act callback should return something "thenable" to use
- ;; async act.
- (let [p (js/Promise. (fn [resolve _reject]
- (r/after-render (fn reagent-act-after-reagent-flush []
- (js/console.log "after render")
- (resolve)))))]
- (js/console.log "act call")
- (f)
- p)))
- resolve
- reject)
- (catch :default e
- (reject e))))))
+ (let [p (p/deferred)]
+ (f)
+ (r/flush)
+ (r/after-render (fn []
+ (p/resolve! p)))
+ p))
+(def ^:dynamic *render-error* nil)
+(defn with-render*
+ "Render the given component to a DOM node,
+ after the the component is mounted to DOM,
+ run the given function and wait for the Promise
+ returned from the function to be resolved
+ before unmounting the component from DOM."
+ ([comp f]
+ (with-render* comp *test-compiler* f))
+ ([comp options f]
+ (let [div (.createElement js/document "div")
+ first-render (p/deferred)
+ callback (fn []
+ (p/resolve! first-render))
+ compiler (:compiler options)
+ restore-error-handlers (when (:capture-errors options)
+ (init-capture))
+ ;; Magic setup to make exception from render available to the
+ ;; with-render body.
+ render-error (atom nil)]
+ (try
+ (if compiler
+ (rdom/render comp div {:compiler compiler
+ :callback callback})
+ (rdom/render comp div callback))
+ (catch :default e
+ (reset! render-error e)
+ nil))
+ (-> first-render
+ ;; The callback is called even if render throws an error,
+ ;; so this is always resolved.
+ (p/then (fn []
+ (p/do
+ (set! *render-error* @render-error)
+ (f div)
+ (set! *render-error* nil))))
+ ;; If f throws more errors, just ignore them?
+ ;; Not sure if this makes sense.
+ (p/catch (fn [] nil))
+ (p/then (fn []
+ (rdom/unmount-component-at-node div)
+ ;; Need to wait for reagent tick after unmount
+ ;; for the ratom watches to be removed?
+ (let [ratoms-cleaned (p/deferred)]
+ (r/next-tick (fn []
+ (p/resolve! ratoms-cleaned)))
+ ratoms-cleaned)))
+ (p/finally (fn []
+ (when restore-error-handlers
+ (restore-error-handlers))))))))