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Nx monorepo with all the latest technology such as nextJs app router, typescript, i18n, and many more...

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NextJs Monorepo Skeleton

▶️ Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies

    yarn bootstrap
  2. initialize git hook with husky

    npx husky install
  3. To create a new nextJS application

      nx generate @nx/next:application --name=test-project --no-interactive
  4. To create a component

     nx g @nx/next:component <component name> --directory shared/src/components/<component name>

    Note: 📖 If you want to remove apps/projects

   nx g remove <app-name>-e2e
   nx g remove <app-name>

📖 Introduction

This nextjs_skeletin template has a bunch of folders, code examples, and configurations. Feel free to edit or remove them, including this README!

📖 Conventions

Folder Name 👉 Kebab case
Example: folder-name another-folder-name

File Name 👉 Kebab case
Example: folder-name another-folder-name

Variable Name 👉 snake case/ camel case
snake case: variable_name
camel case: variableName

Function Name 👉 camel case
Example: functionName

📁 File Tree

See below the file tree to understand the project structure.

View file tree

Folders and file structure.

├── consumer
│   ├── index.d.ts
│   ├── jest.config.ts
│   ├── next-env.d.ts
│   ├── next.config.js
│   ├── project.json
│   ├── public
│   │   └── favicon.ico
│   ├── specs
│   │   └── index.spec.tsx
│   ├── src
│   │   └── app
│   │       ├── api
│   │       │   └── hello
│   │       │       └── route.ts
│   │       ├── global.css
│   │       ├── layout.tsx
│   │       ├── page.module.css
│   │       └── page.tsx
│   ├── tsconfig.json
│   └── tsconfig.spec.json
└── owner
    ├── index.d.ts
    ├── jest.config.ts
    ├── next-env.d.ts
    ├── next.config.js
    ├── project.json
    ├── public
    │   └── favicon.ico
    ├── specs
    │   └── index.spec.tsx
    ├── src
    │   └── app
    │       ├── api
    │       │   └── hello
    │       │       └── route.ts
    │       ├── global.css
    │       ├── layout.tsx
    │       ├── page.module.css
    │       └── page.tsx
    ├── tsconfig.json
    └── tsconfig.spec.json

✨ Features

This template features all the latest tools and web development best practices. Some of the tools are listed below 👇

📊 Legend

✅ : Implemented
⌛ : In progress
⏰ : Thinking

🏗️ Build System

Name Description status
Nx Next generation build system with first-class monorepo support

🔥 Framework

Name Description status
NextJs The React framework for the web

💄 Design System and Animations

Name Description status
ant design A fully featured react component library
@tabler/icons-react Beautiful &consistent icons
Framer motion A production-ready motion library for React
TanStack Table Headless UI for building powerful tables & data grids

🏬 Data Fetching

Name Description status
TanStack Query Powerful asynchronous state management
axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js

🏬 State Management and Hooks

Name Description status
Typescript TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.
react-use TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.

❄️ Internationalization

Name Description status
next-intl Next.js internationalization (i18n)

🔐 Authetication

Name Description status
firebase Authentication
Next-auth Authentication for Next.js

🏬 Type Checking

Name Description status
Typescript TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.

📉 Linter and Prettier

Name Description status
👺 Eslint Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
💅 Prettier Prettier- An opinionated code formatter
💩 lint-staged Run linters against staged git files and don't let 💩 slip into your code base
🐶 Husky Husky improves your commits and more 🐶 woof!
📓 Commitlint Lint commit messages
🔢 standard version A utility for versioning using semver and CHANGELOG generation powered by Conventional Commits
Validte branch name validate git branch name

🚫 Form/validation

Name Description status
React hook form Performant,flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation
Zod TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference

🧪 Test

Name Description status
jest A delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity
Testing Library React Testing Library
cypress Test. Automate. Accelerate.[end-to-end testing]

➕ Additional

Name Description status
Partytown Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker

📈 Analysis

Name Description status
why-did-you-render Notify you about potentially avoidable re-renders


Nx monorepo with all the latest technology such as nextJs app router, typescript, i18n, and many more...





Contributors 3
