The Safimoney PHP library provides access to the Safimoney API from applications written in the PHP language.
PHP 5.4.0 and later.
You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:
composer require readybytes/safimoney-sdk-php
To make the payment via Safimoney, you need to first create a transaction in safimoney for your order. So you just need to create order and leave all the complexities of payment process to us.
$object = new \Safimoney\Redirect(YOUR_SAFIMONEY_KEY, YOUR_SAFIMONEY_SECRET);
//required parameters
$payload = [
'order_id' => 222, // Your order Id
'amount' => 50, // Amount to your order
'amount_currency' => EUR, // Currency of amount
'notify_url' => http://your.notify.url, // Webhook url of your site
'success_url' => http://your.success.url, // url to which safimoney redirects your customer after successful payment
'error_url' => http://your.error.url, // url to which safimoney redirects your customer on getting any error in payment
'cancel_url' => http://your.cancel.url, // url to which safimoney redirects your customer if customer cancels the payment
$result = $object->createOrder($payload);
//if all data is proper then you will get a url where you need to redirect your customer
$redirectUrl = $result->redirect_url;
For getting details about any of your order processed by safimoney, you can use it.
$object = new \Safimoney\Redirect(YOUR_SAFIMONEY_KEY, YOUR_SAFIMONEY_SECRET);
//required parameters
$payload = [
'order_id' => 222, // Your order Id
$order = $object->getOrderDetail($payload);
For more detail, you can refer this document.