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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -348,9 +348,10 @@ The initial registry, contains the following profiles:
| Name | Description |
| ----- | ------------ |
-| [Audiobook Profile](profiles/audiobook.md) | Defines a dedicated profile for audiobooks. |
-| [Digital Visual Narratives Profile](profiles/divina.md) | Defines a dedicated profile for visual narratives (comics, manga and bandes dessinées). |
-| [EPUB Profile](profiles/epub.md) | Additional metadata and collection roles for representing EPUB publications. |
+| [EPUB Profile](profiles/epub.md) | A profile for EPUB content transformed to Web Publications. |
+| [Audiobook Profile](profiles/audiobook.md) | A profile for Audiobooks. |
+| [Divina Profile](profiles/divina.md) | A profile for Digital Visual Narrative publications (comics, manga and bandes dessinées). |
+| [PDF Profile](profiles/pdf.md) | A profile for PDF documents integrated into Web Publications. |
## 9. Packaging
diff --git a/profiles/README.md b/profiles/README.md
index 430fda1..6bb97f2 100644
--- a/profiles/README.md
+++ b/profiles/README.md
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
| Name | Description | URI |
| ----- | ------------ | --- |
-| [Audiobook Profile](audiobook.md) | Defines a dedicated profile for audiobooks. | [https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/audiobook](https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/audiobook) |
-| [Digital Visual Narratives Profile](divina.md) | Defines a dedicated profile for visual narratives (comics, manga and bandes dessinées). | [https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/divina](https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/divina) |
-| [EPUB Profile](epub.md) | Additional metadata and collection roles for representing EPUB publications. |[https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/epub](https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/epub) |
+| [EPUB Profile](./epub.md) | A profile for EPUB content transformed to Web Publications. | https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/epub |
+| [Audiobook Profile](./audiobook.md) | A profile for Audiobooks. | https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/audiobook |
+| [Divina Profile](./divina.md) | A profile for Digital Visual Narrative publications (comics, manga and bandes dessinées). | https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/divina |
+| [PDF Profile](./pdf.md) | A profile for PDF documents integrated into Web Publications. | https//readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/pdf |
## Registering a profile
diff --git a/profiles/pdf.md b/profiles/pdf.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd57a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/pdf.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# PDF Profile
+* Michael Benowitz ([NYPL](https://www.nypl.org))
+* Laurent Le Meur ([EDRLab](https://www.edrlab.org))
+* [GitHub readium/webpub-manifest](https://github.com/readium/webpub-manifest)
+* [File an issue](https://github.com/readium/webpub-manifest/issues)
+## Example
+ "@context": "http://readium.org/webpub-manifest/context.jsonld",
+ "metadata": {
+ "@type": "http://schema.org/Book",
+ "conformsTo": "https://readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/pdf",
+ "title": "Moby-Dick",
+ "author": "Herman Melville",
+ "language": "en"
+ },
+ "links": [
+ {"rel": "self", "href": "http://example.org/manifest.json", "type": "application/webpub+json"},
+ ],
+ "readingOrder": [
+ {
+ "href": "http://example.org/mobydick-part1.pdf",
+ "type": "application/pdf",
+ },
+ {
+ "href": "http://example.org/mobydick-part2.pdf",
+ "type": "application/pdf",
+ }
+ ],
+ "resources": [
+ {"rel": "cover", "href": "http://example.org/cover.jpeg", "type": "image/jpeg", "height": 600, "width": 300}
+ ]
+## Introduction
+The goal of this specification is to provide a profile of the [Readium Web Publication Manifest](https://readium.org/webpub-manifest) dedicated to PDF documents.
+It is mostly used as a basis for the specification of a method for protecting PDF files using LCP, i.e. [LCP for PDF](https://readium.org/lcp-specs/notes/lcp-for-pdf.html).
+This profile relies on:
+* a declaration of [conformance with this Profile](#1-declaring-conformance-with-the-pdf-profile),
+* a [restriction on the resources of the reading order](#2-restrictions-on-the-resources-of-the-reading-order),
+## 1. Declaring conformance with the PDF Profile
+To declare that it conforms to the PDF Profile, a Readium Web Publication Manifest must include a `conformsTo` key in its `metadata` section, with `https://readium.org/webpub-manifest/profiles/pdf` as one of its value.
+## 2. Restriction on resources in the reading order
+In addition to the normal requirements of a `readingOrder`, all Link Objects must point strictly to PDF resources, with no fragment identifier.