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143 lines (112 loc) · 5.41 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (112 loc) · 5.41 KB


VSCode Grammar / Autocompletion support for ".Script.txt" files. For more information about ManiaScript, see and

This is rewritten and enhanced for typescript, based on MattMcFarland/vscode-maniascript.

Setup Maniascript API

You need to extract doc.h from Trackmania to get the latest ManiaScript API completions working with the extension.

  1. Create a new folder: use c:\tmdev for example to hold the documentation, but it can be anywhere.
  2. Make a new shortcut for the game executable (you find it in your uplay folder) and give it some fancy name (like "trackmania - gendocs") set the starting parameters to following:
trackmania.exe /generatescriptdoc=c:\tmdev\doc.h
  1. Run your shortcut. if successfull, you get a window saying: press anykey to continue.
  2. Double check doc.h is generated at c:\tmdev\


Next thing is to configure the extension.

  1. Easiest way to get settings is to Ctrl + P and start typing > settings, other way around is from File->Preferences->Settings->Extensions->ManiaScript.
  2. Add following lines to the settings.json:
 "maniascript.apidocPath": "C:\\tmdev\\doc.h",
 "maniascript.useManiaplanetApi": false,

you can match the color decorators to your theme by adding:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "maniascript.constColor": "#4FC1FF",
        "maniascript.structColor": "#4ec9b0"
  1. All done!


Manialink preview

You can use context menu at xml files to preview the manialink, and as well use the command: Ctrl + P -> > Maniascript: Preview Manialink

Code snipplets

List of prefixes what you can expand with tab-key, most of them are quite obvious:

Snippet Description
main generate main function with documentation block
fnc generate function declaration with documentation block
decontrol to fast declare CMlcontrol with Page.GetFirstChild
new generate new instance of struct
PageGet generate (Page.GetFirstChild("controltext") as CMlControl) block
ve2 generate vec2 notation <float,float>
ve3 enerate vec3 notation <float, float, float>
in3 generate int3 notation <int,int,int>

Auto complete using context

You can set the autocomplete namespace root using two ways:

  1. Either having Requirecontext at 1st line (which can be a comment too)
#RequireContext CMlScriptIngame
  1. or having custom context comment block:
/** @context CMlScriptIngame */

Template Strings

I added background color for template strings, so it's easier to spot where templates starts and ends. TemplateStrings """stringcontent {{{variable}}}""" are working as normal. Scripts in a templatestring xml will autocomplete as well. Just be sure to have <script><!-- at same line, the regex parser can't figureout if the comment block is next line..sorry for this inconvienience.

Annotations in template strings from 0.2.1

You can now force annotate the language used in template strings. Single line template string will try to detect xml opening tag, if so the templatestring is cast to use XML language. For multiline templatestrings use annotations:

Language Annotation
XML """//xml
Manialink XML """//manialink or """
ManiaScript """//maniascript or """//ms or """//!

External libraries

Just add folder to workspace to get libraries load relatively from those directories. so if you have

#Include "Mylib/external.Script.Txt" as MyLib

be sure that MyLib is folder inside workspace library.

AutoCompleting from structure aliasses works as well, example:

#Struct externalLib::myStruct as structAlias


Manialink autocomplete and validation I recently have opened as well a github repository for holding and updating the manialink xsd. You can find it here and I'm accepting pull requests, in case you think something is missing :)

Just install XML extension by RedHat for vscode and use this template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml-model href="" ?>
<manialink version="3">
    <-- your manialink content here -->

Twig and Jinja2 Templating Support

You need just following support extension to activate: Better Jinja Just change the template language at jinja-html, you get instant support for maniascript and jinja2! Twig and jinja2 syntaxes are so close to same, so you can use jinja2-html for twig templates as well :)


You can find the most recent version of the plugin at Colorizer, currently at patch#4 branch:
