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Rodel E. Dagumampan edited this page Nov 10, 2019 · 35 revisions

This 10-step tutorial shows you how to deploy your first sql-based migration into an sql server. It demonstrates all the major features of yuniql. For simplicity, we assume you have a Docker service running but you may choose any instance. Estimated completion time: 10 mins.

I. Prepare your environment

  1. Deploy a sql server linux container
    Skip this if prefer to use a local or other server instance.

    docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=<YourStrong@Passw0rd\>" -p 1400:1433 -d
    docker ps
    CONTAINER ID            IMAGE                                        PORTS                 
  2. Configure your connection string

    • Using an sql account in the running containier
      Server=localhost,1400;Database=VisitorDB;User Id=SA;Password=<YourStrong@Passw0rd\>
    • Using an sql account in local or remote instance
      Server=<server-instance>,[<port-number>];Database=VisitorDB;User Id=<sql-user-name>;Password=<sql-user-password>
    • Using trusted connection

    SETX YUNIQL_CONNECTION_STRING "Server=localhost,1400;Database=VisitorDB;User Id=SA;Password=<YourStrong@Passw0rd\>" 

II. Run your first migration

  1. Download yuniql

    powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile  "c:\temp\"
    powershell Expand-Archive "c:\temp\" -DestinationPath "c:\temp\yuniql-nightly"
    cd c:\temp\yuniql-nightly

    Expand-Archive requires at least powershell v5.0+ running on your machine. You may also download manually here and extract to desired directory.

  2. Initialize your workspace

    yuniql init
    dir /O:N
  3. Increment major version The vnext -M creates a new major version with format v{major}.{minor}. You can of course create this manually inthe directory!

    yuniql vnext -M
    dir /O:N
    10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          _draft
    10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          _erase
    10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          _init
    10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          _post
    10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          _pre
    10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          v0.00
    10/21/2019  22:46    <DIR>          v1.00
    10/21/2019  22:41                   Dockerfile
    10/21/2019  22:41         
    10/21/2019  22:41                   .gitignore
  4. Create your first script file setup-tables.sql inside v1.00

    CREATE TABLE Visitor (
    	VisitorID INT IDENTITY(1000,1),
    	FirstName NVARCHAR(255),
    	LastName VARCHAR(255),
    	Address NVARCHAR(255),
    	Email NVARCHAR(255)
  5. Run migration

    yuniql run -a
    yuniql info
    Version         Created                         CreatedBy
    v0.00           2019-10-21T21:16:48.8130000     sa
    v1.00           2019-10-21T21:16:49.4130000     sa
  6. Increment minor version

    yuniql vnext
    dir /O:N
    10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          v0.00
    10/21/2019  22:46    <DIR>          v1.00
    10/21/2019  22:46    <DIR>          v1.01
  7. Create your second script file initialize-tables.sql inside v1.01

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Visitor]([FirstName],[LastName],[Address],[Email])VALUES('Jack','Poole','Manila','')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Visitor]([FirstName],[LastName],[Address],[Email])VALUES('Diana','Churchill','Makati','')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Visitor]([FirstName],[LastName],[Address],[Email])VALUES('Rebecca','Lyman','Rizal','')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Visitor]([FirstName],[LastName],[Address],[Email])VALUES('Sam','Macdonald','Batangas','')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Visitor]([FirstName],[LastName],[Address],[Email])VALUES('Matt','Paige','Laguna','')
  8. Run migration again

    yuniql run
    yuniql info

    Verify that records has been inserted as part version v1.01

    //SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Visitor]
    VisitorID   FirstName   LastName    Address  Email
    ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
    1000        Jack        Poole       Manila
    1001        Diana       Churchill   Makati
    1002        Rebecca     Lyman       Rizal
    1003        Sam         Macdonald   Batangas
    1004        Matt        Paige       Laguna

  9. Initialize git repo

    git init
    git add -A
    git commit -m "This is my first yuniql migration"
  10. Create destination git repo and push your changes. You may use any other git provider and replace the .git folder.

    git remote add origin{your-github-account}/{your-github-database-repo}.git
    git push -u origin master

    NOTE: For simplicity I use HTTPS mode in setting git repo. If you use SSH, you need to download and configure your keys.

III. Found bugs?

Help us improve further please create an issue.