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Rodel Dagumampan edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 35 revisions

This is an express guide to using yuniql-cli. Yuniql allows developers and DBAs to run migration steps from CLI. Run these commands line by line via Command Prompt (CMD).

Install yuniql

Install yuniql CLI with Chocolatey or use alternative ways listed here

choco install yuniql --version 0.350.0

Download samples

Clone yuniql repo and play with several samples for sqlserver, postgresql, mysql and other platforms. Find your samples here

git clone c:\temp\yuniql-getstarted
cd c:\temp\yuniql-getstarted\samples\sqlserver-all-features-sample

Prepare connection

Set your db connection string in environment variable. This demo uses local SQL Server instance. For more connection string samples, visit

SETX YUNIQL_CONNECTION_STRING "Server=.\;Database=helloyuniql;Trusted_Connection=True;"

Run migration

The following commands yuniql to discover the project directory, creates the target database if it doesn't exist and runs all migration steps in the order they are listed. These includes .sql files, directories, subdirectories, and csv files. Tokens are also replaced via -k parameters.

cd c:\temp\yuniql-getstarted\samples\sqlserver-all-features-sample

yuniql run -a -k "VwColumnPrefix1=Vw1,VwColumnPrefix2=Vw2,VwColumnPrefix3=Vw3,VwColumnPrefix4=Vw4"
yuniql info

Version         Created                         CreatedBy
v0.00           2019-11-03T16:29:36.0130000     DESKTOP-ULR8GDO\rdagumampan
v1.00           2019-11-03T16:29:36.0600000     DESKTOP-ULR8GDO\rdagumampan
v1.01           2019-11-03T16:29:36.1130000     DESKTOP-ULR8GDO\rdagumampan

Verify results

Query tables with SSMS or your preferred SQL client

//SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Visitor]
VisitorID   FirstName   LastName    Address  Email
----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
1000        Jack        Poole       Manila
1001        Diana       Churchill   Makati
1002        Rebecca     Lyman       Rizal
1003        Sam         Macdonald   Batangas
1004        Matt        Paige       Laguna

Further readings

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