This is my repo for housing all of my practice for learning algorithms and data structures.
This repo will also serve as a notebook and resource hub for various javascript topics such as Big-O Notation and different sorting algorithms. I will try to post links to sites and resources according to each topic that I find helpful.
I have organized this repo into folders to give it some structure. The js_practice folder holds many of the algorithm problems I have tried to complete myself from a variety of resources such as:
- codewars
- hackerrank
- some udemy courses.
Many of the prompts are written into the code, if you want to try the problems yourself without looking at my solutions to some of them.
The algo_Course folder is my notebook of lecture notes as I go through a udemy course I purchased.
I will not be including any resources directly from the course as I do not own the material, but have linked the course itself if you wish to purchase it.
Feel free to clone or star the repo if it is helpful to you.