Extra functionality to extend the Mojo stdlib.
See Modular documentation to get started with the Modular stack. Supports Mojo 24.6.0
- See Modular documention for modules and packages.
- See NuMojo documentation as further example with this package. Currently Mojo's package/library support is still under development.
In your project mojo run -I "../ExtraMojo" my_example_file.mojo
. Note the bit about how to add this project to your LSP so things resolve in VSCode.
magic run test
magic run format
magic run build
Reading a file line by line.
from xmojo.fs.file import FileReader, read_lines, for_each_line
from xmojo.tensor import slice_tensor
fn test_read_until(file: Path, expected_lines: List[String]) raises:
var fh = open(file, "r")
var reader = FileReader(fh^, buffer_size=1024)
var buffer = List[UInt8]()
var counter = 0
while reader.read_until(buffer) != 0:
assert_equal(expected_lines[counter].as_bytes(), buffer)
counter += 1
assert_equal(counter, len(expected_lines))
print("Successful read_until")
fn test_read_lines(file: Path, expected_lines: List[String]) raises:
var lines = read_lines(str(file))
assert_equal(len(lines), len(expected_lines))
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
assert_equal(lines[i], expected_lines[i].as_bytes())
print("Successful read_lines")
fn test_for_each_line(file: Path, expected_lines: List[String]) raises:
var counter = 0
var found_bad = False
fn inner(
buffer: Span[UInt8], start: Int, end: Int
) capturing -> None:
if (
slice_tensor(buffer, start, end)
!= expected_lines[counter].as_bytes()
found_bad = True
counter += 1
print("Successful for_each_line")
Simple Regex: Note you can also perform these matches on bytes.
fn test_start_anchor() raises:
var re = "^cat"
assert_true(is_match(re, "cats of a feather"))
assert_false(is_match(re, "bird cats of a cat"))
fn test_end_anchor() raises:
var re = "what$"
assert_true(is_match(re, "It is what"))
assert_false(is_match(re, "what is in the box"))
fn test_dot() raises:
var re = "w.t"
assert_true(is_match(re, "Is that a witty remark?"))
assert_false(is_match(re, "wt is that what thing there"))
fn test_star() raises:
var re = "wha*"
assert_true(is_match(re, "whaaaaaaat am I doing here"))
assert_false(is_match(re, "wt am I doing here"))
fn test_literal() raises:
var re = "ACTG"
assert_true(is_match(re, "CTGGGACGCCCACTG"))
assert_false(is_match(re, "CTGGGACGCCCACG"))
fn test_dot_star() raises:
var re = "STAR.*"
assert_true(is_match(re, "I'M A STAR!!!!!"))
assert_false(is_match(re, "I'm not a STArsss"))
fn test_all() raises:
assert_true(is_match("^cat.*$", "catsssssss"))
assert_false(is_match("^cat.*$", "many catsssssss"))
Byte String functions:
fn test_lowercase() raises:
var example = List(
var answer = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
assert_equal(s(example), s(answer.as_bytes()))
fn test_find() raises:
var haystack = "ABCDEFGhijklmnop".as_bytes()
var expected = 4
var answer = find(haystack, "EFG".as_bytes()).value()
assert_equal(answer, expected)
fn test_spilt_iterator() raises:
var input = "ABCD\tEFGH\tIJKL\nMNOP".as_bytes()
var expected = List(
"ABCD".as_bytes(), "EFGH".as_bytes(), "IJKL\nMNOP".as_bytes()
var output = List[Span[UInt8, StaticConstantOrigin]]()
for value in SplitIterator(input, ord("\t")):
for i in range(len(expected)):
assert_equal(s(output[i]), s(expected[i]), "Not equal")
fn test_memchr() raises:
var cases = List[(StringLiteral, Int)](
for kase in cases:
var index = memchr(kase[][0].as_bytes(), ord("|"))
assert_equal(index, kase[][1])
fn test_memchr_wide() raises:
var cases = List[(StringLiteral, Int)](
for kase in cases:
var index = memchr_wide(kase[][0].as_bytes(), ord("|"))
assert_equal(index, kase[][1])
- Much of the first draft of the File and Tensor code was taken from here.