- Edmonton, Canada
- 7h behind - https://linkedin.com/in/rcdmk
- @rcdmk
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/1046610/ricardo-souza
- @rcdmk
- https://twitch.com/rcdmk
go-rag-search Public
A PoC of RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) using pgvector with llama
Go UpdatedMar 6, 2025 -
cs-node Public
Example Node.JS RESTful API for user registration and token authentication with Express.JS and MongoDB (mongoose)
TestePraticoDDD Public
Toy Project using DDD (Domain Driven Design) inspired structure
node-mail Public
Node.js + Express API for sending e-mail with provider fallback support
JavaScript UpdatedJan 3, 2025 -
js-snake Public
Simple snake game written in JavaScript with modules support
JavaScript UpdatedJan 3, 2025 -
go-ratelimiter Public
Go Rate Limiter is a Go package that provides rate limiting functionality with middleware implementations for standard lib and common frameworks.
Go MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2025 -
aspZip Public
A classic ASP zip and unzip utility class that uses the native zip support from Windows (XP and above) - no components needed
go-mine-sweeper Public
A Golang command-line implementation of the classic mine sweeper game
Go UpdatedOct 20, 2023 -
scala-rest-api-example Public
Toy project to experiment with Play framework in Scala
aspJSON Public
A fast classic ASP JSON parser and encoder for easy JSON manipulation to work with the new JavaScript MV* libraries and frameworks.
shortest-flight-path Public
Go API that computes and returns the shortest flight path between two airports
Go UpdatedJun 3, 2022 -
in-memory-file-system Public
An in-memory filesystem playground to learn Scala in vscode with metals.
Scala UpdatedMay 28, 2021 -
react-sudoku Public
A Sudoku puzzle React app with persistent storage.
TypeScript UpdatedNov 24, 2020 -
genetic-maze Public
Simplified genetic algorithm to find solutions for a maze, based on Darwin's natural selection theory.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 16, 2020 -
o-sistema Public
Platform game developed in C# with XNA framework [archive from college]
maze-generator Public
Maze generator with A* pathfinder in JavaScript using p5.js
javascript dfs-algorithm maze-solver bfs-algorithm maze-generation-algorithms p5-js a-star-path-findingJavaScript UpdatedMay 6, 2020 -
widgets-spa Public
Forked from heyjohnford/widgets-spaWidgets Single Page App Demo - React + Express.JS (Node.JS)
JavaScript UpdatedNov 17, 2016 -
sample.coderally.nodeweb Public
Forked from Tihauan/sample.coderally.nodewebNode.js web app for the Liberty-based Code Rally game - running this will let you play the game from a web browser.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 15, 2016 -
OldLot Public
Simple project structure in ASP.Net MVC with DDD architecture and EntityFramework CodeFirst
C# UpdatedJun 29, 2016 -
JSudoku Public
A Sudoku game clone in JS made to study TDD in JavaScript.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 3, 2015 -
validaform3 Public
The all new generation of my javascript form validation tools. Now using jQuery and data attributes.
EntityFramework.Extended Public
Forked from zzzprojects/EntityFramework.ExtendedAdd-on feature for Entity Framework
BoletoASP Public
Classe para geração de boletos em ASP (VBScript). Gera boletos para diversos bancos.
ASPGoogleCharts Public
A classic ASP wrapper for the Google Charts JS API
classicAspUnit Public
A classic ASP unit framework for helping in testing classic asp code.
aspXls Public
A classic ASP Excel reader and writer
validaform Public
Validação de formulários básica e utilidades em JavaScript focada em linguas latinas, mais precisamente portugês do Brasil. (EN) Basic Javascript form validation and utilities focused in latin data…