Guess My Numbers is a game designed by Josh Gottsegen. It involves a 3 x 3 grid of squares where each row represents a guess attempt and each column represents a number.
Every 12 hours, the numbers will change. If a user successfully guesses the numbers, they will have the opportunity to put in their own numbers as well as a link to their personal website / twitter / etc. that will then be available on the application once the 24 hours of the existing numbers is up.
This application runs using Laravel 9.x and PHP 8.1.4. It is configured to use a docker container. Please install Docker Desktop to get started.
Ensure Docker Desktop is running.
Clone the repository onto your local machine.
In your terminal, navigate to the directory of the repository.
Install Laravel Sail locally or globally.
- Install PHP composer. How to install Composer on Mac OS
brew install composer
- Install Laravel Sail. Laravel and Docker: A guide to using Laravel Sail
composer require laravel/sail:1.0.1 --dev alias sail='bash vendor/bin/sail'
- Install PHP composer. How to install Composer on Mac OS
sail up
to create containers and serve the application -
sail yarn install
sail yarn watch
sail composer install
Run frontend
sail yarn watch
Navigate to the application at: http://localhost/
- Install node 14.17.3, yarn 1.22.18, npm 6.14.13, PHP 8.1.7, Composer 2.3.7
- composer install
- yarn install
- Install Xampp(or Mamp for Max) and run MySQL server.
- config .env from .env.example (remember to use instead of localhost)
- php artisan serve
- yarn watch
- Laravel 9.x
- PHP 8.1.4
- Vue.js 3.x
This application will be deployed via Laravel Vapor.
See the Laravel Vapor documentation for more information. How to Deploy Project with Laravel Vapor?
alias vapor='php vendor/bin/vapor'
vapor login
Deploying Production: vapor deploy production
Deploying Staging: vapor deploy staging
Configuring ENVs: vapor env:pull **environment**
&& vapor env:push **environment**