Google Maps for VSCode, inspired by harpoon;
- mark files in your workspace (creating a waypoint)
- quickly access marked files through shortcuts and the teleporter (open a waypoint, or use the teleporter menu)
- circle through marked files (back and forth between waypoints)
- directly edit the waypoints file to add or remove markers
: if true, the teleporter will scroll to the waypoint when teleporting, otherwise it will simply open the file and let VSCode handle the cursor position.
- improved teleporter file descriptions for relative paths
- added setting to prevent teleporter from scrolling:
- added commands to circle through waypoints:
- added an icon to the extension
- added the following commands
: adds a marker to the waypoints file, with the current file, line and column.waypoints.openTeleporter
: opens a waypoint picker to teleport to a marker.waypoints.openWaypoint.(1-9)
: teleports to a marker from 1 to 9.waypoints.viewMap
: opens the waypoints file in vscode.
- No tests!