- Collection of data fields and functions that share a well-defined responsibility
- Example: Point class
- Used in a geometry program
- Data: x coordinate, y coordinate
- Functions:
- DistToOrigin(), Quadrant()
- AddXOffset(), AddYOffset()
- SetX(), SetY()
- Classes are a template which its objects fill them with data
- Contain data fields, not data
- Instance of a class
- Contains real data
- Example: Point class
- Data can be protected from the programmer (i.e. prevent anti-patterns or misuse)
- Data can be accessed only using methods which you have defined
- Maybe we don’t trust the programmer to keep data consistent
- Example: Double distance to origin
- Option 1: Make method DoubleDist()
- Option 2: Trust programmer to double X and Y directly
There is no class keyword in golang as in other languages
- Method has a receiver type that it is associated with
- Method can be defined on package level type i.e. why we can not define methods on std lib data types like ints or floats
- Use dot notation to call the method
package main
import "fmt"
type MyInt int //using alias
func (mi MyInt) Double() int {
return int(mi * 2)
func main() {
v := MyInt(2)
- Object v (in above example) is an implicit argument to the method
- Double method has MyInt obj as implicit argument passed as call by value
- Struct types compose data fields
package main
import (
type Point struct{
x float64
y float64
func (p Point) DistToOrig() {
t := math.Pow(p.x, 2) + math.Pow(p.y, 2)
return math.Sqrt(t)
func main() {
p1 := Point(3, 4)
- Structs represents traditional feature of classes
- Making data fields or methods hidden from the programmer
- Might use a private keyword in another language
- Example: Point struct, Scale() method
- Scale() should multiply x and y coordinates by a constant
- if you don’t trust this to the programmer
- Might scale one coordinate but not the other
- Coordinates could become inconsistent
- Need to hide x and y coordinates
- In case you are building ORM interface and data access methods
- Go can only hide data/methods in a package
- Variables/functions are only exported if their names start with a capital letter
package data
var X int = 1
var Y int = 2
package main
import (
func main(){
- Can define public functions to allow access to hidden data
- Hide fields of structs by starting field name with a lower-case letter
package data
import "fmt"
type Point struct {
x,y float64
func (p *Point) InitMe(xn,yn float64) {
p.x = xn
p.y = yn
func (p *Point) Scale(v float64) {
p.x = p.x * v
p.y = p.y * v
func (p *Point) PrintMe(){
fmt.Println(p.x, p.y)
package main
import "data"
func main() {
var p data.Point
- Regular receiver in method require object copying when they are passed as implicit argument to the method, which can lead to higher memory footprint
- Receiver can be a pointer to a type
- Call by reference, pointer is passed to the method
func (p *Point) OffsetX(v float64) {
p.x = p.x + v
- Do not need to reference when calling the method
func main() {
p := Point{3, 4}
No need to dereference
- Point is referenced as p, not *p
- Dereferencing is automatic with . operator
Good programming practice:
- All methods for a type have pointer receivers, or
- All methods for a type have non-pointer receivers
- Mixing pointer/non-pointer receivers for a type will get confusing
- Pointer receiver allows modification